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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 22  

Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986

29 CFR 22.22 - Exchange of witness lists, statements and exhibits.

  • Section Number: 22.22
  • Section Name: Exchange of witness lists, statements and exhibits.

    (a) At least 15 days before the hearing or at such other time as may 
be ordered by the ALJ, the parties shall exchange witness lists, copies 
of prior statements of proposed witnesses, and
copies of proposed hearing exhibits, including copies of any written 
statements that the party intends to offer in lieu of live testimony in 
accordance with Sec. 22.33(b). At the time the above documents are 
exchanged, any party that intends to rely on the transcript of 
deposition testimony in lieu of live testimony at the hearing, if 
permitted by the ALJ, shall provide each party with a copy of the 
specific pages of the transcript it intends to introduce into evidence.
    (b) If a party objects, the ALJ shall not admit into evidence the 
testimony of any witness whose name does not appear on the witness list 
or any exhibit not provided to the opposing party as provided above 
unless the ALJ finds good cause for the failure or that there is no 
prejudice to the objecting party.
    (c) Unless another party objects within the time set by the ALJ, 
documents exchanged in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section 
shall be deemed to be authentic for the purpose of admissibility at the 
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