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Community API Murals in LA
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Through the Leadership In Action internship with Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP) a group of 9 interns put together a project, better known as APeyes. We researched, made site visits and and talked to community members and leaders about murals in their community. Our project APeyes: Catching A Glimpse of API Murals in Los Angeles , aims to increase awareness, visibility, and knowledge on existing API murals in Southern California . We believe that understanding the significance behind the API murals will deepen our desires to understand our various communities. Moreover, we wanted to explore the possibilities of community based mural making as a site of activism in its preservation of our collective public and cultural memories that are not reflected in mainstream art.
Asian Americans at the Ballot Box
Friday, 27 October 2006
The Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC) has released a new report, Asian Americans at the Ballot Box, that sheds light on the potential power and complexity of the Asian American vote in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

The full report can be downloaded at
Telecom Rights Presentations
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Amirah Limayo, Community Educator at the Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA), is holding free workshop presentations to the Asian community on telecom abuse and identity fraud. Some of the topics covered are

- Tips to prevent identity theft
- Who to contact if you have been defrauded
- Knowing your rights as a cellular phone/ telephone consumer
- Understanding your phone bills
- Protecting yourself from telephone scams
- Choosing legitimate phone services

Please contact Amirah at (213) 382 – 1819 ext. 129. More information about Communities for Telecom Rights, please go to the website .
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