Office of Non-Public Education (ONPE)

Education Programs

Agency:National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Program:Education Programs

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) supports teachers—including those in private schools—who wish to strengthen and expand their understanding of history, literature, foreign languages and culture, and other areas of the humanities. With NEH support, teachers explore a topic or set of readings with scholars having special interest and expertise in the field.

For a list of Education Programs offered by NEH see:

Summer Seminars and Institutes
Each year, NEH offers teachers opportunities to study humanities topics in a variety of Summer Seminars and Institutes. Seminars enable fifteen participants to explore a topic or set of readings with one scholar. The core material of the seminar need not relate directly to the school curriculum; the principal goal of the seminar is to engage teachers in the scholarly enterprise and to expand and deepen their understanding of the humanities through reading, discussion, writing, and reflection. Institutes are typically led by a team of core faculty and visiting scholars, and are designed to present the best available scholarship on important humanities issues and works taught in the nation's schools. The 25 to 30 participating teachers compare and synthesize the various perspectives offered by the faculty, make connections between the institute content and classroom applications, and often develop improved teaching materials for their classrooms. Each format may last from two to six weeks. Full-time teachers in American K-12 schools, whether public, private, or church-affiliated, as well as home-schooling parents, are eligible to apply to seminars and institutes. Americans teaching abroad are also eligible if a majority of the students they teach are American citizens. Librarians and school administrators may also be eligible. Selection committees are directed to give first consideration to applicants who have not participated in an NEH-supported seminar or institute in the last three years. Participants receive stipends to help cover the cost of travel and living expenses.

Prospective applicants can request information from as many seminar and institute directors as they wish but may apply to only one project. Requests for information and completed applications should not be directed to the National Endowment for the Humanities; they should be addressed to the individual projects.

For a complete list of both seminars and institutes offered, call 202-606-8380 or see

Landmarks of American History and Culture
Landmarks of American History and Culture workshops provide the opportunity for K-12 educators to engage in intensive study and discussion of important topics in American history. These one-week academies will give participants direct experiences in the interpretation of significant historical sites and the use of archival and other primary historical evidence. Classroom teachers and librarians in public, private, parochial, and charter schools, as well as home-schooling parents are eligible to participate. Other K-12 school personnel, including administrators, substitute teachers, and classroom paraprofessionals, are also eligible to participate, subject to available space. Individuals may apply to and participate in a maximum of two Landmarks workshops. Past or present participation in the NEH Seminars and Institutes program does not affect an individual's eligibility to participate in Landmarks programs.

For a complete list of Landmarks of American History and Culture projects, call 202-606-8380 or see

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Last Modified: 05/07/2009