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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Subjects of Investigation


Location: Engineering and Wind Erosion Research Unit

Project Number: 5430-44000-015-19
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 15, 2006
End Date: Sep 14, 2009

Determine the impact of single kernel and bulk sample characteristics on milling yield and economics.

Properties of single kernels and bulk samples will be measured, and their impact on milling yield and economic return evaluated. Properties that will be studied include: kernel hardness, kernel size, kernel uniformity within samples, the impact of stress cracks or fissuring on SKCS measures and milling, and the effect of blending on milling and bread quality. Impacts on current milling technology and alternative milling technology will be studied. The Cooperator agrees to: 1) Obtain samples with ranges of traits to be studied. 2) Provide milling expertise when designing experiments. This will include advising on mill settings to achieve desired flour quality. The cooperator will also advise on mill design for developing instrumentation to develop a standard procedure to measure kernel hardness. The cooperator will also advise on designing experiments to test new milling concepts, such as milling by resonance destruction. 3) Conduct or oversee tests. 4) Work with ARS to analyze and interpret data,particularly with respect to milling impact. This will include interpreting laser particle size distributions of hard and soft wheat. Characteristics in the distribution curves will be identified and reported ARS as they develop improved hardness calibrations. 5) Work with ARS to publish results in peer reviewed scientific journals and in publications or technical bulletins common to wheat industry practitioners. 6) Provide ARS with semi-annual reports. ARS agrees to: 1) Assist in planning of experiments and studies, analysis of data, and preparation of reports based on data obtained from cooperator investigations. 2) Provide single kernel quality analysis, including hardness testing and kernel morphology measurements. This will include using automated single kernel near-infrared instrumentation to select kernels with specific attributes. For hardness studies, NIR calibrations will be developed from standard hardness reference sets, and confirmed using the SKCS 4100. Samples will then be sorted by hardness index for subsequent milling studies. Similar calibrations will occur for sorting by quality factors such as protein content or vitreousness. The sorted samples can also be blended to give specific ratios of different quality attributes, and their effects on milling and baking studied. 3) Maker personnel, specialized equipment, and working space available to the project as required and mutually agreed upon. All such equipment will remain the property of ARS subject it its disposition.


Project Team
Dowell, Floyd
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
Related National Programs
  Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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