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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
Service Assessments
NWS conducts Service Assessments to evaluate its performance during catastrophic weather events. Assessments are done when one or more of the following criteria are met:
  • Major economic impact on a large area or population
  • Multiple fatalities or numerous serious injuries
  • Unusually high level of public or media interest

Assessment teams, composed of experts in and outside NWS, study what happened and NWS actions before, during, and after the event. Finally, the team recommend changes in NWS procedures, products and services to improve performance

Adobe Acrobat logo Most Assessments are PDFs. Click on icon to download free PDF Reader.

Super Tuesday Tornadoes: see caption below

Super Tuesday Tornadoes: The Federal Aviation Administration’s Terminal Doppler Weather Radar reflectivity image from Memphis, TN, taken at 5:30 p.m. CST, on February 5, 2008. The “hook echo” in the bottom of the image represents a tornado which affected the southern suburbs of Memphis, including the Memphis International Airport and the National Weather Service Memphis Office.




Service Assessments are part of the NWS Evaluation Program. The decision to perform an assessment rests with NWS management. Reports are available when approved by the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services. If an event does not warrant a service assessment, but a need exists to document the event's effects, Post-Storm Data Acquisition may be employed to obtain all data necessary for accurate post-event analysis. Single hard copies of older reports may be available, email:

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: March 9, 2009