U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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IHS Developer Community  - Getting it All Together

IHS Web Resources


Development Assistance

The IHS Web Team would be more than happy to help you with the development of the following for your web site:

Custom HTML Development
This service is for the client that wants to go beyond the standard template, with a customized design for their web site’s menu or something special done in their Content Area that is beyond their current ability.

Custom Web Graphics
This includes creating pictures or buttons that are not clipart or currently available graphics. This may also include the creation of logos or animated graphics or alterations to pre-existing graphics.

Table Templates for Charts
You may have a specific chart that could be useful on the web site. We can either offer a preformatted template or custom layout to fit your needs.

Forms can be useful to allow clients to immediately input information or as a method of contact that can be emailed directly to an email account.  Since we can no longer use FrontPage extensions and must follow Section 508 requirements, contact your Account Manager if you wish to have a form on your page, but don’t know how to code it yourself.

Content Preparation
All content intended for the web has to be in proper electronic format and meet IHS web Standards and Section 508 guidlines. We can offer suggestions on how to best prepare content for your web site and direct you to documentation that explains the requirements. However, it is the sole responsibility of the Content Manager to provide web-ready content for display in an IHS website. This includes the preparation of WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint and PDF files.

Online Documents
The web team's business does not include creating online documents. This pertains to creating or converting WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, and PDF files. The exclusion also pertains to making documents accessible by meeting Section 508 standards.

Flash animation
Flash MX animation is accessible under Section 508 guidelines. Flash can be used for presentations, instruction and other animation requirements.

ColdFusion Database
Not everyone needs one, but if you feel you absolutely do need database functionality on your web site, consult your Web Team Account Manager to see what services (if any) we can provide.


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  IHS Web Resources
Development Assistance


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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852