[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 5, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 5CFR842.304]

[Page 289-291]
                      Subpart C--Credit for Service
Sec. 842.304  Civilian service.

    (a) Except as otherwise provided under title III of the Federal 
Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986, an employee or Member is 
entitled to credit for all purposes under FERS for a period of civilian 
service with the Government or the U.S. Postal Service--
    (1) Performed after December 31, 1986, which is covered service 
under subpart A of this part and for which deductions required under 5 
U.S.C. 8422(a) have not been refunded;
    (2) That, other than service under paragraph (a)(1) of this section-
    (i) Was performed before 1989;
    (ii) Would have been creditable under 5 U.S.C. 8332 if the employee 
or Member were subject to subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, 
United States Code, without regard to any deposit, redeposit, or 
coverage requirement under that subchapter; and
    (iii) Is covered by deductions or a deposit required by Sec. 842.305 
and the deductions or deposit have not been refunded after the employee 
or Member first became subject to FERS;
    (3) That was creditable under subchapter II of chapter 8 of title 1 
of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (Foreign Service Pension System), 
    (i) The employee or Member waives credit for the service under the 
Foreign Service Pension System; and
    (ii) The employee or Member makes the deposit required by 
Sec. 842.305, and the deposit is not refunded;
    (4) While on leave of absence without pay, subject to a limit of 6 
months per calendar year, except that the 6-month limit does not apply 
    (i) Performing military service; or
    (ii) Receiving benefits under subchapter I of chapter 81 of title 5, 
United States Code;
    (5) While on approved leave without pay granted to serve as a full-
time officer or employee of an organization composed primarily of 
employees, as defined by section 8331(1) or 8401(11) of title 5, United 
States Code, provided--
    (i) The employee elects, within 60 days after the commencing date of 
leave without pay, to pay to the employing agency the retirement 
deductions and agency contributions that would be applicable if the 
employee were in a pay status;
    (ii) Payments of the deductions and contributions begin on a regular 
basis within 60 days after the commencing date of leave without pay; and
    (iii) Payments of the required deductions and contributions are 
completed and not refunded; and
    (6) While assigned on detail or leave without pay to a State or 
local government under 5 U.S.C. 3373, provided--
    (i) The normal cost percentage (under subpart D of part 841 of this 
chapter) for the employee (who is deemed to continue in the same normal 
cost percentage category as applicable on the date of the assignment) is 
remitted to OPM for each pay period during the assignment; and
    (ii) The employee, or, if he or she dies without making an election, 
his or her survivor, does not elect to receive benefits under any State 
or local government retirement law or program, which OPM determines to 
be similar to FERS.

[[Page 290]]

    (b) Cadet Nurse Corps. (1) Service credit is allowed under Pub. L. 
99-638 for a period of service performed with the Cadet Nurse Corps 
    (i) The service totaled 2 years or more;
    (ii) The individual submits an application for service credit to OPM 
no later than January 10, 1988;
    (iii) The individual is employed by the Federal Government in a 
position subject to subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United 
States Code (other than 5 U.S.C. 8344) or chapter 84 of that title 
(other than 5 U.S.C. 8468) at the time he or she applies to OPM for 
service credit under this provision; and
    (iv) The individual makes a deposit for the service in accordance 
with Sec. 842.305(g) before the date of separation from service on which 
the individual's entitlement to annuity is based.
    (c) National Guard technician service before January 1, 1969--(1) 
Definition. In this section, service as a National Guard technician is 
service performed under section 709 of title 32, United States Code (or 
under a prior corresponding provision of law) before January 1, 1969.
    (2) Employees on or after November 6, 1990. Employees, subject to 
FERS retirement deductions, whose only service as a National Guard 
technician was performed prior to January 1, 1969, are entitled to 
credit under FERS if they--
    (i) Submit to OPM an application for service credit in a form 
prescribed by OPM;
    (ii) Are employed by the Federal Government in a position subject to 
FERS retirement deductions after November 5, 1990; and
    (iii) Complete the deposit for the service through normal service 
credit channels before final adjudication of their application for 
retirement or have the deposit deemed made when they elect the 
alternative form of annuity.
    (3) Former Federal employees. Former Federal employees who were 
subject to FERS retirement deductions and separated after December 31, 
1968, but before November 6, 1990, with title to a deferred annuity, may 
make a deposit for pre-1969 National Guard technician service provided 
    (i) Submit a written application for the pre-1969 National Guard 
technician service to OPM before November 6, 1991; and
    (ii) Complete a deposit for the additional service in a lump sum or 
in installment payments of $50 or more. Payments must be completed 
before their retirement claim is finally adjudicated, unless the deposit 
is deemed made when they elect an alternative form of annuity.
    (4) Annuitants and survivors. (i) Individuals who were entitled to 
receive an immediate annuity (or survivor annuity benefits) as of 
November 6, 1990, may make a deposit for pre-1969 National Guard 
technician service provided they--
    (A) Submit a written application for service credit to OPM before 
November 6, 1991; and
    (B) Complete a deposit for the additional service in a lump sum or 
in equal monthly annuity installments to be completed within 24 months 
of the date of the written application.
    (ii) To determine the commencing date of the deposit installment 
payment period for annuitants and survivors, the ``date of application'' 
will be considered to be the first day of the second month beginning 
after OPM receives a complete written application from the individual.
    (iii) To be a complete application, the individual's written request 
for pre-1969 National Guard technician service credit must also include 
a certification of the dates of employment and the rates of pay received 
by the individual during the employment period. The individual may 
obtain certification of service from the Adjutant General of the State 
in which the service was performed.
    (d) Credit for service performed as an employee of a nonappropriated 
fund instrumentality. (1) Credit for service with a nonappropriated fund 
instrumentality is allowed in accordance with an election under part 847 
of this chapter.
    (2) Service under FERS for which the employee withdrew all 
deductions is creditable in accordance with an election made under part 
847 of this chapter.
    (3) An annuity that includes credit for service with a 
nonappropriated fund instrumentality or refunded service under paragraph 
(d)(2) of this section is

[[Page 291]]

computed under part 847 of this chapter.

[52 FR 18193, May 14, 1987, as amended at 56 FR 6554, Feb. 19, 1991; 56 
FR 55596, Oct. 29, 1991; 61 FR 41720, Aug. 9, 1996]