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Thymoglobuline Versus Alemtuzumab in Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Transplant

Basic Trial Information
Trial Description
     Further Trial Information
     Eligibility Criteria
Trial Contact Information

Basic Trial Information

PhaseTypeStatusAgeSponsorProtocol IDs
Phase III, Phase IITreatmentActive18 to 65OtherEudraCT:2005-000805-68

Trial Description


The purpose of this study is to compare Reduced Intensity Conditioning protocols containing either Thymoglobuline or Alemtuzumab in patients undergoing allogeneic transplant from voluntary unrelated donors.

Further Study Information

The reduction of intensity of conditioning is currently indicated for patients who cannot undergo standard myelo-ablation due to their age, comorbidities or type of pathology. Furthermore, the rationale to use RIC regimens is based on the observation that the infusion of alloreactive donor lymphocytes may yield to a graft versus tumour effect. However, in this kind of regimens the morbidity and TRM due to GvHD are still a concern and in vivo T-depletion is a necessary treatment. Both monoclonal (Alemtuzumab) and polyclonal T-depletion protocols carry risks and benefits. Benefits being a better prophylaxis for GvHD, and risks being an higher incidence of post-transplantation infections and relapse. At the moment, it is not clear which type of regimen, monoclonal or polyclonal, is better for the treatment.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Group 1: 55-65 yo patients suffering from Acute Myeloblastic and Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Myelo-displasia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Idiopathic Myelofibrosis (according to IBMDR operative manual)
  • Group 2: patients <= 65 yo suffering from lympho-proliferative diseases according the REAL classification:
  • High-doses chemotherapy relapsed CLL (B and T)
  • Follicular lymphoma relapsed after 2 standard chemotherapy regimens or after high-doses chemotherapy
  • Mantellar lymphoma relapsed after 1 standard chemotherapy regimen or after high-doses chemotherapy
  • Lympho-plasmacytoid and B marginal zone lymphoma in relapse after 2 standard chemotherapy regimens or after high-doses chemotherapy
  • Advanced (stage ≥ III A) or relapsed T lymphomas
  • Large B-cells lymphomas in 2nd or further complete remission after relapse from high dose chemotherapy and autotransplant or after 2 standard chemotherapy regimens
  • Fungal mycosis in advanced stage (≥ III A) or in chemosensitive relapse after 2 lines of chemotherapy and Sezary syndrome in chemosensitive relapse after 1 line of chemotherapy
  • Hodgkin disease relapse after autotransplant with chemosensitive disease or in relapse after 1 year from chemotherapy and not eligible for autotransplant since an insufficient mobilization of autologous hemopoietic stem cells.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Performance status < 70% (Karnofsky)
  • Left ventricular cardiac ejection fraction < 40% or receiving treatment for heart failure
  • DLCO pulmonary < 40% or receiving continuous oxygen therapy
  • Neuropathy (previous or at present)
  • Pregnancy
  • Patients with arterial hypertension not controlled with multi-pharmacological treatments
  • HIV positive
  • B-CLL with clear evidence of transformation into Richter syndrome
  • Mycosis fungoides with clear evidence of transformation into blasts
  • Hodgkin's disease refractory to chemotherapy
  • Absence of informed consent
  • Psychiatric disease or other condition compromising the signing of the informed consent form or compliance with the treatment

Trial Contact Information

Trial Lead Organizations/Sponsors

Gruppo Italiano Trapianto di Midollo Osseo

Alessandro Rambaldi, MDStudy Chair

Roberto Marchioli, MDPh: +39-0872-570324

Trial Sites

 Ospedale SS. Biagio e Arrigo
 Alessandro LevisPrincipal Investigator
 Bernardino Allione, MDSub-Investigator
 Flavia Salvi, MDSub-Investigator
 Ospedale Torrette University Ancona
 Pietro LeoniPrincipal Investigator
 Mauro Montanari, MDSub-Investigator
 Rossana Re, MDSub-Investigator
 Guido Gini, MDSub-Investigator
 Silvia Trappolini, MDSub-Investigator
 Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo
 Alessandro RambaldiPrincipal Investigator
 Caterina Micò, MDSub-Investigator
 Anna Barbui, MDSub-Investigator
 Federica Delaini, BScSub-Investigator
 Elena Oldani, BScSub-Investigator
 Alessandra Carobbio, StatSub-Investigator
 Ospedale Santa Croce
 Andrea GallaminiPrincipal Investigator
 Nicola Mordini, MDSub-Investigator
 Daniele Mattei, MDSub-Investigator
 Azienda Ospedaliero Careggi
 Alberto Bosi, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Letizia Lombardini, MDSub-Investigator
 Stefano Guidi, MDSub-Investigator
 Chiara Nozzoli, MDSub-Investigator
 Fondazione Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
 Paolo CorradiniPrincipal Investigator
 Vittorio Montefusco, MDSub-Investigator
 Raffaella Milani, MDSub-Investigator
 Francesco Zallio, MDSub-Investigator
 Anna Dodero, MDSub-Investigator
 Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
 Davide Soligo, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Elena Tagliaferri, MDSub-Investigator
 Federica Grifoni, MDSub-Investigator
 Claudia Vener, MDSub-Investigator
 Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo
 Emilio Paolo Alessandrino, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Daniela Caldera, MDSub-Investigator
 Anna Colombo, MDSub-Investigator
 Paolo Bernasconi, MDSub-Investigator
 Margherita Maffioli, MDSub-Investigator
 Ospedale Civile Pescara
 Paolo Di Bartolomeo, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Stella Santarone, MDSub-Investigator
 Gabriele Papalinetti, MDSub-Investigator
 Ospedale Santa Chiara Pisa
 Mario Petrini, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Edoardo Benedetti, MDSub-Investigator
 Federico Papineschi, MDSub-Investigator
 Francesco Caracciolo, MDSub-Investigator
 Rossella Riccioni, MDSub-Investigator
  Reggio Calabria
 Ospedale Malacrino
 Pasquale Iacopino, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Giuseppe Console, MDSub-Investigator
 Giuseppe Messina, MDSub-Investigator
 Policlinico A. Gemelli - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
 Luca Laurenti, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Simona Sica, MDSub-Investigator
 Giovanni Reddiconto, MDSub-Investigator
 University La Sapienza
 Roberto Foà, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Anna Paola Iori, MDSub-Investigator
 Giovanni Fernando Torelli, MDSub-Investigator
 Filippo Milano, MDSub-Investigator
 Barbarella Lucarelli, MDSub-Investigator
  Rozzano (MI)
 Istituto Clinico Humanitas
 Armando SantoroPrincipal Investigator
 Luca Castagna, MDSub-Investigator
 Elisabetta Todisco, MDSub-Investigator
 Barbara Sarina, MDSub-Investigator
 Rita Mazza, MDSub-Investigator
 Antonella Anastasia, MDSub-Investigator
  S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)
 Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza
 Nicola Cascavilla, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Michele Mario Greco, MDSub-Investigator
 Angelo Michele Carella, MDSub-Investigator
 Michele Nobile, MDSub-Investigator
 Azienda Sanitaria Ospedale San Giovanni Battista Molinette di Torino
 Michele Falda, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Franco Locatelli, MDSub-Investigator
 Alessandro Busca, MDSub-Investigator
 Policlinico Universitario Udine
 Renato Fanin, MDPrincipal Investigator
 Michela Cerno, MDSub-Investigator
 Alessandra Sperotto, MDSub-Investigator
 Francesca Patriarca, MDSub-Investigator

Link to the current record.
NLM Identifer NCT00354120
Information obtained from on March 18, 2009

Note: Information about this trial is from the database. The versions designated for health professionals and patients contain the same text. Minor changes may be made to the record to standardize the names of study sponsors, sites, and contacts. only lists sites that are recruiting patients for active trials, whereas lists all sites for all trials. Questions and comments regarding the presented information should be directed to

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