Unemployment Insurance
Information and Access To Benefits
Last Updated: December 16, 2008

You are here:  DOL Web Site bullet Unemployment bullet Information and Access to Benefits


bullet APPEALS (How and Where to file appeals, how the process works)

bullet Claimants' Guide To Unemployment Insurance (PDF, 154KB) / Guia del reclamante para beneficios del desempleo (PDF, 158KB)

bullet Claims Filing by Phone (How, When, FAQ's, What to do if you have problems)

bullet Dislocated Worker / Rapid Response (Rapid Response information for Employers, resources for Dislocated Workers)

bullet FAQ's on Unemployment Insurance Benefits

bullet File Your Initial Claim / Weekly Claim / Conduct an Inquiry on the Internet (También en español!)

bullet Separation Packet / "PINK SLIP" (Employers & Employees can use these for separation from employment)

bullet Shutdown Claim Form (For Holiday/Vacation shutdowns, temporary furloughs, etc.)

bullet U.I. Statutes (The General Statutes concerning Unemployment Insurance Benefits)

bullet U.I. Substantive Regulations (The CT Unemployment Insurance Agency Regulations)


Published by the Connecticut Department of Labor, Project Management Office