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About volunteering for DDS
Welcome to the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped PDF Print E-mail

Sell DentaCheques - Win a Trip to Annual DTA Meeting

As its primary source of revenue, NFDH produces and sells DentaCheques, the dental-product value book.  Without the support of the dental trade industry, DentaCheques would not be possible. The generous participation of over 400 sales reps from companies like Henry Schein Dental, Patterson Dental, Benco and A. Leventhal & Sons work to promote and sell the book.  read more

Donated Dental Services (DDS) Spotlighted in ADA Production

The Donated Dental Services (DDS)  program was recognized as an exemplary charity
by theADA with a video segment featuring DDS Volunteer, Dr. Ray Unland of  Louisiana.
watch video


The National Foundation would like to thank all of its endorsing organizations for their support.

The NFDH is a charitable affiliate of the

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