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AGA serves government accountability professionals by providing quality education, fostering professional development and certification, and supporting standards and research to advance government accountability.

Tracking the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Top News

Today on the AGA Blog: So, You Want a Federal Job...Angela Bailey, Deputy Associate Director, Center for Talent and Capacity Policy, U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Read more.

Obama's Budget Knife Yields Modest Trims —Lori Montgomery and Amy Goldstein, The Washington Post. Read more.

Intense Financial Pressure Led to Increase in Fraud —ACFE.
Read more.

Upcoming Professional Development Conference (PDC) Session Topics Now Available Online View the various educational sessions that are in store for you as a conference attendee. Learn more.

Register Now for An AGA Audio Conference!
May 13 - Ethics in the Workplace
View the 2009-2010 Audio Conference Schedule.

NEW! AGA's FMSB Comments on Recovery Act Guidance in the Federal RegisterIn the Financial Management Standard Board’s (FMSB) opinion, both the states and the federal agencies will be interested in these data elements and the reporting that follows. A serious concern for the states is who will pay for the work required to modify reporting systems to comply. Read more.

AGA Research Report: Performance-Based Management - Public officials can speed up and enhance government reforms and transparency through performance-based management (PBM) right now with modest changes to existing information systems.  Read the report.

AGA Issues Comprehensive Education Catalog
Looking for information about CPE? Want to bring onsite training to your staff? Thinking about attending an AGA national conference this year? Ready to take advantage of online CPE offerings? You've come to the right place! AGA's New Education Catalog summarizes our wide range of CPE offerings in one, easy-to-read publication. Download your copy! Contact Bekka Gerhmann with questions or to receive printed copies of the catalog.

AGA Research Report: Grants Management: How XBRL Can Help: Grants are a major conduit whereby the federal government provides funds to states and other recipients. The situation today is difficult for recipients because they have to manage multiple requirements, often for very similar grant programs, and there is no streamlined process for reporting the progress to the federal agency or agencies. Read the report.

Attention Government Employers! AGA’s NEW Group Membership Can Lead to Significant Cost Savings on Your Staff’s Training and Development! Click here to learn more.

Searching for a New Credit Card?
Apply now for the new MBNA AGA
Platinum Plus MasterCard Credit Card.
Click here to learn more.


Current News

NEW! Edward DeSeve to Headline AGA Leadership Breakfast: June 4, 2009, 7:30 a.m., Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C.Edward DeSeve, Special Advisor to the President, Assistant to the Vice President and Special Advisor to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director for Implementation of the Recovery Act will discuss the progress and challenges government financial managers are facing with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. AGA’s Leadership Breakfasts bring private sector and government executives together to exchange information, solve issues and build partnership and trust. Reserve Your Free Spot Today! Government Executive Registration Form | Corporate Partner Registration Form
Questions? Contact Susan Fritzlen.

NEW! Edward DeSeve to Discuss 'Making the Recovery Work' on May 19 AGA Radio ShowJoin AGA Executive Director, Relmond Van Daniker, and WFED's Jane Norris as they interview Edward DeSeve, Special Advisor to the President, Assistant to the Vice President and Special Advisor to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director for Implementation of the Recovery Act. The show airs on WFED AM 1500 and online. Tune in.

AGA's Emerging Leaders Featured on YouTube Video — Take a minute to listen to several AGA emerging leaders offer their insights and observations about AGA's recent National Leadership Conference (NLC) experience from their perspective. View now.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY! Sign up for AGA's Intensive Review Course and take the CGFM Examinations before the Professional Development Conference. The Intensive Review Course will take place on June 18-19, 2009. The CGFM Examinations will be offered by appointment only on June 20-21, 2009. The cost of the course is only $249 for qualified participants, and it offers 18 CPE hours. Special Bonus: the CGFM Examinations are offered at no cost to course attendees. Click here for registration, eligibility and examination information.

Names of Active CGFMs Published on AGA Website We are happy to recognize the accomplishment of achieving the CGFM designation by proudly displaying a list of the active CGFMs on AGA website. Click here for more information.

Take the AGA/Grant Thornton LLP Online Survey on Government Financial Issues    This online survey is being conducted both in the U.S. through AGA and in Canada through the Institute for Financial Management. Topics include financial reporting, dealing with tough financial times and top concerns of financial professionals. Give us your ideas for improving government financial management in the 14th annual CFO Survey. Click here to take part in this anonymous survey.

AGA Research Report: Procuring Audit Services in Government: A Practical Guide to Making the Right Decision This research paper, which is written as a guide, seeks to clarify for the non-auditor exactly what an audit entails, the professional standards followed, who can perform an audit, the value derived from an audit, and the standards and oversight to which government auditors and independent public accountants (hereafter referred to as CPA firms) are subject to when performing government audits. Read more.




Association of Government Accountants   2208 Mount Vernon Avenue   Alexandria, VA 22301   PH 703.684.6931   TF 800.AGA.7211   FX 703.548.9367