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May 9, 2009   
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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 627  

General Provisions Governing Programs Under Titles I, II, and III of the Act




Subpart H  

Hearings by the Office of Administrative Law Judges

20 CFR 627.805 - Alternative dispute resolution.

  • Section Number: 627.805
  • Section Name: Alternative dispute resolution.

    (a) Parties to a complaint under Sec. 627.801 of this part, 

Procedures for filing a request for hearing, may choose to waive their 

rights to an administrative hearing before the OALJ by choosing to 

transfer the settlement of their dispute to an individual acceptable to 

all parties for the purpose of conducting an informal review of the 

stipulated facts and rendering a decision in accordance with applicable 

law. A written decision will be issued within 60 days after the matter 

is submitted for informal review.

    (b) The waiver of the right to request a hearing before the OALJ may 

be revoked if a settlement has not been reached or a decision has not 

been issued within the 60 days provided in paragraph (a) of this 


    (c) The decision rendered under this informal review process shall 

be treated as a final decision of an Administrative Law Judge pursuant 

to section 166(b) of the Act.
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