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Home » About UNICOR » About FPI Programs » Inmate Transition

The Inmate Transition Branch was established in early 2004, integrating the responsibilities of the Inmate Placement and Volunteer Management Branches. The new branch's mission is to strengthen existing and establish new Bureau of Prisons programs that enhance the post release employment of federal prisoners and the use of community, staff and inmate volunteers.

To accomplish its mission, the ITB assists federal correctional institutions to conduct mock job fairs and to establish employment resource centers (ERC). ERC's assist inmates to prepare for job searches and to assemble in, employment folders, all documents required by employers who may hire them. Each of these efforts stress the importance of motivating inmates to focus on their transition to employment, their families and their communities at least 18 months before their expected release dates.

Inmate Transition

Volunteer programs play a major role in the sequence of pre-release activities. The ITB provides guidance and policy to all institutions to encourage the recruitment of volunteers who support the personal development of inmates. In addition, through volunteer activities, inmates strengthen many of their own personal skills. Staff engage in program efforts which clearly project the agency's commitment to education, faith, the environment, public safety and the welfare of the surrounding community.

Since its inception in 1996, the IPPB/ITB has assisted in the conduct of approximately 500 job fairs in 107 federal prisons. More than 17,500 men and women inmates and over 7100 company recruiters and representatives from education and other community service agencies have participated. In addition, IPPB/ITB staff, on request, have assisted state prisons, regional jails and federal probation services to hold both real and mock job fairs.

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