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Be Ready. Be Buckled. '09 Calendar—Text-only Description

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Each month of this 2009 calendar displays a selected child's safety poster and a safety related message.

Front cover, images from childrens' safety poster contest 2009 CALENDAR
Safety Belts–A Way of Life!
Be Ready. Be Buckled.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Logo, "Be Ready. Be Buckled."
Logo, "Click It or Ticket."

JANUARY 2009, Poster- 2008 National Be Ready. Be Buckled. Poster Contest Winner, Sara O’Dell, Age 9, Oklahoma."Safety belts save lives, and the poster contest was an excellent way to encourage and remind truck drivers and their passengers to always buckle up and instill in our children a lifelong safety habit. Whenever truck drivers see this winning poster, I hope they are reminded to Be Ready. Be Buckled. because their families and children need them."
–John H. Hill, Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

FEBRUARY 2009, Poster by Chyanne Jenkins, Age 10, Florida. An occupant of a vehicle is four times as likely to be fatally injured when thrown from the vehicle. The lap and shoulder belt design has been proven to hold a driver securely behind the wheel in the event of a crash, greatly increasing the driver’s ability to maintain control of the vehicle and minimizing the chance for serious injury or death.

MARCH 2009, Poster by Skye Jenkins, Age 5, Florida. Over 80% of fatal truck crashes occur during normal daytime driving conditions. Don’t let the clear skies fool you…buckle up, every trip every time!

APRIL 2009, Poster by Brooke Snyder, Age 12, Pennsylvania. If buckled up, you can be sure of staying at the wheel and in control of the vehicle. This increases your ability to properly react to any situation and pose less of a threat to other drivers.

MAY 2009, Poster by Dalton Taylor Edmonds, Age 10, Kentucky. CLICK IT OR TICKET! May 3 - 9, North American Occupational Safety and Health Week. May 6, Occupational Safety and Health Day. May 18 - 30, Traffic Enforcement Weeks: Click It or Ticket 2009.

June 2009, Poster by Hunter Jenkins, Age 12, Florida. Buckle Up! It’s the Law. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations require commercial motor vehicle drivers to wear safety belts (49 CFR 392.16). June 2-4, Traffic Enforcement Week: Roadcheck 2009.

July 2009, Poster by Bailey Rice, Age 9, Indiana. Good drivers usually don’t cause collisions, but it’s possible that during your career you will be involved in a crash caused by a bad driver, bad weather, mechanical failure, or tire blowout. Wearing a safety belt prevents injuries and fatalities by preventing ejection, and by protecting your head and spinal cord.

AUGUST 2009, Poster by Emily O’Dell, Age 7, Oklahoma. The weight of a commercial motor vehicle is 10 times the weight of passenger cars and trucks. You must maintain control of your vehicle to ensure defensive driving measures. August 21 - September 7, Traffic Enforcement Weeks: Impaired Driving Crackdown 2009.

SEPTEMBER 2009, Poster by Bronson Bitner, Age 7, Pennsylvania. Buckling up takes about three seconds. Even buckling up 20 times a day requires only one minute.

OCTOBER 2009, Poster by Andrew Rauschnot, Age 9, Minnesota. In a frontal collision occurring at 30 mph, an unbelted person continues to move forward at 30 mph causing him/her to hit the windshield at about 30 mph. This is the same velocity a person falling from the top of a three story building would experience upon impact with the ground.

NOVEMBER 2009, Poster by Trent Noel, Age 12, Montana. Safety is Good Business! Buckle up. Every Trip. Every Time.

DECEMBER 2009, Poster by Zackery Wilkey-Maki, Age 9, North Carolina. Wearing a safety belt is not a personal decision that doesn’t affect anyone else. It can certainly affect your family and loved ones.

JANUARY 2010, Poster by Sammi Francis, Age 9, Montana. Buckle up. Your family needs you!

Back cover, thumbnail images of all months' posters.
Join the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Belt Partnership in encouraging CMV drivers to fasten their safety belts!

  • American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • American Trucking Associations
  • Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
  • Commercial Vehicle Training Association
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Great West Casualty Company
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police
  • Motor Freight Carriers Association
  • National Association of Publicly Funded Truck Driving Schools
  • National Highway Traffi c Safety Administration
  • National Private Truck Council
  • National Safety Council
  • National Tank Truck Carriers
  • Network of Employers for Traffi c Safety
  • Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
  • Professional Truck Driver Institute
  • Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
  • Truckload Carriers Association
  • Truck Manufacturers Association Safety Belts—A Way of Life!

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