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Research Project: Breeding Pearl Millet with Improved Performance, Stability, and Resistance to Pests.

Location: Crop Genetics and Breeding Research

Project Number: 6602-21000-020-06
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Aug 27, 2007
End Date: Sep 29, 2011

The objectives of this research are to: 1) identify superior traits in U.S. and African pearl millet germplasm, 2) combine traits into improved germplasms, inbreds, and hybrids, 3) evaluate plant performance in U.S. and African settings, and 4) assess processing and market-driven end-use traits.

Pearl millet germplasm from the U.S. will be crossed with germplasm from various African countries. Improved inbreds will be developed through pedigree selection. Hybrids will be assessed in U.S. trials for yield, resistance, and end-use traits. Multilocation evaluation in collaborating countries in Africa will be used to identify high-yielding selections with improved disease and pest resistance.


Project Team
Wilson, Jeffrey - Jeff
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
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Last Modified: 05/09/2009
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