[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR842.602]

[Page 298-299]
                      Subpart F--Survivor Elections
Sec. 842.602  Definitions.

    In this subpart--
    Current spouse means a living person who is married to the employee, 
Member, or retiree at the time of the employee's, Member's, or retiree's 
    Current spouse annuity means a recurring benefit under FERS that is 
payable (after the employee's, Member's or

[[Page 299]]

retiree's death) to a current spouse who meets the requirements of 
Sec. 843.303 of this chapter.
    Deposit means a deposit required to provide a survivor benefit. 
Deposit, as used in this subpart, does not include a service credit 
deposit or redeposit.
    FERS means chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code.
    First regular monthly payment means the first annuity check payable 
on a recurring basis (other than an estimated payment or an adjustment 
check) after OPM has initially adjudicated the regular rate of annuity 
payable under FERS and has paid the annuity accrued since the time of 
retirement. The first regular monthly payment is generally preceded by 
estimated payments before the claim can be adjudicated and by an 
adjustment check (including the difference between the estimated rate 
and the initially adjudicated rate).
    Former spouse means a living person who was married for at least 9 
months to an employee, Member, or retiree who performed at least 18 
months of creditable service under FERS. The ``former spouse's'' 
marriage to the employee must have been terminated prior to the death of 
the employee, Member, or retiree.
    Former spouse annuity means a recurring benefit under FERS that is 
payable to a former spouse after the employee's, Member's, or retiree's 
    Fully reduced annuity means the recurring payments under FERS 
received by a retiree who has elected the maximum reduction in his or 
her annuity to provide a current spouse annuity and/or a former spouse 
annuity or annuities.
    Insurable interest rate means the recurring payments under FERS to a 
retireee who has elected a reduction in annuity to provide a survivor 
annuity to a person with an insurable interest in the retiree.
    Marriage has the same meaning as in Sec. 843.102 of this chapter.
    Member means a Member of Congress.
    Net annuity means the net annuity as defined in Sec. 838.103 of this 
    One-half reduced annuity means the recurring payments under FERS 
received by a retiree who has elected one-half of the full reduction in 
his or her annuity to provide a partial current spouse annuity or a 
partial former spouse annuity or annuities.
    Present value factor means the amount of money (earning interest at 
an assumed rate) required at the time of retirement to fund an annuity 
that starts out at the rate of $1 a month and is payable in monthly 
installments for the annuitant's lifetime based on mortality rates for 
non-disability annuitants under the Civil Service Retirement System; and 
increases each year at an assumed rate of inflation. Interest, 
mortality, and inflation rates used in computing the present value are 
those used by the Board of Actuaries of the Civil Service Retirement 
System for valuation of the System, based on dynamic assumptions. The 
present value factors are unisex factors obtained by averaging six 
distinct present value factors, weighted by the total dollar value of 
annuities typically paid to new retirees at each age.
    Qualifying court order means a court order that awards a former 
spouse annuity and that satisfies the requirements of section 8445 of 
title 5, United States Code, for awarding a former spouse annuity.
    Retiree means a former employee or Member who is receiving recurring 
payments under FERS based on service by the employee or Member. 
``Retiree,'' as used in this subpart, does not include a current spouse, 
former spouse, child, or person with an insurable interest receiving a 
survivor annuity.
    Self-only annuity means the recurring unreduced payments under FERS 
to a retiree with no survivor annuity payable to anyone.
    Time of retirement means the effective commencing date for retired 
employee's or Member's annuity. An employee or Member is unmarried at 
the time of retirement for all purposes under this subpart only if the 
employee or Member was unmarried on the date that the annuity begins to 

[52 FR 2061, Jan. 16, 1987, as amended at 56 FR 65419, Dec. 17, 1991; 57 
FR 33598, July 29, 1992; 57 FR 54678, Nov. 20, 1992; 58 FR 52883, Oct. 
13, 1993]

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