Spine Health IQ


Know Your Back Quiz


  Do you know how to take care of your back?  

You've probably heard numerous recommendations about how best to take care of your back. But do you really know, for example,  if you should use ice or heat on your back? Or if a back belt helps you lift more weight?

Take this quiz to find out what's fact and what's fiction. Scroll to the bottom for correct answers.

1. How should you protect your back when lifting?
a. keep your back straight
b. stand with your feet parallel
c. hold your load close to your body

2. True or False?  Back belts allow you to lift more weight.
a. true
b. false

3. Which is better for your back: pushing or pulling?
a. pushing
b. pulling

4. True or False?  Prolonged bed rest will cure back pain.
a. true
b. false

5. True or False? Heat is best for acute (severe) back pain.
a. true
b. false

6. True of False? Being overweight can contribute to back pain.
a. true
b. false

7. True or False? If you have back pain, you should not do weight-bearing exercises.
a. true
b. false

8. True or False? Strengthening abdominal muscles may prevent back pain and provide some relief if you already have back pain.
a. true
b. false

9. The best time to stretch is:
a. in the morning
b. throughout the day
c. after work


1. The correct answer is: c. Hold your load close to your body to avoid straining your back when lifting (especially heavy objects.)

2. False.  Back belts do not make you stronger!

3. The correct answer is: a. Pushing.  It is better than pulling because your body weight provides the thrust.

4. False.  While a brief period of rest may help, staying in bed too long will weaken muscles.

5. False.  Anti-inflammatories and gentle stretching are best, followed by an ice pack.

6. True.  Excess weight, especially in the stomach, shifts your center of gravity forward and puts additional strain on your back muscles.

7. False.  Strength training can help alleviate back pain and prevent further injury, but ask your doctor for guidance.

8. True. Abdominal muscles help support the back, so strong "abs" can take some of the strain off your back muscles.

9. The correct answer is: b. Throughout the day. Stretching keeps your muscles flexible and helps avoid injury.

How well did you do?
The more you know, the better chance you have of avoiding back pain - which affects 80% of the adult population and is the second most common reason people visit their doctors. If you have back pain or want to know how to avoid it, consult a spine care specialist. Your family physician can refer you to a spine specialist if you don't know of one, or you can search NASS' Spine Care Provider Search