Mesa Verde National Park - Fire Web Site

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Mesa Verde Prescribed Fires
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Far View Units 1 and 4 were burned in 1999 in the park’s first-ever prescribed fire. Units 1 and 2 were burned in 2001. Depending on weather conditions, additional units may be burned in 2002.

Far View Fuel Treatment Areas through 2001.

Burning operations were conducted on November 2 and 3, 2001. Two units were burned -- Unit 1 (10 acres) and Unit 2 (38 acres), both with drip torches. On November 2, Burn Unit 2 was prepared for the prescribed fire by blacklining around the Far View Visitor Center and along portions of the road. On November 3, the remainder of Unit 2 was blacklined, and the interior was burned out. Near the end of the day, Unit 1 was burned. Resources included one wildland Type 6 engine, one structural Type 1 engine, water tender, and a trailer-mounted pump. Eleven firefighters participated on 11/2, with 20 on 11/3. A hose lay encircled Unit 2 and portions of Unit 1, and a wet line was used to halt fire spread towards Soda Canyon on the eastern perimeter of Unit 2. Click here to see the Fire Monitoring Report.

Far View prescribed fire pictures.

Updated 11/9/06
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