U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy.
SSI Annual Statistical Report, 2005


Table 50.
Suspensions, by age of recipient and reason for suspension, 1997–2005
Year Total Excess
Death In
In public
Failed to
No longer
All ages
1997 1,259,500 525,700 194,700 45,300 87,000 35,500 2,000 37,500 54,800 21,000 19,800 18,500 193,800 23,900
1998 1,140,100 524,200 201,100 49,500 90,900 37,000 2,200 34,400 50,000 28,200 18,800 15,300 81,500 7,000
1999 1,203,600 552,100 195,300 46,300 88,600 43,700 2,200 37,300 59,000 37,700 21,100 3,300 108,800 8,200
2000 1,220,200 562,200 203,400 49,400 94,000 39,000 2,000 37,200 59,100 50,200 22,700 0 90,600 10,400
2001 1,238,800 575,900 193,500 50,000 106,600 48,400 2,700 37,100 64,300 51,900 19,600 7,400 67,500 13,900
2002 1,295,200 596,400 202,700 50,000 105,200 46,800 2,800 33,200 64,900 53,600 21,600 6,600 90,600 20,800
2003 1,257,900 579,700 194,500 45,100 119,900 47,000 2,500 32,700 64,700 45,600 22,100 7,500 74,800 21,800
2004 1,303,100 614,700 195,600 44,300 122,600 45,700 2,000 34,600 69,200 47,700 26,100 6,500 70,200 23,900
2005 1,289,210 608,410 199,670 44,400 130,030 39,320 2,450 35,610 75,560 31,700 24,710 8,380 65,900 23,070
Under age 18
1997 336,500 104,000 4,600 900 15,800 7,300 700 17,400 6,100 8,200 900 3,900 160,600 6,100
1998 198,700 98,200 5,400 1,000 13,800 7,200 700 14,100 4,200 10,000 600 3,000 39,100 1,400
1999 231,500 106,300 5,000 900 16,700 7,300 1,000 14,300 4,600 15,200 800 300 57,800 1,300
2000 224,100 112,700 6,400 1,000 18,300 6,600 400 15,800 3,300 19,400 700 0 38,200 1,300
2001 203,200 107,400 5,100 900 17,500 9,100 700 14,800 3,300 17,800 400 500 24,700 1,000
2002 233,800 116,100 5,700 900 22,000 9,800 700 13,300 4,500 22,200 600 0 36,900 1,100
2003 218,300 115,500 4,000 800 23,900 9,300 500 13,700 4,300 19,600 300 500 24,900 1,000
2004 225,600 110,900 5,500 1,100 30,400 9,000 700 13,000 3,800 20,000 1,000 200 28,400 1,600
2005 205,760 108,750 5,210 800 27,650 8,150 460 12,870 3,740 12,930 740 280 23,020 1,160
Aged 18–64
1997 652,100 355,300 79,300 12,800 48,200 17,100 1,300 18,000 47,600 9,900 5,400 10,600 33,200 13,400
1998 662,200 358,000 77,200 14,700 53,600 18,600 1,500 18,500 44,800 14,500 5,900 8,100 42,400 4,400
1999 697,700 375,200 78,600 10,400 52,800 22,400 1,200 21,100 53,300 17,500 6,000 2,100 51,000 6,100
2000 719,500 385,100 84,500 12,600 53,700 19,600 1,500 19,400 54,500 24,400 4,200 0 52,400 7,600
2001 760,200 403,000 81,900 14,700 64,300 24,200 2,000 20,600 60,100 26,300 4,200 4,900 42,800 11,200
2002 793,100 421,800 88,200 14,200 59,900 22,900 2,100 18,800 59,100 25,500 4,200 4,100 53,700 18,600
2003 772,700 403,900 87,200 12,800 69,100 23,000 2,000 17,000 59,400 19,500 4,800 5,100 49,800 19,100
2004 804,100 433,400 87,100 14,000 66,900 22,800 1,300 20,300 64,700 20,700 5,900 4,600 41,800 20,600
2005 823,790 437,240 90,210 15,980 75,350 21,260 1,980 20,600 70,410 14,770 6,310 6,420 42,870 20,390
Aged 65 or older
1997 270,900 66,400 110,800 31,600 23,000 11,100 0 2,100 1,100 2,900 13,500 4,000 0 4,400
1998 279,200 68,000 118,500 33,800 23,500 11,200 0 1,800 1,000 3,700 12,300 4,200 0 1,200
1999 274,400 70,600 111,700 35,000 19,100 14,000 0 1,900 1,100 5,000 14,300 900 0 800
2000 276,600 64,400 112,500 35,800 22,000 12,800 100 2,000 1,300 6,400 17,800 0 0 1,500
2001 275,400 65,500 106,500 34,400 24,800 15,100 0 1,700 900 7,800 15,000 2,000 0 1,700
2002 268,300 58,500 108,800 34,900 23,300 14,100 0 1,100 1,300 5,900 16,800 2,500 0 1,100
2003 266,900 60,300 103,300 31,500 26,900 14,700 0 2,000 1,000 6,500 17,000 1,900 100 1,700
2004 273,400 70,400 103,000 29,200 25,300 13,900 0 1,300 700 7,000 19,200 1,700 0 1,700
2005 259,660 62,420 104,250 27,620 27,030 9,910 10 2,140 1,410 4,000 17,660 1,680 10 1,520
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format). Data through 2004 are based on a 1 percent sample; data for 2005 are based on a 10 percent sample.
NOTE: Includes multiple suspensions per person.
CONTACT: Alfreda Brooks (410) 965-9849 or ssi.asr@ssa.gov.
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Table 51.
Recipients suspended, by age and reason for suspension, 1997–2005
Year Total Excess
Death In
In public
Failed to
furnish report
All ages
1997 1,157,000 449,400 194,700 42,100 80,300 34,300 1,900 32,300 51,200 18,100 19,200 17,700 193,200 22,600
1998 1,052,700 457,300 201,100 47,900 83,900 35,800 1,900 30,900 47,600 26,100 18,100 14,300 80,900 6,900
1999 1,092,700 461,300 195,300 44,600 82,800 42,900 1,900 34,600 55,000 35,600 20,800 3,300 107,200 7,400
2000 1,109,900 472,900 203,400 46,900 87,000 38,000 2,000 35,000 56,100 47,300 22,000 0 89,500 9,800
2001 1,123,300 485,500 193,500 47,500 97,000 47,500 2,500 33,900 59,600 49,500 19,100 7,300 66,900 13,500
2002 1,175,500 509,100 202,700 48,100 96,000 45,500 2,600 27,700 59,000 47,500 20,800 6,300 90,100 20,100
2003 1,148,900 499,600 194,500 43,500 110,500 45,800 2,300 30,500 59,800 41,200 21,400 7,500 72,200 20,100
2004 1,192,900 533,200 195,600 43,100 113,900 44,600 1,900 30,600 64,200 43,800 25,000 6,500 68,200 22,300
2005 1,177,350 526,050 199,670 42,430 119,630 38,040 2,350 32,650 69,870 29,430 23,930 8,200 63,790 21,310
Under age 18
1997 299,500 75,100 4,600 900 14,200 6,800 700 14,200 5,800 6,900 800 3,500 160,300 5,700
1998 169,900 73,300 5,400 900 12,800 6,600 600 13,000 4,000 9,400 600 2,900 39,000 1,400
1999 197,200 77,000 5,000 900 15,400 7,000 800 13,800 3,900 14,200 600 300 57,100 1,200
2000 183,800 76,500 6,400 1,000 16,900 6,300 500 15,100 3,200 18,100 600 0 38,000 1,200
2001 167,000 75,200 5,100 800 15,700 9,000 700 13,800 3,000 17,300 300 400 24,700 1,000
2002 191,400 81,200 5,700 800 20,700 9,400 700 10,900 4,200 19,300 600 0 36,900 1,000
2003 177,700 79,900 4,000 800 22,300 8,700 400 13,300 4,300 18,000 300 500 24,300 900
2004 183,800 76,100 5,500 900 28,500 8,800 700 11,900 3,400 17,700 900 200 27,600 1,600
2005 169,060 77,340 5,210 720 25,540 7,840 460 12,020 3,580 11,860 730 260 22,400 1,100
Aged 18–64
1997 599,200 317,100 79,300 10,700 44,100 16,800 1,200 16,200 44,300 8,500 5,200 10,200 32,900 12,700
1998 614,800 324,100 77,200 13,600 49,300 18,400 1,300 16,300 42,600 13,000 5,400 7,400 41,900 4,300
1999 633,200 323,800 78,600 9,300 49,200 22,000 1,100 19,000 50,000 16,500 6,000 2,100 50,100 5,500
2000 662,600 340,600 84,500 11,100 49,400 19,300 1,500 18,100 51,600 23,500 4,200 0 51,500 7,300
2001 693,000 353,300 81,900 13,000 58,200 23,700 1,800 18,400 55,700 24,800 4,200 4,900 42,200 10,900
2002 726,100 375,100 88,200 13,200 54,000 22,500 1,900 15,700 53,700 22,500 4,200 3,900 53,200 18,000
2003 712,800 363,700 87,200 11,500 63,100 22,700 1,900 15,200 54,500 17,600 4,800 5,100 47,800 17,700
2004 744,900 392,800 87,100 13,200 61,300 22,300 1,200 17,500 60,100 19,300 5,800 4,600 40,600 19,100
2005 758,910 392,840 90,210 14,660 68,710 20,600 1,880 18,690 64,950 13,720 6,120 6,320 41,380 18,830
Aged 65 or older
1997 258,300 57,200 110,800 30,500 22,000 10,700 0 1,900 1,100 2,700 13,200 4,000 0 4,200
1998 268,000 59,900 118,500 33,400 21,800 10,800 0 1,600 1,000 3,700 12,100 4,000 0 1,200
1999 262,300 60,500 111,700 34,400 18,200 13,900 0 1,800 1,100 4,900 14,200 900 0 700
2000 263,500 55,800 112,500 34,800 20,700 12,400 0 1,800 1,300 5,700 17,200 0 0 1,300
2001 263,300 57,000 106,500 33,700 23,100 14,800 0 1,700 900 7,400 14,600 2,000 0 1,600
2002 258,000 52,800 108,800 34,100 21,300 13,600 0 1,100 1,100 5,700 16,000 2,400 0 1,100
2003 258,400 56,000 103,300 31,200 25,100 14,400 0 2,000 100 5,600 16,300 1,900 100 1,500
2004 264,200 64,300 103,000 29,000 24,100 13,500 0 1,200 700 6,800 18,300 1,700 0 1,600
2005 249,380 55,870 104,250 27,050 25,380 9,600 10 1,940 1,340 3,850 17,080 1,620 10 1,380
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format). Data through 2004 are based on a 1 percent sample; data for 2005 are based on a 10 percent sample.
CONTACT: Alfreda Brooks (410) 965-9849 or ssi.asr@ssa.gov.
Top of page. Table of contents.
Table 52.
Recipients suspended for at least 12 months, by age and reason for suspension, 1997–2004
Year Total Excess
Death In
In public
Failed to
furnish report
No longer
All ages
1997 770,000 282,100 194,700 31,300 27,400 19,200 700 5,600 25,300 9,400 12,700 4,800 152,100 4,700
1998 681,500 285,500 201,100 38,900 22,900 18,600 700 5,000 19,700 9,000 10,100 2,400 63,300 4,300
1999 699,000 282,800 195,300 36,100 22,800 24,200 700 4,800 20,600 13,500 11,700 2,000 80,000 4,500
2000 695,500 284,900 203,400 35,500 23,800 20,200 1,000 5,400 20,500 15,100 10,300 2,700 66,500 6,200
2001 674,000 284,300 193,500 37,000 21,600 25,700 1,100 4,800 20,500 15,500 9,700 5,400 47,800 7,100
2002 722,500 311,900 202,700 36,600 22,200 24,500 1,100 3,900 20,700 14,200 10,400 4,900 60,300 9,100
2003 684,800 311,200 194,500 32,000 24,200 22,700 1,500 3,700 19,700 12,600 9,800 4,700 39,200 9,000
2004 718,820 333,150 195,600 32,360 25,250 22,340 1,330 4,080 21,120 12,080 13,060 4,300 44,620 9,530
Under age 18
1997 157,900 31,500 4,600 100 5,100 3,600 0 1,800 1,900 3,000 600 200 104,400 1,100
1998 82,200 28,700 5,400 500 3,700 2,900 200 2,500 2,100 3,200 500 300 31,200 1,000
1999 95,500 25,100 5,000 100 3,700 5,000 400 2,200 2,100 5,300 400 300 45,000 900
2000 80,200 24,100 6,400 200 4,100 3,700 200 3,000 1,600 6,600 200 300 28,800 1,000
2001 68,400 23,400 5,100 400 4,200 5,900 300 2,000 1,500 5,900 100 200 18,700 700
2002 83,100 27,900 5,700 400 4,800 5,700 0 2,300 1,400 6,500 200 0 27,500 700
2003 63,700 25,600 4,000 100 3,900 5,000 200 2,500 1,500 5,200 200 800 14,100 800
2004 67,680 23,290 5,500 210 4,720 4,980 260 1,980 1,810 4,850 570 170 18,550 790
Aged 18–64
1997 408,300 212,000 79,300 5,800 12,500 9,700 700 3,100 22,900 5,100 3,700 3,300 47,700 2,500
1998 388,500 220,100 77,200 8,800 10,000 9,200 500 1,900 17,000 4,300 3,500 1,100 32,100 2,800
1999 397,900 221,300 78,600 6,100 10,800 11,700 300 2,200 17,700 6,100 3,800 1,000 35,000 3,300
2000 414,900 228,200 84,500 5,700 12,600 9,900 800 1,800 18,200 7,100 2,300 1,500 37,700 4,600
2001 409,200 229,300 81,900 7,900 9,600 11,800 800 2,100 18,700 7,400 2,200 3,100 29,100 5,300
2002 446,400 254,800 88,200 8,200 9,900 11,800 1,100 1,300 18,900 6,700 2,100 2,900 32,800 7,700
2003 431,400 253,100 87,200 7,400 11,900 10,400 1,300 800 17,400 4,600 2,000 2,800 25,100 7,200
2004 463,000 278,050 87,100 8,390 11,980 10,430 1,060 1,700 18,740 5,210 3,310 3,020 26,070 7,940
Aged 65 or older
1997 203,800 38,600 110,800 25,400 9,800 5,900 0 700 500 1,300 8,400 1,300 0 1,100
1998 210,800 36,700 118,500 29,600 9,200 6,500 0 600 600 1,500 6,100 1,000 0 500
1999 205,600 36,400 111,700 29,900 8,300 7,500 0 400 800 2,100 7,500 700 0 300
2000 200,400 32,600 112,500 29,600 7,100 6,600 0 600 700 1,400 7,800 900 0 600
2001 196,400 31,600 106,500 28,700 7,800 8,000 0 700 300 2,200 7,400 2,100 0 1,100
2002 193,000 29,200 108,800 28,000 7,500 7,000 0 300 400 1,000 8,100 2,000 0 700
2003 189,700 32,500 103,300 24,500 8,400 7,300 0 600 800 2,800 7,600 900 0 1,000
2004 188,140 31,810 103,000 23,760 8,550 6,930 10 400 570 2,020 9,180 1,110 0 800
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format). Data through 2003 are based on a 1 percent sample; data for 2004 are based on a 10 percent sample.
NOTE: Data are obtained by following recipients in Table 51 for 12 months.
CONTACT: Alfreda Brooks (410) 965-9849 or ssi.asr@ssa.gov.
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