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Accessible Rhode Island - - 401-944-3949

Welcome to Accessible Rhode Island!

Welcome to Accessible Rhode Island's website! This list includes restaurants, museums, cinemas and cultural sites that have been surveyed according to the guidelines for identifying accessibility outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. It does not attempt to ascertain all possible barriers and it is not our intent to either endorse or omit any facility that meets ADA guidelines. Some sites have been checked and found to be inaccessible in one or more areas, while others are yet to be visited.

The Accessible Rhode Island project is made possible through the combined efforts of Dare to Dream, a Rhode Island Multiple Sclerosis support group and VSA arts of Rhode Island, a non-profit organization that promotes the arts for those with disabilities. It is partially underwritten by grants from the Peter T. Pastore, Jr. Charitable Foundation, Citizens Bank, The Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council, and the Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities. For more information contact Marie Perna, 401-944-3949.


Hard copies of Accessible Rhode Island are available through:

  • VSA arts of Rhode Island - (401)725-0247
  • OSCIL - (401)738-1013, or (401)783-1015 TTY
  • PARI - (401)725-1966
  • The Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council - (401)737-1238

RIPTA (The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority) provides bus routes throughout all of Rhode Island for those with disabilities. Please see the RIPTA Information Page on this site for detailed information.

The National Federation of the Blind is not an organization speaking for the blind, it is the blind speaking for themselves. Please visit their web site: The National Federation of the Blind (

This site is updated regularly.

© VSA ARTS of RHODE ISLAND, INC. All rights reserved