From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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                       SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES

                       ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS


   FIRST SESSION  convened january 4, 2007          DAYS OF SESSION 190
                  adjourned december 31, 2007
  SECOND SESSION  convened january 3, 2008           DAYS OF SESSION 37


                          CALENDAR OF BUSINESS

                         Monday, March 10, 2008

                      SENATE CONVENES AT 2:00 P.M.

                 (Unanimous Consent Agreements on P. 2)


                         SECRETARY OF THE SENATE

                 By David J. Tinsley, Legislative Clerk


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                     S. CON. RES. 70 (ORDER NO. 612)

    1.--Ordered, That at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, March 10, 2008, the Senate 
proceed to S. Con. Res. 70, a concurrent resolution setting forth the 
congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 
2009 and including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 
2008 and 2010 through 2013; provided, that there be debate only, with no 
amendments in order. (Mar. 7, 2008.)

                                 S. 1974

    2.--Ordered, That upon passage of S. 1974, a bill to make technical 
corrections related to the Pension Protection Act of 2006, the bill 
remain at the desk until such time as the Senate receives a companion 
measure from the House.
    Ordered further, That when the Senate receives a companion measure 
from the House, the Senate then proceed to its consideration; provided, 
that all after the enacting clause be stricken and the text of S. 1974, 
as amended, be inserted, in lieu thereof; provided further, that the 
bill be read a third time, passed and the motion to reconsider be 
considered made and laid upon the table without further intervening 
action or debate, and that S. 1974 then be returned to the calendar. 
(Dec. 19, 2007.)

                         S. 2483 (ORDER NO. 546)

    3.--Ordered, That at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, 
following consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate proceed to 
the consideration of S. 2483, a bill to authorize certain programs and 
activities in the Forest Service, the Department of the Interior, and 
the Department of Energy, and for other purposes.
    Ordered further, That it be considered under the following 
limitations: that the only amendments in order be five related 
amendments to be offered by the Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. Coburn), and 
that upon disposition of all amendments, the bill be read a third time, 
and the Senate proceed to vote in the passage of the bill. (Dec. 19, 

                          VETO MESSAGE ON S. 5

    4.--Ordered, That the veto message on S. 5, the Stem Cell Research 
Enhancement Act of 2007, be considered as read and that it be printed in 
the Record and spread in full upon the Journal.
    Ordered further, That the message be held at the desk. (June 20, 

                                H.R. 3997

    5.--Ordered, That if the Senate receives from the House a message on 
H.R. 3997, an act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
earnings assistance and tax relief to members of the uniformed services, 
volunteer firefighters, and Peace Corps volunteers, and for other 
purposes, with an amendment that is not germane to the Senate amendment 
or the underlying bill, that the bill and its amendments be referred to 
the Committee on Finance. (Dec. 12, 19, 2007.)

     January, 03, 07, 09, 11, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31.

     February, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.

     March, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10.











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    January, 04, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31.
    February, 01, 05, 06, 07, 08, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28.
    March, 01, 02, 05, 07, 08, 09, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29.
    April, 10, 03, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26.
    May, 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
    June, 30, 04, 05, 06, 07, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
    July, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31.
    August, 01, 02, 03.
    September, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.
    October, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31.
    November, 01, 02, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 27, 29.
    December, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28, 26, 31.

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From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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      Senate Membership, One Hundred Tenth Congress, Second Session


 1    Akaka, Daniel K.....................................    HI
 2    Alexander, Lamar....................................    TN
 2    Allard, Wayne.......................................    CO
 1    Barrasso, John\1\...................................    WY
 2    Baucus, Max.........................................    MT
 3    Bayh, Evan..........................................    IN
 3    Bennett, Robert F...................................    UT
 2    Biden, Joseph R., Jr................................    DE
 1    Bingaman, Jeff......................................    NM
 3    Bond, Christopher S.................................    MO
 3    Boxer, Barbara......................................    CA
 1    Brown, Sherrod......................................    OH
 3    Brownback, Sam......................................    KS
 3    Bunning, Jim........................................    KY
 3    Burr, Richard.......................................    NC
 1    Byrd, Robert C......................................    WV
 1    Cantwell, Maria.....................................    WA
 1    Cardin, Benjamin L..................................    MD
 1    Carper, Thomas R....................................    DE
 1    Casey, Robert P., Jr................................    PA
 2    Chambliss, Saxby....................................    GA
 1    Clinton, Hillary Rodham.............................    NY
 3    Coburn, Tom.........................................    OK
 2    Cochran, Thad.......................................    MS
 2    Coleman, Norm.......................................    MN
 2    Collins, Susan M....................................    ME
 1    Conrad, Kent........................................    ND
 1    Corker, Bob.........................................    TN
 2    Cornyn, John........................................    TX
 2    Craig, Larry E......................................    ID
 3    Crapo, Mike.........................................    ID
 3    DeMint, Jim.........................................    SC
 3    Dodd, Christopher J.................................    CT
 2    Dole, Elizabeth.....................................    NC
 2    Domenici, Pete V....................................    NM
 3    Dorgan, Byron L.....................................    ND
 2    Durbin, Richard.....................................    IL
 1    Ensign, John........................................    NV
 2    Enzi, Michael B.....................................    WY
 3    Feingold, Russell D.................................    WI
 1    Feinstein, Dianne...................................    CA
 2    Graham, Lindsey.....................................    SC
 3    Grassley, Chuck.....................................    IA
 3    Gregg, Judd.........................................    NH
 2    Hagel, Chuck........................................    NE
 2    Harkin, Tom.........................................    IA
 1    Hatch, Orrin G......................................    UT
 1    Hutchison, Kay Bailey...............................    TX
 2    Inhofe, James M.....................................    OK
 3    Inouye, Daniel K....................................    HI
 3    Isakson, Johnny.....................................    GA
 2    Johnson, Tim........................................    SD
 1    Kennedy, Edward M...................................    MA
 2    Kerry, John F.......................................    MA
 1    Klobuchar, Amy......................................    MN
 1    Kohl, Herb..........................................    WI
 1    Kyl, Jon............................................    AZ
 2    Landrieu, Mary L....................................    LA
 2    Lautenberg, Frank R.................................    NJ
 3    Leahy, Patrick J....................................    VT
 2    Levin, Carl.........................................    MI
 1    Lieberman, Joseph I\**\.............................    CT
 3    Lincoln, Blanche L..................................    AR
 1    Lugar, Richard G....................................    IN
 3    Martinez, Mel.......................................    FL
 3    McCain, John........................................    AZ
 1    McCaskill, Claire...................................    MO
 2    McConnell, Mitch....................................    KY
 1    Menendez, Robert....................................    NJ
 3    Mikulski, Barbara A.................................    MD
 3    Murkowski, Lisa.....................................    AK
 3    Murray, Patty.......................................    WA
 1    Nelson, Bill........................................    FL
 1    Nelson, E. Benjamin.................................    NE
 3    Obama, Barack.......................................    IL
 2    Pryor, Mark L.......................................    AR
 2    Reed, Jack..........................................    RI
 3    Reid, Harry.........................................    NV
 2    Roberts, Pat........................................    KS
 2    Rockefeller, John D., IV............................    WV
 3    Salazar, Ken........................................    CO
 1    Sanders, Bernard\*\.................................    VT
 3    Schumer, Charles E..................................    NY
 2    Sessions, Jeff......................................    AL
 3    Shelby, Richard C...................................    AL
 2    Smith, Gordon H.....................................    OR
 1    Snowe, Olympia J....................................    ME
 3    Specter, Arlen......................................    PA
 1    Stabenow, Debbie....................................    MI
 2    Stevens, Ted........................................    AK
 2    Sununu, John E......................................    NH
 1    Tester, Jon.........................................    MT
 3    Thune, John.........................................    SD
 3    Vitter, David.......................................    LA
 3    Voinovich, George V.................................    OH
 2    Warner, John........................................    VA
 1    Webb, Jim...........................................    VA
 1    Whitehouse, Sheldon.................................    RI
 1    Wicker, Roger F\2\..................................    MS
 3    Wyden, Ron..........................................    OR


Class 1=Senators whose terms expire in 2013 (Dem. 22  Ind. Dem. 1     33
Ind. 1  Rep. 9).
Class 2=Senators whose terms expire in 2009 (Dem. 12  Rep. 21)....    33
Class 3=Senators whose terms expire in 2011 (Dem. 15  Rep. 19)....    34


                          Totals (Dem. 49  Ind. Dem. 1  Ind. 1       100
                          Rep. 49).

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

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                         COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 

                          STANDING COMMITTEES 

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Room SR-328A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Tom Harkin, of Iowa, Chairman
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Max Baucus, of Montana
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota


Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Thune, of South Dakota
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa


Room S-128, The Capitol. Meetings at the call of the Chairman.
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia, Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Patty Murray, of Washington
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska


Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee

                             ARMED SERVICES

Room SR-228. Russell Office Building. Meetings, Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Carl Levin, of Michigan, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Bill Nelson, of Florida
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri


John McCain, of Arizona
John Warner, of Virginia
James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
John Thune, of South Dakota
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi


Room SD-534. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, last Tuesday of each 
    month at 10:30 a.m.
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut, Chairman
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jon Tester, of Montana


Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Bob Corker, of Tennessee


Room SD-621. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota, Chairman
Patty Murray, of Washington
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Ensign, of Nevada
John Cornyn, of Texas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina


Room SD-508. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third Tuesdays 
    at 10 a.m.
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota


Ted Stevens, of Alaska
John McCain, of Arizona
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
John Ensign, of Nevada
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
David Vitter, of Louisiana
John Thune, of South Dakota
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi

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                      ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES

Room SD-364. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, third Wednesday of each 
    month at 10 a.m.    
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico, Chairman
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Jon Tester, of Montana


Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
John Barrasso, of Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mel Martinez, of Florida

                      ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS

Room SD-458. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Barbara Boxer, of California, Chairman
Max Baucus, of Montana
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
John Warner, of Virginia
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana
John Barrasso, of Wyoming
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri


Room SD-219. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Max Baucus, of Montana, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Ken Salazar, of Colorado


Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
John Ensign, of Nevada
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire

                            FOREIGN RELATIONS

Room SD-446. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jim Webb, of Virginia


Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana
John Barrasso, of Wyoming


Room SD-428. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Patty Murray, of Washington
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio


Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Wayne Allard, of Colorado
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma


Room SD-340. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut, Chairman
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Jon Tester, of Montana


Susan M. Collins, of Maine
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
John Warner, of Virginia
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire

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Room SD-224. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of Delaware
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma

                        RULES AND ADMINISTRATION

Room SR-305. Russell Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Dianne Feinstein, of California, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Richard Durbin, of Illinois
E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
Harry Reid, of Nevada
Patty Murray, of Washington
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas


Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Ted Stevens, of Alaska
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
John Ensign, of Nevada


Room SR-428A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Wednesday of each 
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts, Chairman
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Jon Tester, of Montana


Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
John Thune, of South Dakota
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia

                            VETERANS' AFFAIRS

Room SR-414. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Wednesday of each 
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Patty Murray, of Washington
Barack Obama, of Illinois
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Jon Tester, of Montana


Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi

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                       COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS

                    Room SH-838. Hart Office Building

Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota, Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Jon Tester, of Montana


Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
John McCain, of Arizona
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
John Barrasso, of Wyoming
Pete V. Domenici, of New Mexico
Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Richard Burr, of North Carolina

                       SELECT COMMITTEE ON ETHICS

                    Room SH-220. Hart Office Building

Tim Johnson, of South Dakota, Chairman
Barbara Boxer, of California*
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Ken Salazar, of Colorado


John Cornyn, of Texas
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
*Temporary Chair 


                    Room SH-211. Hart Office Building

John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Chairman
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri, Vice Chairman
John Warner, of Virginia
Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Richard Burr, of North Carolina

                       SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING

                  Room SD-G31. Dirksen Office Building

Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin, Chairman
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York
Ken Salazar, of Colorado
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Larry E. Craig, of Idaho
Elizabeth Dole, of North Carolina
Norm Coleman, of Minnesota
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania

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                        JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE

                  Room SD-G01. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Charles E. Schumer, of New York, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah



                  Room SR-305. Russell Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Dianne Feinstein, of California, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Ted Stevens, of Alaska


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Dianne Feinstein, of California, Vice Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Patty Murray, of Washington
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION

                  Room SD-204. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Max Baucus, of Montana
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah



                             SENATE MEMBERS

Harry Reid, of Nevada
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah


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[Page 11-13]

 Cross Index of General Orders Measures With Corresponding Order Numbers

Measure Number                                              Order Number

[[Page 11]]

S. 2..............................................................    2
S. 3..............................................................  118
S. 12.............................................................  587
S. 39.............................................................   90
S. 84.............................................................   65
S. 93.............................................................   86
S. 113............................................................    4
S. 119............................................................  148
S. 126............................................................  223
S. 169............................................................  365
S. 175............................................................  245
S. 184............................................................   26
S. 185............................................................  220
S. 193............................................................  116
S. 200............................................................   46
S. 202............................................................   31
S. 216............................................................   32
S. 220............................................................   52
S. 221............................................................  410
S. 223............................................................   96
S. 232............................................................   33
S. 235............................................................   47
S. 236............................................................  184
S. 239............................................................  180
S. 240............................................................   34
S. 241............................................................   35
S. 245............................................................   36
S. 255............................................................   37
S. 260............................................................   38
S. 262............................................................   39
S. 263............................................................   48
S. 264............................................................   49
S. 265............................................................   50
S. 266............................................................   51
S. 268............................................................   40
S. 275............................................................   53
S. 278............................................................  366
S. 283............................................................   42
S. 287............................................................    7
S. 289............................................................  367
S. 310............................................................  567
S. 311............................................................  488
S. 316............................................................   59
S. 320............................................................   43
S. 322............................................................  108
S. 324............................................................  253
S. 343............................................................  114
S. 349............................................................   10
S. 358............................................................   97
S. 368............................................................  175
S. 372............................................................   20
S. 376............................................................  341
S. 385............................................................   67
S. 392............................................................  271
S. 423............................................................  283
S. 442............................................................  113
S. 443............................................................  368
S. 444............................................................  369
S. 453............................................................  411
S. 457............................................................  196
S. 470............................................................   19
S. 471............................................................  354
S. 479............................................................  279
S. 481............................................................  111
S. 495............................................................  168
S. 506............................................................  533
S. 509............................................................   68
S. 535............................................................  211
S. 542............................................................  246
S. 553............................................................  224
S. 556............................................................  104
S. 574............................................................   25
S. 580............................................................  225
S. 589............................................................  474
S. 595............................................................  552
S. 602............................................................  588
S. 613............................................................  112
S. 621............................................................  135
S. 627............................................................   88
S. 635............................................................  451
S. 637............................................................  355
S. 641............................................................   45
S. 645............................................................  356
S. 647............................................................  370
S. 657............................................................   98
S. 675............................................................  291
S. 686............................................................  226
S. 704............................................................  519
S. 720............................................................  195
S. 722............................................................  371
S. 735............................................................  134
S. 763............................................................   69
S. 772............................................................  551
S. 797............................................................  228
S. 800............................................................  372
S. 805............................................................  414
S. 817............................................................  373
S. 838............................................................  374
S. 862............................................................  559
S. 879............................................................  160
S. 886............................................................  212
S. 890............................................................  227
S. 898............................................................  330
S. 901............................................................  548
S. 911............................................................  535
S. 950............................................................  466
S. 955............................................................  375
S. 965............................................................   83
S. 968............................................................  415
S. 992............................................................  131
S. 997............................................................   94
S. 1001...........................................................   95
S. 1011...........................................................  294
S. 1027...........................................................  351
S. 1037...........................................................  247
S. 1079...........................................................  157
S. 1089...........................................................  376
S. 1110...........................................................  248
S. 1138...........................................................  349
S. 1139...........................................................  249
S. 1142...........................................................  190
S. 1145...........................................................  563
S. 1148...........................................................  377
S. 1152...........................................................  229
S. 1163...........................................................  328
S. 1178...........................................................  520
S. 1182...........................................................  357
S. 1183...........................................................  326
S. 1189...........................................................  560
S. 1203...........................................................  358
S. 1233...........................................................  335
S. 1248...........................................................  126
S. 1256...........................................................  352
S. 1257...........................................................  257
S. 1300...........................................................  329
S. 1301...........................................................  132
S. 1305...........................................................  133
S. 1312...........................................................  141
S. 1315...........................................................  336
S. 1321...........................................................  140
S. 1348...........................................................  144
S. 1382...........................................................  518
S. 1419...........................................................  156
S. 1429...........................................................  534
S. 1446...........................................................  402
S. 1492...........................................................  441
S. 1498...........................................................  455
S. 1500...........................................................  284
S. 1518...........................................................  463
S. 1523...........................................................  553
S. 1538...........................................................  222
S. 1547...........................................................  260
S. 1548...........................................................  261
S. 1549...........................................................  187
S. 1550...........................................................  188
S. 1551...........................................................  549
S. 1565...........................................................  292
S. 1578...........................................................  589
S. 1582...........................................................  467
S. 1606...........................................................  203
S. 1607...........................................................  293
S. 1610...........................................................  197
S. 1611...........................................................  198
S. 1639...........................................................  208
S. 1644...........................................................  204
S. 1645...........................................................  205
S. 1650...........................................................  557
S. 1661...........................................................  514
S. 1662...........................................................  422
S. 1671...........................................................  386
S. 1675...........................................................  591
S. 1686...........................................................  219
S. 1687...........................................................  350
S. 1693...........................................................  318
S. 1696...........................................................  221
S. 1698...........................................................  287
S. 1710...........................................................  238
S. 1728...........................................................  359
S. 1745...........................................................  259
S. 1751...........................................................  263

[[Page 12]]

S. 1762...........................................................  266
S. 1769...........................................................  468
S. 1771...........................................................  381
S. 1778...........................................................  432
S. 1780...........................................................  521
S. 1784...........................................................  550
S. 1785...........................................................  320
S. 1789...........................................................  272
S. 1829...........................................................  544
S. 1845...........................................................  438
S. 1859...........................................................  282
S. 1889...........................................................  590
S. 1892...........................................................  568
S. 1893...........................................................  288
S. 1923...........................................................  295
S. 1946...........................................................  527
S. 1965...........................................................  538
S. 1970...........................................................  508
S. 2004...........................................................  540
S. 2011...........................................................  332
S. 2020...........................................................  419
S. 2035...........................................................  434
S. 2045...........................................................  523
S. 2062...........................................................  569
S. 2070...........................................................  380
S. 2084...........................................................  382
S. 2113...........................................................  471
S. 2128...........................................................  401
S. 2142...........................................................  579
S. 2152...........................................................  412
S. 2160...........................................................  586
S. 2179...........................................................  424
S. 2180...........................................................  425
S. 2184...........................................................  426
S. 2185...........................................................  427
S. 2205...........................................................  431
S. 2216...........................................................  439
S. 2217...........................................................  440
S. 2223...........................................................  442
S. 2233...........................................................  447
S. 2234...........................................................  448
S. 2242...........................................................  446
S. 2247...........................................................  454
S. 2248...........................................................  512
S. 2264...........................................................  456
S. 2284...........................................................  460
S. 2285...........................................................  461
S. 2286...........................................................  462
S. 2293...........................................................  464
S. 2294...........................................................  465
S. 2302...........................................................  470
S. 2318...........................................................  476
S. 2324...........................................................  578
S. 2334...........................................................  483
S. 2340...........................................................  484
S. 2344...........................................................  542
S. 2345...........................................................  482
S. 2346...........................................................  485
S. 2348...........................................................  486
S. 2363...........................................................  511
S. 2416...........................................................  524
S. 2440...........................................................  529
S. 2441...........................................................  530
S. 2445...........................................................  531
S. 2461...........................................................  545
S. 2483...........................................................  546
S. 2532...........................................................  555
S. 2556...........................................................  564
S. 2557...........................................................  565
S. 2596...........................................................  570
S. 2615...........................................................  571
S. 2616...........................................................  572
S. 2619...........................................................  573
S. 2633...........................................................  575
S. 2634...........................................................  576
S. 2636...........................................................  577
S. 2663...........................................................  582
S. 2664...........................................................  583
S. 2665...........................................................  584
S. 2709...........................................................  594
S. 2710...........................................................  595
S. 2711...........................................................  596
S. 2712...........................................................  597
S. 2713...........................................................  598
S. 2714...........................................................  599
S. 2715...........................................................  600
S. 2716...........................................................  601
S. 2717...........................................................  602
S. 2718...........................................................  603
S. 2719...........................................................  604
S. 2720...........................................................  605
S. 2721...........................................................  606
S. 2722...........................................................  607

S.J. Res. 4.......................................................  202
S.J. Res. 9.......................................................   72
S.J. Res. 14......................................................  179
S.J. Res. 16......................................................  281

S. Con. Res. 2....................................................   12
S. Con. Res. 6....................................................  230
S. Con. Res. 70...................................................  612

S. Res. 22........................................................  337
S. Res. 30........................................................  101
S. Res. 36........................................................   21
S. Res. 37........................................................   22
S. Res. 41........................................................   27
S. Res. 63........................................................   17
S. Res. 65........................................................  102
S. Res. 138.......................................................  155

H.R. 3............................................................    6
H.R. 85...........................................................  360
H.R. 161..........................................................  231
H.R. 235..........................................................  250
H.R. 247..........................................................  361
H.R. 276..........................................................  251
H.R. 376..........................................................  232
H.R. 391..........................................................    8
H.R. 400..........................................................  423
H.R. 407..........................................................  362
H.R. 482..........................................................  252
H.R. 493..........................................................  125
H.R. 497..........................................................  233
H.R. 505..........................................................  449
H.R. 512..........................................................  234
H.R. 545..........................................................   85
H.R. 580..........................................................   92
H.R. 658..........................................................  235
H.R. 735..........................................................  561
H.R. 740..........................................................  173
H.R. 783..........................................................  558
H.R. 798..........................................................  475
H.R. 799..........................................................  273
H.R. 800..........................................................   66
H.R. 835..........................................................  388
H.R. 839..........................................................  254
H.R. 886..........................................................  255
H.R. 902..........................................................  256
H.R. 916..........................................................  149
H.R. 923..........................................................  237
H.R. 980..........................................................  275
H.R. 987..........................................................   76
H.R. 1047.........................................................  236
H.R. 1080.........................................................  142
H.R. 1084.........................................................  609
H.R. 1100.........................................................  378
H.R. 1114.........................................................  143
H.R. 1119.........................................................  477
H.R. 1126.........................................................  379
H.R. 1195.........................................................  608
H.R. 1254.........................................................  435
H.R. 1255.........................................................  213
H.R. 1332.........................................................  129
H.R. 1337.........................................................  437
H.R. 1361.........................................................  334
H.R. 1388.........................................................  285
H.R. 1424.........................................................  610
H.R. 1469.........................................................  592
H.R. 1520.........................................................  385
H.R. 1567.........................................................  472
H.R. 1678.........................................................  416
H.R. 1721.........................................................  417
H.R. 1834.........................................................  581
H.R. 1867.........................................................  138
H.R. 1904.........................................................  267
H.R. 1908.........................................................  348
H.R. 2094.........................................................  436
H.R. 2102.........................................................  428
H.R. 2264.........................................................  169
H.R. 2295.........................................................  457
H.R. 2316.........................................................  182
H.R. 2317.........................................................  183
H.R. 2359.........................................................  218
H.R. 2366.........................................................  217
H.R. 2641.........................................................  274
H.R. 2643.........................................................  240
H.R. 2693.........................................................  400
H.R. 2705.........................................................  489
H.R. 2740.........................................................  413
H.R. 2771.........................................................  258
H.R. 2798.........................................................  593
H.R. 2828.........................................................  403
H.R. 2829.........................................................  268
H.R. 2831.........................................................  325
H.R. 2881.........................................................  383
H.R. 2900.........................................................  270
H.R. 3034.........................................................  316
H.R. 3043.........................................................  280
H.R. 3161.........................................................  331
H.R. 3162.........................................................  338

[[Page 13]]

H.R. 3221.........................................................  340
H.R. 3495.........................................................  478
H.R. 3518.........................................................  499
H.R. 3564.........................................................  443
H.R. 3685.........................................................  479
H.R. 3793.........................................................  554
H.R. 4156.........................................................  507
H.R. 5159.........................................................  611

H. Con. Res. 7....................................................  244
H. Con. Res. 116..................................................  364
H. Con. Res. 225..................................................  469

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 14-79]

                             GENERAL ORDERS

                             UNDER RULE VIII


 Order  Measure Number           Title                 Reported or       
  No.     and Author                              Placed on the Calendar 

[[Page (14)]]

    2      S. 2      A bill to amend the Fair  Jan. 8, 2007.--Read the 
       Messrs. Reid    Labor Standards Act of    second time and placed 
        and Kennedy    1938 to provide for an    on the calendar.
                       increase in the Federal 
                       minimum wage.

    4     S. 113     A bill to make            Jan. 8, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. Inhofe and   appropriations for        second time and placed 
          others       military construction     on the calendar.
                       and family housing 
                       projects for the 
                       Department of Defense 
                       for fiscal year 2007.

    6     H.R. 3     An act to amend the       Jan. 12, 2007.--Read the 
                       Public Health Service     second time and placed 
                       Act to provide for        on the calendar.
                       human embryonic stem 
                       cell research.

    7     S. 287     A bill to prohibit the    Jan. 16, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Kennedy     use of funds for an       second time and placed 
        and others     escalation of United      on the calendar.
                       States military forces 
                       in Iraq above the 
                       numbers existing as of 
                       January 9, 2007.

    8    H.R. 391    A bill to authorize the   Jan. 18, 2007.--Read the 
                       Secretary of Housing      second time and placed 
                       and Urban Development     on the calendar.
                       to continue to insure, 
                       and to enter into 
                       commitments to insure, 
                       home equity conversion 
                       mortgages under section 
                       255 of the National 
                       Housing Act.

   10     S. 349     A bill to amend the       Jan. 22, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     Internal Revenue Code     Baucus, Committee on 
                       of 1986 to provide        Finance, without 
                       additional tax            amendment. (An original 
                       incentives to employees   bill.) (Rept. 1.) 
                       of small businesses,      (Additional views 
                       and for other purposes.   filed.)

[[Page 15]]

   12 S. Con. Res. 2 Concurrent resolution     Jan. 24, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    expressing the            Biden, Committee on 
          others       bipartisan resolution     Foreign Relations, with 
                       on Iraq.                  an amendment, and with 
                                                 a preamble. (No written 

   17   S. Res. 63   Resolution authorizing    Jan. 31, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   expenditures by the       Feinstein, Committee on 
                       Committee on Rules and    Rules and 
                       Administration.           Administration, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 resolution.) (No 
                                                 written report.)

   19     S. 470     A bill to express the     Feb. 1, 2007.--Read the 
         Mr. Levin     sense of Congress on      second time and placed 
                       Iraq.                     on the calendar.

   20     S. 372     A bill to authorize       Feb. 8, 2007.--Mr. Levin, 
           Mr.         appropriations for        Committee on Armed 
        Rockefeller    fiscal year 2007 for      Services, without 
                       the intelligence and      amendment. (Rept. 5.)
                       intelligence-related    Jan. 24, 2007.--Mr. 
                       activities of the         Rockefeller, Select 
                       United States             Committee on 
                       Government, the           Intelligence, without 
                       Intelligence Community    amendment. (An original 
                       Management Account, and   bill.) (Rept. 2.)
                       the Central 
                       Intelligence Agency 
                       Retirement and 
                       Disability System, and 
                       for other purposes.

   21   S. Res. 36   Resolution honoring       Feb. 8, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Ms. Snowe and    women's health advocate   Committee on the 
       Mrs. Clinton    Cynthia Boles Dailard.    Judiciary, without 
                                                 amendment, and with a 
                                                 preamble. (No written 

   22   S. Res. 37   Resolution designating    Feb. 8, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Ms. Stabenow    March 26, 2007, as        Committee on the 
       and Mr. Levin   ``National Support the    Judiciary, without 
                       Troops Day'' and          amendment, and with a 
                       encouraging the people    preamble. (No written 
                       of the United States to   report.)
                       participate in a moment 
                       of silence to reflect 
                       upon the service and 
                       sacrifice of members of 
                       the Armed Forces both 
                       at home and abroad.

   25     S. 574     A bill to express the     Feb. 14, 2007.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      sense of the Congress     second time and placed 
                       on Iraq.                  on the calendar.

[[Page 16]]

   26     S. 184     A bill to provide         Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   improved rail and         Inouye, Committee on 
          others       surface transportation    Commerce, Science, and 
                       security.                 Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

   27   S. Res. 41   Resolution honoring the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Brown    life and recognizing      Leahy, Committee on the 
       and Voinovich   the accomplishments of    Judiciary, without 
                       Tom Mooney, president     amendment, and with a 
                       of the Ohio Federation    preamble. (No written 
                       of Teachers.              report.)

   31     S. 202     A bill to provide for the Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       conveyance of certain     Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    Forest Service land to    Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      the City of Coffman       Resources, without 
                       Cove, Alaska.             amendment. (Rept. 6.)

   32     S. 216     A bill to provide for the Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       exchange of certain       Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    Federal land in the       Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      Santa Fe National         Resources, without 
                       Forest and certain non-   amendment. (Rept. 7.)
                       Federal land in the 
                       Pecos National 
                       Historical Park in the 
                       State of New Mexico.

   33     S. 232     A bill to make permanent  Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Wyden     the authorization for     Bingaman, Committee on 
                       watershed restoration     Energy and Natural 
                       and enhancement           Resources, without 
                       agreements.               amendment. (Rept. 8.)

   34     S. 240     A bill to reauthorize and Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Craig and    amend the National        Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       Geologic Mapping Act of   Energy and Natural 
                       1992.                     Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 9.)

   35     S. 241     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Wyden    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Akaka     Interior to enter into    Energy and Natural 
                       cooperative agreements    Resources, without 
                       to protect natural        amendment. (Rept. 10.)
                       resources of units of 
                       the National Park 
                       System through 
                       collaborative efforts 
                       on land inside and 
                       outside of units of the 
                       National Park System.

[[Page 17]]

   36     S. 245     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Pryor and    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
       Mrs. Lincoln    Interior to designate     Energy and Natural 
                       the President William     Resources, without 
                       Jefferson Clinton         amendment. (Rept. 11.)
                       Birthplace Home in 
                       Hope, Arkansas, as a 
                       National Historic Site 
                       and unit of the 
                       National Park System, 
                       and for other purposes.

   37     S. 255     A bill to provide         Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       assistance to the State   Bingaman, Committee on 
       Domenici and    of New Mexico for the     Energy and Natural 
         Bingaman      development of            Resources, without 
                       comprehensive State       amendment. (Rept. 12.) 
                       water plans, and for      (See also Order No. 
                       other purposes.           267.)

   38     S. 260     A bill to establish the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Fort Stanton-Snowy        Bingaman, Committee on 
       Domenici and    River Cave National       Energy and Natural 
         Bingaman      Conservation Area.        Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 13.)

   39     S. 262     A bill to rename the      Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Craig    Snake River Birds of      Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Crapo     Prey National             Energy and Natural 
                       Conservation Area in      Resources, without 
                       the State of Idaho as     amendment. (Rept. 14.)
                       the Morley Nelson Snake 
                       River Birds of Prey 
                       National Conservation 
                       Area in honor of the 
                       late Morley Nelson, an 
                       international authority 
                       on birds of prey, who 
                       was instrumental in the 
                       establishment of the 
                       National Conservation 
                       Area, and for other 

   40     S. 268     A bill to designate the   Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Ice Age Floods National   Bingaman, Committee on 
        and others     Geologic Trail, and for   Energy and Natural 
                       other purposes.           Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 15.)

   42     S. 283     A bill to amend the       Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Compact of Free           Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    Association Amendments    Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      Act of 2003, and for      Resources, without 
                       other purposes.           amendment. (Rept. 17.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 

[[Page 18]]

   43     S. 320     A bill to provide for the Feb. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Akaka and    protection of             Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       paleontological           Energy and Natural 
                       resources on Federal      Resources, without 
                       lands, and for other      amendment. (Rept. 18.)

   45     S. 641     A bill to express the     Feb. 16, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. McConnell    sense of Congress that    second time and placed 
       for Mr. Gregg   no funds should be cut    on the calendar.
                       off or reduced for 
                       American troops in the 
                       field which would 
                       result in undermining 
                       their safety or their 
                       ability to complete 
                       their assigned 

   46     S. 200     A bill to require the     Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Ms. Murkowski    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Interior, acting          Energy and Natural 
          Stevens      through the Bureau of     Resources, without 
                       Reclamation and the       amendment. (Rept. 20.) 
                       United States             (See also Order No. 
                       Geological Survey, to     143.)
                       conduct a study on 
                       groundwater resources 
                       in the State of Alaska, 
                       and for other purposes.

   47     S. 235     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to convey        Energy and Natural 
                       certain buildings and     Resources, without 
                       lands of the Yakima       amendment. (Rept. 21.)
                       Project, Washington, to 
                       the Yakima-Tieton 
                       Irrigation District.

   48     S. 263     A bill to amend the       Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    Oregon Resource           Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     Conservation Act of       Energy and Natural 
                       1996 to reauthorize the   Resources, without 
                       participation of the      amendment. (Rept. 22.)
                       Bureau of Reclamation 
                       in the Deschutes River 
                       Conservancy, and for 
                       other purposes.

   49     S. 264     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    Bureau of Reclamation     Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     to participate in the     Energy and Natural 
                       rehabilitation of the     Resources, with an 
                       Wallowa Lake Dam in       amendment in the nature 
                       Oregon, and for other     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       purposes.                 23.)

[[Page 19]]

   50     S. 265     A bill to authorize the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Wyden     Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior, acting          Energy and Natural 
                       through the Bureau of     Resources, without 
                       Reclamation, to conduct   amendment. (Rept. 24.)
                       a water resource 
                       feasibility study for 
                       the Little Butte/Bear 
                       Creek Subbasins in 

   51     S. 266     A bill to provide for the Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    modification of an        Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     amendatory repayment      Energy and Natural 
                       contract between the      Resources, without 
                       Secretary of the          amendment. (Rept. 25.)
                       Interior and the North 
                       Unit Irrigation 
                       District, and for other 

   52     S. 220     A bill to authorize early Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Craig     repayment of              Bingaman, Committee on 
                       obligations to the        Energy and Natural 
                       Bureau of Reclamation     Resources, without 
                       within the A & B          amendment. (Rept. 26.)
                       Irrigation District in 
                       the State of Idaho.

   53     S. 275     A bill to establish the   Feb. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Prehistoric Trackways     Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    National Monument in      Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      the State of New          Resources, with 
                       Mexico.                   amendments. (Rept. 27.)

   59     S. 316     A bill to prohibit brand  Feb. 27, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kohl and    name drug companies       Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       from compensating         Judiciary, without 
                       generic drug companies    amendment. (No written 
                       to delay the entry of a   report.)
                       generic drug into the 

   65      S. 84     A bill to establish a     Mar. 1, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. McCain and   United States Boxing      Inouye, Committee on 
          others       Commission to             Commerce, Science, and 
                       administer the Act, and   Transportation, without 
                       for other purposes.       amendment. (Rept. 28.)

   66    H.R. 800    An act to amend the       Mar. 2, 2007.--Read the 
                       National Labor            second time and placed 
                       Relations Act to          on the calendar.
                       establish an efficient 
                       system to enable 
                       employees to form, 
                       join, or assist labor 
                       organizations, to 
                       provide for mandatory 
                       injunctions for unfair 
                       labor practices during 
                       organizing efforts, and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 20]]

   67     S. 385     A bill to improve the     Mar. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   interoperability of       Inouye, Committee on 
          others       emergency                 Commerce, Science, and 
                       communications            Transportation, with 
                       equipment.                amendments, and an 
                                                 amendment to the title. 
                                                 (Rept. 30.)

   68     S. 509     A bill to provide         Mar. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   improved aviation         Inouye, Committee on 
          others       security, and for other   Commerce, Science, and 
                       purposes.                 Transportation, with 
                                                 amendments. (Rept. 31.)

   69     S. 763     A bill to provide the     Mar. 5, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      resources to protect      Committee on Banking, 
                       public transportation     Housing, and Urban 
                       from terrorism.           Affairs, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 32.)

   72   S.J. Res. 9  Joint resolution to       Mar. 9, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    revise United States      second time and placed 
          others       policy on Iraq.           on the calendar.

   76    H.R. 987    An act to endorse further Mar. 9, 2007.--Placed on 
                       enlargement of the        the calendar.
                       North Atlantic Treaty 
                       Organization (NATO) and 
                       to facilitate the 
                       timely admission of new 
                       members to NATO, and 
                       for other purposes.

   83     S. 965     A bill making emergency   Mar. 22, 2007.--Mr. Byrd, 
         Mr. Byrd      supplemental              Committee on 
                       appropriations for the    Appropriations, without 
                       fiscal year ending        amendment. (An original 
                       September 30, 2007, and   bill.) (Rept. 37.)
                       for other purposes.

   85    H.R. 545    An act to amend the       Mar. 26, 2007.--Read the 
                       Omnibus Crime Control     second time and placed 
                       and Safe Streets Act of   on the calendar.
                       1968 to clarify that 
                       territories and Indian 
                       tribes are eligible to 
                       receive grants for 
                       confronting the use of 

[[Page 21]]

   86      S. 93     A bill to authorize NTIA  Mar. 26, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Stevens    to borrow against         Inouye, Committee on 
                       anticipated receipts of   Commerce, Science, and 
                       the Digital Television    Transportation, without 
                       Transition and Public     amendment. (Rept. 38.)
                       Safety Fund to initiate 
                       migration to a national 
                       IP-enabled emergency 
                       network capable of 
                       receiving and 
                       responding to all 
                       citizen activated 

   88     S. 627     A bill to amend the       Mar. 26, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Harkin and   Juvenile Justice and      Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       Delinquency Prevention    Judiciary, without 
                       Act of 1974 to improve    amendment. (No written 
                       the health and well-      report.)
                       being of maltreated 
                       infants and toddlers 
                       through the creation of 
                       a National Court Teams 
                       Resource Center, to 
                       assist local Court 
                       Teams, and for other 

   90      S. 39     A bill to establish a     Mar. 27, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Stevens    coordinated national      Inouye, Committee on 
                       ocean exploration         Commerce, Science, and 
                       program within the        Transportation, with an 
                       National Oceanic and      amendment in the nature 
                       Atmospheric               of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Administration, and for   39.) (See also Order 
                       other purposes.           No. 581.)

   92    H.R. 580    An act to amend chapter   Mar. 27, 2007.--Placed on 
                       35 of title 28, United    the calendar.
                       States Code, to provide 
                       for a 120-day limit to 
                       the term of a United 
                       States attorney 
                       appointed on an interim 
                       basis by the Attorney 
                       General, and for other 

   94     S. 997     A bill to amend the       Mar. 28, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Harkin     Public Health Service     second time and placed 
                       Act to provide for        on the calendar.
                       human embryonic stem 
                       cell research.

   95     S. 1001    A bill to restore Second  Mar. 28, 2007.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   Amendment rights in the   second time and placed 
        and others     District of Columbia.     on the calendar.

[[Page 22]]

   96     S. 223     A bill to require Senate  Mar. 28, 2007.--Mrs. 
       Mr. Feingold    candidates to file        Feinstein, Committee on 
        and others     designations,             Rules and 
                       statements, and reports   Administration, with an 
                       in electronic form.       amendment. (No written 

   97     S. 358     A bill to prohibit        Mar. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
         Ms. Snowe     discrimination on the     Kennedy, Committee on 
                       basis of genetic          Health, Education, 
                       information with          Labor, and Pensions, 
                       respect to health         with an amendment in 
                       insurance and             the nature of a 
                       employment.               substitute. (Rept. 48.)

   98     S. 657     A bill to amend the       Mar. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Reed and    Public Health Service     Kennedy, Committee on 
          others       Act to add requirements   Health, Education, 
                       regarding trauma care,    Labor, and Pensions, 
                       and for other purposes.   with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (No written 

  101   S. Res. 30   Resolution expressing the Mar. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    sense of the Senate       Biden, Committee on 
          others       regarding the need for    Foreign Relations, 
                       the United States to      without amendment, and 
                       address global climate    with a preamble. (No 
                       change through the        written report.)
                       negotiation of fair and 
                       effective international 

  102   S. Res. 65   Resolution condemning the Mar. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    murder of Turkish-        Biden, Committee on 
          others       Armenian journalist and   Foreign Relations, with 
                       human rights advocate     an amendment in the 
                       Hrant Dink and urging     nature of a substitute, 
                       the people of Turkey to   and an amendment to the 
                       honor his legacy of       preamble. (No written 
                       tolerance.                report.)

  104     S. 556     A bill to reauthorize the Mar. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kennedy     Head Start Act, and for   Kennedy, Committee on 
        and others     other purposes.           Health, Education, 
                                                 Labor, and Pensions, 
                                                 with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (Rept. 49.)

  108     S. 322     A bill to establish an    Apr. 10, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Dorgan and   Indian youth telemental   Dorgan, Committee on 
          others       health demonstration      Indian Affairs, with an 
                       project.                  amendment. (Rept. 43.)

[[Page 23]]

  111     S. 481     A bill to recruit and     Apr. 10, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Conrad and   retain more qualified     Dorgan, Committee on 
          others       individuals to teach in   Indian Affairs, without 
                       Tribal Colleges or        amendment. (Rept. 46.)

  112     S. 613     A bill to enhance the     Apr. 10, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lugar and    overseas stabilization    Biden, Committee on 
          others       and reconstruction        Foreign Relations, 
                       capabilities of the       without amendment. 
                       United States             (Rept. 50.)
                       Government, and for 
                       other purposes.

  113     S. 442     A bill to provide for     Apr. 10, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Durbin and   loan repayment for        Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       prosecutors and public    Judiciary, with 
                       defenders.                amendments. (Rept. 51.) 
                                                 (Additional views 
                                                 filed.) (See also Order 
                                                 No. 149.)

  114     S. 343     A bill to extend the      Apr. 11, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Voinovich    District of Columbia      Lieberman, Committee on 
        and others     College Access Act of     Homeland Security and 
                       1999.                     Governmental Affairs, 
                                                 without amendment. 
                                                 (Rept. 52.)

  116     S. 193     A bill to increase        Apr. 12, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lugar and    cooperation on energy     Biden, Committee on 
          others       issues between the        Foreign Relations, 
                       United States             without amendment. 
                       Government and foreign    (Rept. 54.)
                       governments and 
                       entities in order to 
                       secure the strategic 
                       and economic interests 
                       of the United States, 
                       and for other purposes.

  118      S. 3      A bill to amend part D of Apr. 13, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Reid and    title XVIII of the        Baucus, Committee on 
          others       Social Security Act to    Finance, with an 
                       provide for fair          amendment in the nature 
                       prescription drug         of a substitute. (No 
                       prices for Medicare       written report.)

  125    H.R. 493    An act to prohibit        Apr. 30, 2007.--Read the 
                       discrimination on the     second time and placed 
                       basis of genetic          on the calendar.
                       information with 
                       respect to health 
                       insurance and 

[[Page 24]]

  126     S. 1248    A bill to provide for the Apr. 30, 2007.--Mrs. 
        Mrs. Boxer     conservation and          Boxer, Committee on 
                       development of water      Environment and Public 
                       and related resources,    Works, without 
                       to authorize the          amendment. (An original 
                       Secretary of the Army     bill.) (Rept. 58.)
                       to construct various 
                       projects for 
                       improvements to rivers 
                       and harbors of the 
                       United States, and for 
                       other purposes.

  129    H.R. 1332   An act to improve the     May 1, 2007.--Read the 
                       access to capital         second time and placed 
                       programs of the Small     on the calendar.
                       Administration, and for 
                       other purposes.

  131     S. 992     A bill to achieve         May 3, 2007.--Mrs. Boxer, 
      Mrs. Boxer and   emission reductions and   Committee on 
          others       cost savings through      Environment and Public 
                       accelerated use of        Works, with amendments. 
                       cost-effective lighting   (Rept. 60.)
                       technologies in public 
                       buildings, and for 
                       other purposes.

  132     S. 1301    A bill to preserve and    May 4, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. DeMint     protect the free choice   second time and placed 
                       of individual employees   on the calendar.
                       to form, join, or 
                       assist labor 
                       organizations, or to 
                       refrain from such 

  133     S. 1305    A bill making emergency   May 4, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Coburn     war appropriations for    second time and placed 
                       American troops           on the calendar.
                       overseas, without 
                       unnecessary pork barrel 
                       spending and without 
                       mandating surrender or 
                       retreat in Iraq, for 
                       the fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2007, and 
                       for other purposes.

  134     S. 735     A bill to amend title 18, May 4, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
         Messrs.       United States Code, to    Committee on the 
         Kennedy,      improve the terrorist     Judiciary, with an 
       Coleman, and    hoax statute.             amendment in the nature 
            Kyl                                  of a substitute. (Rept. 

[[Page 25]]

  135     S. 621     A bill to establish       May 4, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Mr. Feingold    commissions to review     Committee on the 
        and others     the facts and             Judiciary, without 
                       circumstances             amendment. (Rept. 62.)
                       surrounding injustices 
                       suffered by European 
                       Americans, European 
                       Latin Americans, and 
                       Jewish refugees during 
                       World War II.

  138    H.R. 1867   An act to authorize       May 7, 2007.--Placed on 
                       appropriations for        the calendar.
                       fiscal years 2008, 
                       2009, and 2010 for the 
                       National Science 
                       Foundation, and for 
                       other purposes.

  140     S. 1321    A bill to enhance the     May 7, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Bingaman    energy security of the    Bingaman, Committee on 
                       United Stated by          Energy and Natural 
                       promoting biofuels        Resources, without 
                       energy efficiency, and    amendment. (An original 
                       carbon capture and        bill.) (Rept. 65.)
                       storage, and for other 

  141     S. 1312    A bill to amend the       May 8, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. DeMint and   National Labor            second time and placed 
          others       Relations Act to ensure   on the calendar.
                       the right of employees 
                       to a secret-ballot 
                       election conducted by 
                       the National Labor 
                       Relations Board.

  142    H.R. 1080   An act to modify the      May 8, 2007.--Placed on 
                       boundaries of Grand       the calendar.
                       Teton National Park to 
                       include certain land 
                       within the GT Park 
                       Subdivision, and for 
                       other purposes.

  143    H.R. 1114   An act to require the     May 8, 2007.--Placed on 
                       Secretary of the          the calendar. (See also 
                       Interior, acting          Order No. 46.)
                       through the Bureau of 
                       Reclamation and the 
                       United States 
                       Geological Survey, to 
                       conduct a study on 
                       groundwater resources 
                       in the State of Alaska, 
                       and for other purposes.

  144     S. 1348    A bill to provide for     May 10, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    comprehensive             second time and placed 
          others       immigration reform, and   on the calendar.
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 26]]

  148     S. 119     A bill to prohibit        May 15, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Leahy and    profiteering and fraud    Committee on the 
          others       relating to military      Judiciary, with 
                       action, relief, and       amendments. (Rept. 66.) 
                       reconstruction efforts,   (Additional views 
                       and for other purposes.   filed.) (See also Order 
                                                 No. 423.)

  149    H.R. 916    An act to provide for     May 16, 2007.--Placed on 
                       loan repayment for        the calendar. (See also 
                       prosecutors and public    Order No. 113.)

  155   S. Res. 138  Resolution honoring the   May 17, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Mr. Salazar     accomplishments and       Committee on the 
        and others     legacy of Cesar Estrada   Judiciary, without 
                       Chavez.                   amendment, and with a 
                                                 preamble. (No written 

  156     S. 1419    A bill to move the United May 17, 2007.--Read twice 
         Mr. Reid      States toward greater     and ordered placed on 
                       energy independence and   the calendar.
                       security, to increase 
                       the production of clean 
                       renewable fuels, to 
                       protect consumers from 
                       price gouging, to 
                       increase the energy 
                       efficiency of products, 
                       buildings, and 
                       vehicles, to promote 
                       research on and deploy 
                       greenhouse gas capture 
                       and storage options, 
                       and to improve the 
                       energy performance of 
                       the Federal Government, 
                       and for other purposes.

  157     S. 1079    A bill to establish the   May 21, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Cardin and   Star-Spangled Banner      Committee on the 
          others       and War of 1812           Judiciary, with 
                       Bicentennial              amendments. (No written 
                       Commission, and for       report.)
                       other purposes.

  160     S. 879     A bill to amend the       May 22, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Mr. Kohl and    Sherman Act to make       Committee on the 
          others       oil-producing and         Judiciary, without 
                       exporting cartels         amendment. (Rept. 68.) 
                       illegal.                  (See also Order No. 

[[Page 27]]

  168     S. 495     A bill to prevent and     May 23, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Leahy and    mitigate identity         Committee on the 
          others       theft, to ensure          Judiciary, with 
                       privacy, to provide       amendments. (Rept. 70.) 
                       notice of security        (Additional views 
                       breaches, and to          filed.)
                       enhance criminal 
                       penalties, law 
                       enforcement assistance, 
                       and other protections 
                       against security 
                       breaches, fraudulent 
                       access, and misuse of 
                       personally identifiable 

  169    H.R. 2264   An act to amend the       May 23, 2007.--Placed on 
                       Sherman Act to make       the calendar. (See also 
                       oil-producing and         Order No. 160.)
                       exporting cartels 

  173    H.R. 740    An act to amend title 18, May 24, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
                       United States Code, to    Committee on the 
                       prevent caller ID         Judiciary, with an 
                       spoofing, and for other   amendment in the nature 
                       purposes.                 of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)

  175     S. 368     A bill to amend the       May 24, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Biden and    Omnibus Crime Control     Committee on the 
          others       and Safe Streets Act of   Judiciary, without 
                       1968 to enhance the       amendment. (Rept. 73.)
                       COPS ON THE BEAT grant 
                       program, and for other 

  179  S.J. Res. 14  Joint resolution          May 25, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Schumer     expressing the sense of   second time and placed 
        and others     the Senate that           on the calendar.
                       Attorney General 
                       Alberto Gonzales no 
                       longer holds the 
                       confidence of the 
                       Senate and of the 
                       American people.

  180     S. 239     A bill to require Federal May 31, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mrs. Feinstein   agencies, and persons     Committee on the 
                       engaged in interstate     Judiciary, with an 
                       commerce, in possession   amendment in the nature 
                       of data containing        of a substitute. (No 
                       sensitive personally      written report.)
                       information, to 
                       disclose any breach of 
                       such information.

[[Page 28]]

  182    H.R. 2316   An act to provide more    June 4, 2007.--Read the 
                       rigorous requirements     second time and placed 
                       with respect to           on the calendar.
                       disclosure and 
                       enforcement of lobbying 
                       laws and regulations, 
                       and for other purposes.

  183    H.R. 2317   An act to amend the       June 4, 2007.--Read the 
                       Lobbying Disclosure Act   second time and placed 
                       of 1995 to require        on the calendar.
                       registered lobbyists to 
                       file quarterly reports 
                       on contributions 
                       bundled for certain 
                       recipients, and for 
                       other purposes.

  184     S. 236     A bill to require reports June 4, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Mr. Feingold    to Congress on Federal    Committee on the 
        and others     agency use of data        Judiciary, with an 
                       mining.                   amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)

  187     S. 1549    A bill to authorize       June 5, 2007.--Mr. Levin, 
         Mr. Levin     appropriations for        Committee on Armed 
                       fiscal year 2008 for      Services, without 
                       military construction,    amendment. (An original 
                       and for other purposes.   bill.) (No written 

  188     S. 1550    A bill to authorize       June 5, 2007.--Mr. Levin, 
         Mr. Levin     appropriations for        Committee on Armed 
                       fiscal year 2008 for      Services, without 
                       defense activities of     amendment. (An original 
                       the Department of         bill.) (No written 
                       Energy, and for other     report.)

  190     S. 1142    A bill to authorize the   June 5, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Gregg and    acquisition of            Inouye, Committee on 
          others       interests in              Commerce, Science, and 
                       undeveloped coastal       Transportation, without 
                       areas in order better     amendment. (Rept. 78.)
                       to ensure their 
                       protection from 

[[Page 29]]

  195     S. 720     A bill to amend title 4,  June 7, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Levin and    United States Code, to    Committee on the 
       Ms. Stabenow    authorize the Governor    Judiciary, without 
                       of a State, territory,    amendment. (No written 
                       or possession of the      report.)
                       United States to order 
                       that the National flag 
                       be flown at half-staff 
                       in that State, 
                       territory, or 
                       possession in the event 
                       of the death of a 
                       member of the Armed 
                       Forces from that State, 
                       territory, or 
                       possession who dies 
                       while serving on active 

  196     S. 457     A bill to extend the date June 11, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Voinovich    on which the National     Lieberman, Committee on 
        and others     Security Personnel        Homeland Security and 
                       System will first apply   Governmental Affairs, 
                       to certain defense        without amendment. 
                       laboratories.             (Rept. 79.)

  197     S. 1610    A bill to ensure national June 13, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      security while            Committee on Banking, 
                       promoting foreign         Housing, and Urban 
                       investment and the        Affairs, without 
                       creation and              amendment. (An original 
                       maintenance of jobs, to   bill.) (Rept. 80.)
                       reform the process by 
                       which such investments 
                       are examined for any 
                       effect they may have on 
                       national security, to 
                       establish the Committee 
                       on Foreign Investment 
                       in the United States, 
                       and for other purposes.

  198     S. 1611    A bill to make technical  June 13, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      corrections to SAFETEA-   Committee on Banking, 
                       LU and related laws       Housing, and Urban 
                       relating to transit.      Affairs, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 81.)

  202   S.J. Res. 4  Joint resolution to       June 18, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Brownback    acknowledge a long        Dorgan, Committee on 
        and others     history of official       Indian Affairs, without 
                       depredations and ill-     amendment, and with a 
                       conceived policies by     preamble. (Rept. 83.)
                       the United States 
                       Government regarding 
                       Indian tribes and offer 
                       an apology to all 
                       Native Peoples on 
                       behalf of the United 

[[Page 30]]

  203     S. 1606    A bill to provide for the June 18, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Levin and    establishment of a        Levin, Committee on 
          others       comprehensive policy on   Armed Services, with an 
                       the care and management   amendment in the nature 
                       of wounded warriors in    of a substitute. (No 
                       order to facilitate and   written report.)
                       enhance their care, 
                       physical evaluation, 
                       transition from care by 
                       the Department of 
                       Defense to care by the 
                       Department of Veterans 
                       Affairs, and transition 
                       from military service 
                       to civilian life, and 
                       for other purposes.

  204     S. 1644    A bill making             June 18, 2007.--Mr. Byrd, 
         Mr. Byrd      appropriations for the    Committee on 
                       Department of Homeland    Appropriations, without 
                       Security for the fiscal   amendment. (An original 
                       year ending September     bill.) (Rept. 84.)
                       30, 2008, and for other 

  205     S. 1645    A bill making             June 18, 2007.--Mr. Reed, 
         Mr. Reed      appropriations for        Committee on 
                       military construction,    Appropriations, without 
                       the Department of         amendment. (An original 
                       Veterans Affairs, and     bill.) (Rept. 85.)
                       related agencies for 
                       the fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2008, and 
                       for other purposes.

  208     S. 1639    A bill to provide for     June 19, 2007.--Read the 
         Messrs.       comprehensive             second time and placed 
       Kennedy and     immigration reform and    on the calendar.
          Specter      for other purposes.

  211     S. 535     A bill to establish an    June 20, 2007.--Mr. 
       Messrs. Dodd    Unsolved Crimes Section   Leahy, Committee on the 
         and Leahy     in the Civil Rights       Judiciary, with an 
                       Division of the           amendment in the nature 
                       Department of Justice,    of a substitute, and an 
                       and an Unsolved Civil     amendment to the title. 
                       Rights Crime              (Rept. 88.) (See also 
                       Investigative Office in   Order No. 237.)
                       the Civil Rights Unit 
                       of the Federal Bureau 
                       of Investigation, and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 31]]

  212     S. 886     A bill to amend chapter   June 20, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       22 of title 44, United    Lieberman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    States Code, popularly    Homeland Security and 
           Leahy       known as the              Governmental Affairs, 
                       Presidential Records      without amendment. (No 
                       Act, to establish         written report.) (See 
                       procedures for the        also Order No. 213.)
                       consideration of claims 
                       of constitutionally 
                       based privilege against 
                       disclosure of 
                       Presidential records.

  213    H.R. 1255   An act to amend chapter   June 20, 2007.--Mr. 
                       22 of title 44, United    Lieberman, Committee on 
                       States Code, popularly    Homeland Security and 
                       known as the              Governmental Affairs, 
                       Presidential Records      without amendment. (No 
                       Act, to establish         written report.) (See 
                       procedures for the        also Order No. 212.)
                       consideration of claims 
                       of constitutionally 
                       based privilege against 
                       disclosure of 
                       Presidential records.

  217    H.R. 2366   An act to reauthorize the June 21, 2007.--Read the 
                       veterans                  second time and placed 
                       entrepreneurial           on the calendar.
                       development programs of 
                       the Small Business 
                       Administration, and for 
                       other purposes.

  218    H.R. 2359   An act to reauthorize     June 22, 2007.--Read the 
                       programs to assist        second time and placed 
                       small business            on the calendar.
                       concerns, and for other 

  219     S. 1686    A bill making             June 25, 2007.--Ms. 
       Ms. Landrieu    appropriations for the    Landrieu, Committee on 
                       Legislative Branch for    Appropriations, without 
                       the fiscal year ending    amendment. (An original 
                       September 30, 2008, and   bill.) (Rept. 89.) (See 
                       for other purposes.       also Order No. 258.)

  220     S. 185     A bill to restore habeas  June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       corpus for those          Leahy, Committee on the 
       Specter and     detained by the United    Judiciary, without 
           Leahy       States.                   amendment. (Rept. 90.) 
                                                 (Additional and 
                                                 minority views filed.)

  221     S. 1696    A bill making             June 26, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   appropriations for the    Feinstein, Committee on 
                       Department of the         Appropriations, without 
                       Interior, environment,    amendment. (An original 
                       and related agencies      bill.) (Rept. 91.) (See 
                       for the fiscal year       also Order No. 240.)
                       ending September 30, 
                       2008, and for other 

[[Page 32]]

  222     S. 1538    A bill to authorize       June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
           Mr.         appropriations for        Levin, Committee on 
        Rockefeller    fiscal year 2008 for      Armed Services, with 
                       the intelligence and      amendments. (Rept. 92.)
                       intelligence-related    May 31, 2007.--Mr. 
                       activities of the         Rockefeller, Select 
                       United States             Committee on 
                       Government, the           Intelligence, without 
                       Intelligence Community    amendment. (An original 
                       Management Account, and   bill.) (Rept. 75.) 
                       the Central               (Additional views 
                       Intelligence Agency       filed.)
                       Retirement and 
                       Disability System, and 
                       for other purposes.

  223     S. 126     A bill to modify the      June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Allard   boundary of Mesa Verde    Bingaman, Committee on 
        and Salazar    National Park, and for    Energy and Natural 
                       other purposes.           Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 93.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 

  224     S. 553     A bill to amend the Wild  June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
       Messrs. Dodd    and Scenic Rivers Act     Bingaman, Committee on 
       and Lieberman   to designate certain      Energy and Natural 
                       segments of the           Resources, without 
                       Eightmile River in the    amendment. (Rept. 94.)
                       State of Connecticut as 
                       components of the 
                       National Wild and 
                       Scenic Rivers System, 
                       and for other purposes.

  225     S. 580     A bill to amend the       June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Hatch     National Trails System    Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Act to require the        Energy and Natural 
                       Secretary of the          Resources, without 
                       Interior to update the    amendment. (Rept. 95.)
                       feasibility and 
                       suitability studies of 
                       four national historic 
                       trails, and for other 

  226     S. 686     A bill to amend the       June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lieberman    National Trails System    Bingaman, Committee on 
        and others     Act to designate the      Energy and Natural 
                       Washington-Rochambeau     Resources, without 
                       Revolutionary Route       amendment. (Rept. 96.)
                       National Historic 

  227     S. 890     A bill to provide for     June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   certain administrative    Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       and support services      Energy and Natural 
                       for the Dwight D.         Resources, with 
                       Eisenhower Memorial       amendments. (Rept. 97.) 
                       Commission, and for       (See also Order No. 
                       other purposes.           436.)

[[Page 33]]

  228     S. 797     A bill to amend the       June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cardin and   National Trails System    Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       Act to designate the      Energy and Natural 
                       Star-Spangled Banner      Resources, with 
                       Trail in the States of    amendments. (Rept. 98.) 
                       Maryland and Virginia     (See also Order No. 
                       and the District of       285.)
                       Columbia as a National 
                       Historic Trail.

  229     S. 1152    A bill to promote         June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    wildland firefighter      Bingaman, Committee on 
                       safety.                   Energy and Natural 
                                                 Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 99.)

  230 S. Con. Res. 6 Concurrent resolution     June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
       Messrs. Enzi    expressing the sense of   Bingaman, Committee on 
        and Thomas     Congress that the         Energy and Natural 
                       National Museum of        Resources, without 
                       Wildlife Art, located     amendment, and with a 
                       in Jackson, Wyoming,      preamble. (Rept. 100.)
                       should be designated as 
                       the ``National Museum 
                       of Wildlife Art of the 
                       United States''.

  231    H.R. 161    An act to adjust the      June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       boundary of the           Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Minidoka Internment       Energy and Natural 
                       National Monument to      Resources, with an 
                       include the Nidoto Nai    amendment in the nature 
                       Yoni Memorial in          of a substitute, and an 
                       Bainbridge Island,        amendment to the title. 
                       Washington, and for       (Rept. 101.)
                       other purposes.

  232    H.R. 376    An act to authorize the   June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
                       special resource study    Resources, without 
                       to determine the          amendment. (Rept. 102.)
                       suitability and 
                       feasibility of 
                       including the 
                       battlefields and 
                       related sites of the 
                       First and Second 
                       Battles of Newtonia, 
                       Missouri, during the 
                       Civil War as part of 
                       Wilson's Creek National 
                       Battlefield or 
                       designating the 
                       battlefields and 
                       related sites as a 
                       separate unit of the 
                       National Park System, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 34]]

  233    H.R. 497    An act to authorize the   June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Marion Park Project, a    Bingaman, Committee on 
                       committee of the          Energy and Natural 
                       Palmetto Conservation     Resources, without 
                       Foundation, to            amendment. (Rept. 103.)
                       establish a 
                       commemorative work on 
                       Federal land in the 
                       District of Columbia, 
                       and its environs to 
                       honor Brigadier General 
                       Francis Marion.

  234    H.R. 512    An act to establish the   June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Commission to Study the   Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Potential Creation of     Energy and Natural 
                       the National Museum of    Resources, without 
                       the American Latino to    amendment. (Rept. 104.)
                       develop a plan of 
                       action for the 
                       establishment and 
                       maintenance of a 
                       National Museum of the 
                       American Latino in 
                       Washington, DC, and for 
                       other purposes.

  235    H.R. 658    An act to authorize the   June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to enter into    Energy and Natural 
                       cooperative agreements    Resources, without 
                       to protect natural        amendment. (Rept. 105.)
                       resources of units of 
                       the National Park 
                       System through 
                       collaborative efforts 
                       on land inside and 
                       outside of units of the 
                       National Park System, 
                       and for other purposes.

  236    H.R. 1047   An act to authorize the   June 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
                       study to determine the    Resources, without 
                       suitability and           amendment. (Rept. 106.)
                       feasibility of 
                       designating the 
                       Soldiers' Memorial 
                       Military Museum located 
                       in St. Louis, Missouri, 
                       as a unit of the 
                       National Park System.

  237    H.R. 923    An act to provide for the June 26, 2007.--Placed on 
                       investigation of          the calendar. (See also 
                       certain unsolved civil    Order No. 211.)
                       rights crimes, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 35]]

  238     S. 1710    A bill making             June 27, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Harkin     appropriations for the    Harkin, Committee on 
                       Departments of Labor,     Appropriations, without 
                       Health and Human          amendment. (An original 
                       Services, and             bill.) (Rept. 107.)
                       Education, and related 
                       agencies for the fiscal 
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2008, and for other 

  240    H.R. 2643   An act making             June 28, 2007.--Placed on 
                       appropriations for the    the calendar. (See also 
                       Department of the         Order No. 221.)
                       Interior, environment, 
                       and related agencies 
                       for the fiscal year 
                       ending September 30, 
                       2008, and for other 

  244 H. Con. Res. 7 Concurrent resolution     June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       calling on the League     Biden, Committee on 
                       of Arab States and each   Foreign Relations, with 
                       Member State              an amendment, and an 
                       individually to           amendment to the 
                       acknowledge the           preamble. (No written 
                       genocide in the Darfur    report.)
                       region of Sudan and to 
                       step up their efforts 
                       to stop the genocide in 

  245     S. 175     A bill to provide for a   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Inhofe     feasibility study of      Bingaman, Committee on 
                       alternatives to augment   Energy and Natural 
                       the water supplies of     Resources, with an 
                       the Central Oklahoma      amendment in the nature 
                       Master Conservancy        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       District and cities       111.) (See also Order 
                       served by the District.   No. 437.)

  246     S. 542     A bill to authorize the   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Craig     Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to conduct       Energy and Natural 
                       feasibility studies to    Resources, without 
                       address certain water     amendment. (Rept. 113.)
                       shortages within the 
                       Snake, Boise, and 
                       Payette River systems 
                       in the State of Idaho, 
                       and for other purposes.

  247     S. 1037    A bill to authorize the   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Smith    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Wyden     Interior to assist in     Energy and Natural 
                       the planning, design,     Resources, without 
                       and construction of the   amendment. (Rept. 114.)
                       Tumalo Irrigation 
                       District Water 
                       Conservation Project in 
                       Deschutes County, 

[[Page 36]]

  248     S. 1110    A bill to amend the       June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Hatch    Reclamation Projects      Bingaman, Committee on 
        and Bennett    Authorization and         Energy and Natural 
                       Adjustment Act of 1992    Resources, without 
                       to provide for the        amendment. (Rept. 115.)
                       conjunctive use of 
                       surface and ground 
                       water in Juab County, 

  249     S. 1139    A bill to establish the   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Bingaman    National Landscape        Bingaman, Committee on 
        and others     Conservation System,      Energy and Natural 
                       and for other purposes.   Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  250    H.R. 235    An act to allow for the   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       renegotiation of the      Bingaman, Committee on 
                       payment schedule of       Energy and Natural 
                       contracts between the     Resources, without 
                       Secretary of the          amendment. (Rept. 117.)
                       Interior and the 
                       Redwood Valley County 
                       Water District, and for 
                       other purposes.

  251    H.R. 276    An act to designate the   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Piedras Blancas Light     Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Station and the           Energy and Natural 
                       surrounding public land   Resources, without 
                       as an Outstanding         amendment. (Rept. 118.)
                       Natural Area to be 
                       administered as a part 
                       of the National 
                       Landscape Conservation 
                       System, and for other 

  252    H.R. 482    An act to direct the      June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to transfer      Energy and Natural 
                       ownership of the          Resources, without 
                       American River Pump       amendment. (Rept. 119.)
                       Station Project, and 
                       for other purposes.

  253     S. 324     A bill to direct the      June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
       Domenici and    Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
         Bingaman      study of water            Resources, without 
                       resources in the State    amendment. (Rept. 112.)
                       of New Mexico.

[[Page 37]]

  254    H.R. 839    An act to authorize the   June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to study the     Energy and Natural 
                       feasibility of            Resources, without 
                       enlarging the Arthur V.   amendment. (Rept. 120.)
                       Watkins Dam Weber Basin 
                       Project, Utah, to 
                       provide additional 
                       water for the Weber 
                       Basin Project to 
                       fulfill the purposes 
                       for which that project 
                       was authorized.

  255    H.R. 886    An act to enhance         June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       ecosystem protection      Bingaman, Committee on 
                       and the range of          Energy and Natural 
                       outdoor opportunities     Resources, without 
                       protected by statute in   amendment. (Rept. 121.)
                       the Skykomish River 
                       valley of the State of 
                       Washington by 
                       designating certain 
                       lower-elevation Federal 
                       lands as wilderness, 
                       and for other purposes.

  256    H.R. 902    An act to facilitate the  June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
                       use for irrigation and    Bingaman, Committee on 
                       other purposes of water   Energy and Natural 
                       produced in connection    Resources, with an 
                       with development of       amendment in the nature 
                       energy resources.         of a substitute. (Rept. 

  257     S. 1257    A bill to provide the     June 28, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lieberman    District of Columbia a    Lieberman, Committee on 
        and others     voting seat and the       Homeland Security and 
                       State of Utah an          Governmental Affairs, 
                       additional seat in the    with amendments. (Rept. 
                       House of                  123.) (Additional views 
                       Representatives.          filed.)

  258    H.R. 2771   An act making             June 28, 2007.--Ms. 
                       appropriations for the    Landrieu, Committee on 
                       Legislative Branch for    Appropriations, without 
                       the fiscal year ending    amendment. Without 
                       September 30, 2008, and   recommendation. (No 
                       for other purposes.       written report.) (See 
                                                 also Order No. 219.)

  259     S. 1745    A bill making             June 29, 2007.--Ms. 
       Ms. Mikulski    appropriations for the    Mikulski, Committee on 
                       Departments of Commerce   Appropriations, without 
                       and Justice, science,     amendment. (An original 
                       and related agencies      bill.) (Rept. 124.)
                       for the fiscal year 
                       ending September 30, 
                       2008, and for other 

[[Page 38]]

  260     S. 1547    A bill to authorize       June 29, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Levin     appropriations for        Rockefeller, Select 
                       fiscal year 2008 for      Committee on 
                       military activities of    Intelligence, with 
                       the Department of         amendments. (Rept. 
                       Defense, for military     125.) (Additional views 
                       construction, and for     filed.)
                       defense activities of   June 5, 2007.--Mr. Levin, 
                       the Department of         Committee on Armed 
                       Energy, to prescribe      Services, without 
                       military personnel        amendment. (An original 
                       strengths for such        bill.) (Rept. 77.)
                       fiscal year, and for 
                       other purposes.

  261     S. 1548    A bill to authorize       June 29, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Levin     appropriations for        Rockefeller, Select 
                       fiscal year 2008 for      Committee on 
                       military activities of    Intelligence, with 
                       the Department of         amendments. (No written 
                       Defense, to prescribe     report.)
                       military personnel      June 5, 2007.--Mr. Levin, 
                       strengths for such        Committee on Armed 
                       fiscal year, and for      Services, without 
                       other purposes.           amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (No written 

  263     S. 1751    A bill making             July 9, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Dorgan     appropriations for        Dorgan, Committee on 
                       energy and water          Appropriations, without 
                       development for the       amendment. (An original 
                       fiscal year ending        bill.) (Rept. 127.) 
                       September 30, 2008, and   (See also Order No. 
                       for other purposes.       274.)

  266     S. 1762    A bill to provide for     July 10, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Kennedy    reconciliation pursuant   Kennedy, Committee on 
                       to section 602 of the     Health, Education, 
                       concurrent resolution     Labor, and Pensions, 
                       on the budget for         without amendment. (An 
                       fiscal year 2008 (S.      original bill.) (No 
                       Con. Res. 21).            written report.)

  267    H.R. 1904   An act to provide         July 11, 2007.--Placed on 
                       assistance to the State   the calendar. (See also 
                       of New Mexico for the     Order No. 37.)
                       development of 
                       comprehensive State 
                       water plans, and for 
                       other purposes.

  268    H.R. 2829   An act making             July 13, 2007.--Mr. 
                       appropriations for        Durbin, Committee on 
                       financial services and    Appropriations, with an 
                       general government for    amendment in the nature 
                       the fiscal year ending    of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       September 30, 2008, and   129.)
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 39]]

  270    H.R. 2900   An act to amend the       July 16, 2007.--Placed on 
                       Federal Food, Drug, and   the calendar.
                       Cosmetic Act to revise 
                       and extend the user-fee 
                       programs for 
                       prescription drugs and 
                       for medical devices, to 
                       enhance the postmarket 
                       authorities of the Food 
                       and Drug Administration 
                       with respect to the 
                       safety of drugs, and 
                       for other purposes.

  271     S. 392     A bill to ensure payment  July 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    of United States          Biden, Committee on 
          others       assessments for United    Foreign Relations, 
                       Nations peacekeeping      without amendment. 
                       operations for the 2005   (Rept. 130.)
                       through 2008 time 

  272     S. 1789    A bill making             July 16, 2007.--Mrs. 
        Mrs. Murray    appropriations for the    Murray, Committee on 
                       Departments of            Appropriations, without 
                       Transportation and        amendment. (An original 
                       Housing and Urban         bill.) (Rept. 131.)
                       Development, and 
                       related agencies for 
                       the fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2008, and 
                       for other purposes.

  273    H.R. 799    An act to reauthorize and July 17, 2007.--Placed on 
                       improve the program       the calendar.
                       authorized by the 
                       Appalachian Regional 
                       Development Act of 

  274    H.R. 2641   An act making             July 18, 2007.--Placed on 
                       appropriations for        the calendar. (See also 
                       energy and water          Order No. 263.)
                       development and related 
                       agencies for the fiscal 
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2008, and for other 

  275    H.R. 980    An act to provide         July 20, 2007.--Read the 
                       collective bargaining     second time and placed 
                       rights for public         on the calendar.
                       safety officers 
                       employed by States or 
                       their political 

  279     S. 479     A bill to reduce the      July 23, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Harkin and   incidence of suicide      Akaka, Committee on 
          others       among veterans.           Veterans' Affairs, 
                                                 without amendment. 
                                                 (Rept. 132.)

[[Page 40]]

  281  S.J. Res. 16  Joint resolution          July 24, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. McConnell    approving the renewal     Baucus, Committee on 
        and others     of import restrictions    Finance, without 
                       contained in the          amendment. (Rept. 146.)
                       Burmese Freedom and 
                       Democracy Act of 2003.

  282     S. 1859    A bill making             July 24, 2007.--Mr. Kohl, 
         Mr. Kohl      appropriations for        Committee on 
                       Agriculture, Rural        Appropriations, without 
                       Development, Food and     amendment. (An original 
                       Drug Administration,      bill.) (Rept. 134.) 
                       and Related Agencies      (See also Order No. 
                       programs for the fiscal   331.)
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2008, and for other 

  283     S. 423     A bill to increase,       July 24, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Akaka and    effective as of           Akaka, Committee on 
          others       December 1, 2007, the     Veterans' Affairs, 
                       rates of compensation     without amendment. 
                       for veterans with         (Rept. 135.)
                       disabilities and the 
                       rates of dependency and 
                       indemnity compensation 
                       for the survivors of 
                       certain disabled 

  284     S. 1500    A bill to support         July 24, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Clinton,    democracy and human       Biden, Committee on 
         Messrs.       rights in Zimbabwe, and   Foreign Relations, 
       Feingold and    for other purposes.       without amendment. 
           Lugar                                 (Rept. 136.)

  285    H.R. 1388   An act to amend the       July 24, 2007.--Placed on 
                       National Trails System    the calendar. (See also 
                       Act to designate the      Order No. 228.)
                       Star-Spangled Banner 
                       Trail in the States of 
                       Maryland and Virginia 
                       and the District of 
                       Columbia as a National 
                       Historic Trail.

  287     S. 1698    A bill to provide that no July 25, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Coleman    funds appropriated or     Biden, Committee on 
                       otherwise made            Foreign Relations, with 
                       available by any act      an amendment. (Rept. 
                       for contributions for     137.)
                       organizations may be 
                       made available to 
                       support the United 
                       Nations Human Rights 

[[Page 41]]

  288     S. 1893    A bill to amend title XXI July 27, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     of the Social Security    Baucus, Committee on 
                       Act to reauthorize the    Finance, without 
                       State Children's Health   amendment. (An original 
                       Insurance Program, and    bill.) (No written 
                       for other purposes.       report.) (See also 
                                                 Order No. 338.)

  291     S. 675     A bill to provide         July 31, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Harkin and   competitive grants for    Inouye, Committee on 
          others       training court            Commerce, Science, and 
                       reporters and closed      Transportation, with 
                       captioners to meet        amendments. (Rept. 
                       requirements for          138.)
                       realtime writers under 
                       the Telecommunications 
                       Act of 1996, and for 
                       other purposes.

  292     S. 1565    A bill to provide for the July 31, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Biden    transfer of naval         Biden, Committee on 
         and Lugar     vessels to certain        Foreign Relations, 
                       foreign recipients.       without amendment. 
                                                 (Rept. 139.)

  293     S. 1607    A bill to provide for     July 31, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Baucus and   identification of         Baucus, Committee on 
          others       misaligned currency,      Finance, with an 
                       require action to         amendment in the nature 
                       correct the               of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       misalignment, and for     248.)
                       other purposes.

  294     S. 1011    A bill to change the name Aug. 1, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    of the National           Kennedy, Committee on 
          others       Institute on Drug Abuse   Health, Education, 
                       to the National           Labor, and Pensions, 
                       Institute on Diseases     with an amendment. (No 
                       of Addiction and to       written report.)
                       change the name of the 
                       National Institute on 
                       Alcohol Abuse and 
                       Alcoholism to the 
                       National Institute on 
                       Alcohol Disorders and 

  295     S. 1923    A bill to authorize       Aug. 1, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      appropriations for        Committee on Banking, 
                       assistance for the        Housing, and Urban 
                       Housing Assistance        Affairs, without 
                       Council, the Raza         amendment. (An original 
                       Development Fund, and     bill.) (No written 
                       for the Housing           report.)
                       Partnership Network 
                       (HPN) and its members, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 42]]

  316    H.R. 3034   An act to designate the   Aug. 1, 2007.--Placed on 
                       facility of the United    the calendar.
                       States Postal Service 
                       located at 127 South 
                       Elm Street in Gardner, 
                       Kansas, as the 
                       ``Private First Class 
                       Shane R. Austin Post 

  318     S. 1693    A bill to enhance the     Aug. 1, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kennedy     adoption of a             Kennedy, Committee on 
        and others     nationwide                Health, Education, 
                       interoperable health      Labor, and Pensions, 
                       information technology    with an amendment in 
                       system and to improve     the nature of a 
                       the quality and reduce    substitute. (Rept. 
                       the costs of health       187.)
                       care in the United 

  320     S. 1785    A bill to amend the Clean Aug. 2, 2007.--Mrs. 
        Mr. Nelson     Air Act to establish      Boxer, Committee on 
         (FL) and      deadlines by which the    Environment and Public 
          others       Administrator of the      Works, with an 
                       Environmental             amendment in the nature 
                       Protection Agency shall   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       issue a decision on       243.)
                       whether to grant 
                       certain waivers of 
                       preemption under that 

  325    H.R. 2831   An act to amend title VII Aug. 2, 2007.--Read the 
                       of the Civil Rights Act   second time and placed 
                       of 1964, the Age          on the calendar.
                       Discrimination in 
                       Employment Act of 1967, 
                       the Americans With 
                       Disabilities Act of 
                       1990, and the 
                       Rehabilitation Act of 
                       1973 to clarify that a 
                       compensation decision 
                       or other practice that 
                       is unlawful under such 
                       acts occurs each time 
                       compensation is paid 
                       pursuant to the 
                       compensation decision 
                       or other practice, and 
                       for other purposes.

  326     S. 1183    A bill to enhance and     Aug. 3, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Harkin and   further research into     Kennedy, Committee on 
          others       paralysis and to          Health, Education, 
                       improve rehabilitation    Labor, and Pensions, 
                       and the quality of life   with an amendment in 
                       for persons living with   the nature of a 
                       paralysis and other       substitute. (No written 
                       physical disabilities,    report.)
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 43]]

  328     S. 1163    A bill to amend title 38, Aug. 3, 2007.--Mr. Akaka, 
      Mr. Akaka and    United States Code, to    Committee on Veterans' 
          others       improve compensation      Affairs, with an 
                       and specially adapted     amendment in the nature 
                       housing for veterans in   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       certain cases of          143.)
                       impairment of vision 
                       involving both eyes, 
                       and to provide for the 
                       use of the National 
                       Directory of New Hires 
                       for income verification 

  329     S. 1300    A bill to amend title 49, Aug. 3, 2007.--Mr. 
           Mr.         United States Code, to    Inouye, Committee on 
       Rockefeller     authorize                 Commerce, Science, and 
        and others     appropriations for the    Transportation, with 
                       Federal Aviation          amendments. (Rept. 
                       Administration for        144.) (See also Order 
                       fiscal years 2008         No. 383.)
                       through 2011, to 
                       improve aviation safety 
                       and capacity, to 
                       modernize the air 
                       traffic control system, 
                       and for other purposes.

  330     S. 898     A bill to amend the       Aug. 3, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Mikulski    Public Health Service     Kennedy, Committee on 
        and others     Act to fund               Health, Education, 
                       breakthroughs in          Labor, and Pensions, 
                       Alzheimer's disease       with an amendment in 
                       research while            the nature of a 
                       providing more help to    substitute, and an 
                       caregivers and            amendment to the title. 
                       increasing public         (No written report.)
                       education about 

  331    H.R. 3161   An act making             Aug. 3, 2007.--Placed on 
                       appropriations for        the calendar. (See also 
                       Agriculture, Rural        Order No. 282.)
                       Development, Food and 
                       Drug Administration, 
                       and Related Agencies 
                       programs for the fiscal 
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2008, and for other 

  332     S. 2011    A bill entitled the       Aug. 3, 2007.--Ordered 
      Messrs. Levin    ``Protect America Act     placed on the calendar.
           and         of 2007''.

  334    H.R. 1361   An act to improve the     Aug. 3, 2007.--Placed on 
                       disaster relief           the calendar.
                       programs of the Small 
                       Administration, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 44]]

  335     S. 1233    A bill to provide and     Aug. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Akaka    enhance intervention,     Akaka, Committee on 
         and Craig     rehabilitative            Veterans' Affairs, with 
                       treatment, and services   an amendment in the 
                       to veterans with          nature of a substitute, 
                       traumatic brain injury,   and an amendment to the 
                       and for other purposes.   title. (Rept. 147.) 
                                                 (Supplemental views 

  336     S. 1315    A bill to amend title 38, Aug. 29, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Akaka     United States Code, to    Akaka, Committee on 
                       enhance life insurance    Veterans' Affairs, with 
                       benefits for disabled     an amendment in the 
                       veterans, and for other   nature of a substitute, 
                       purposes.                 and an amendment to the 
                                                 title. (Rept. 148.) 
                                                 (Supplemental views 

  337   S. Res. 22   Resolution reaffirming    Sept. 4, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Collins     the constitutional and    Lieberman, Committee on 
        and others     statutory protections     Homeland Security and 
                       accorded sealed           Governmental Affairs, 
                       domestic mail, and for    without amendment, and 
                       other purposes.           with a preamble. (No 
                                                 written report.)

  338    H.R. 3162   An act to amend titles    Sept. 4, 2007.--Placed on 
                       XVIII, XIX, and XXI of    the calendar. (See also 
                       the Social Security Act   Order No. 288.)
                       to extend and improve 
                       the children's health 
                       insurance program, to 
                       improve beneficiary 
                       protections under the 
                       Medicare, Medicaid, and 
                       the CHIP program, and 
                       for other purposes.

  340    H.R. 3221   An act moving the United  Sept. 5, 2007.--Read the 
                       States toward greater     second time and placed 
                       energy independence and   on the calendar.
                       security, developing 
                       innovative new 
                       technologies, reducing 
                       carbon emissions, 
                       creating green jobs, 
                       protecting consumers, 
                       increasing clean 
                       renewable energy 
                       production, and 
                       modernizing our energy 
                       infrastructure, and to 
                       amend the Internal 
                       Revenue Code of 1986 to 
                       provide tax incentives 
                       for the production of 
                       renewable energy and 
                       energy conservation.

[[Page 45]]

  341     S. 376     A bill to amend title 18, Sept. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Leahy and    United States Code, to    Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       improve the provisions    Judiciary, without 
                       relating to the           amendment. (Rept. 150.) 
                       carrying of concealed     (Minority views filed.)
                       weapons by law 
                       enforcement officers, 
                       and for other purposes.

  348    H.R. 1908   An act to amend title 35, Sept. 11, 2007.--Read the 
                       United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       provide for patent        on the calendar.

  349     S. 1138    A bill to enhance nuclear Sept. 11, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Lugar,   safeguards and to         Biden, Committee on 
        Bayh, and      provide assurances of     Foreign Relations, 
           Hagel       nuclear fuel supply to    without amendment. 
                       countries that forgo      (Rept. 151.)
                       certain fuel cycle 

  350     S. 1687    A bill to provide for     Sept. 11, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Biden and    global pathogen           Biden, Committee on 
          others       surveillance and          Foreign Relations, 
                       response.                 without amendment. 
                                                 (Rept. 152.)

  351     S. 1027    A bill to prevent tobacco Sept. 11, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kohl and    smuggling, to ensure      Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       the collection of all     Judiciary, without 
                       tobacco taxes, and for    amendment. (Rept. 153.)
                       other purposes.

  352     S. 1256    A bill to amend the Small Sept. 12, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Kerry and    Business Act to           Kerry, Committee on 
          others       reauthorize loan          Small Business and 
                       programs under that       Entrepreneurship, with 
                       Act, and for other        an amendment in the 
                       purposes.                 nature of a substitute. 
                                                 (Rept. 154.)

  354     S. 471     A bill to authorize the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Hagel    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
        and Nelson     Interior to convey to     Energy and Natural 
           (NE)        The Missouri River        Resources, with 
                       Basin Lewis and Clark     amendments. (Rept. 
                       Interpretive Trail and    156.)
                       Visitor Center 
                       Foundation, Inc. 
                       certain Federal land 
                       associated with the 
                       Lewis and Clark 
                       National Historic Trail 
                       in Nebraska, to be used 
                       as an historical 
                       interpretive site along 
                       the trail.

[[Page 46]]

  355     S. 637     A bill to direct the      Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Sessions    Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to study the     Energy and Natural 
                       suitability and           Resources, with 
                       feasibility of            amendments. (Rept. 
                       establishing the          157.)
                       Chattahoochee Trace 
                       National Heritage 
                       Corridor in Alabama and 
                       Georgia, and for other 

  356     S. 645     A bill to amend the       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Thomas and   Energy Policy Act of      Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       2005 to provide an        Energy and Natural 
                       alternate sulfur          Resources, without 
                       dioxide removal           amendment. (Rept. 158.)
                       measurement for certain 
                       coal gasification 
                       project goals.

  357     S. 1182    A bill to amend the       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Dodd and    Quinebaug and Shetucket   Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       Rivers Valley National    Energy and Natural 
                       Heritage Corridor Act     Resources, with an 
                       of 1994 to increase the   amendment in the nature 
                       authorization of          of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       appropriations and        159.)
                       modify the date on 
                       which the authority of 
                       the Secretary of the 
                       Interior terminates 
                       under the Act.

  358     S. 1203    A bill to enhance the     Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       management of             Bingaman, Committee on 
       Bingaman and    electricity programs at   Energy and Natural 
         Domenici      the Department of         Resources, without 
                       Energy.                   amendment. (Rept. 160.)

  359     S. 1728    A bill to amend the       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Akaka     National Parks and        Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Recreation Act of 1978    Energy and Natural 
                       to reauthorize the Na     Resources, without 
                       Hoa Pili O Kaloko-        amendment. (Rept. 161.)
                       Honokohau Advisory 

  360     H.R. 85    An act to provide for the Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
                       establishment of          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       centers to encourage      Energy and Natural 
                       demonstration and         Resources, without 
                       commercial application    amendment. (Rept. 162.)
                       of advanced energy 
                       methods and 

[[Page 47]]

  361    H.R. 247    An act to designate a     Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Forest Service trail at   Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Waldo Lake in the         Energy and Natural 
                       Willamette National       Resources, without 
                       Forest in the State of    amendment. (Rept. 163.)
                       Oregon as a national 
                       recreation trail in 
                       honor of Jim Weaver, a 
                       former Member of the 
                       House of 

  362    H.R. 407    An act to direct the      Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
                       study to determine the    Resources, without 
                       feasibility of            amendment. (Rept. 164.)
                       establishing the 
                       National Heritage Area 
                       in the States of 
                       Washington and Oregon, 
                       and for other purposes.

  364  H. Con. Res.  Concurrent resolution     Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
            116        expressing the sense of   Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Congress that the         Energy and Natural 
                       National Museum of        Resources, without 
                       Wildlife Art, located     amendment, and with a 
                       in Jackson, Wyoming,      preamble. (Rept. 166.)
                       shall be designated as 
                       the ``National Museum 
                       of Wildlife Art of the 
                       United States''.

  365     S. 169     A bill to amend the       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Allard   National Trails System    Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Levin     Act to clarify Federal    Energy and Natural 
                       authority relating to     Resources, with an 
                       land acquisition from     amendment in the nature 
                       willing sellers for the   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       majority of the trails    167.)
                       in the System, and for 
                       other purposes.

  366     S. 278     A bill to establish a     Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Thomas     program and criteria      Bingaman, Committee on 
                       for National Heritage     Energy and Natural 
                       Areas in the United       Resources, with an 
                       States, and for other     amendment in the nature 
                       purposes.                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  367     S. 289     A bill to establish the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Warner and   Journey Through           Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       Hallowed Ground           Energy and Natural 
                       National Heritage Area,   Resources, with an 
                       and for other purposes.   amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

[[Page 48]]

  368     S. 443     A bill to establish the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Sangre de Cristo          Bingaman, Committee on 
       Salazar and     National Heritage Area    Energy and Natural 
          Allard       in the State of           Resources, with an 
                       Colorado, and for other   amendment in the nature 
                       purposes.                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  369     S. 444     A bill to establish the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Salazar    South Park National       Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Heritage Area in the      Energy and Natural 
                       State of Colorado, and    Resources, with an 
                       for other purposes.       amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  370     S. 647     A bill to designate       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Wyden    certain land in the       Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Smith     State of Oregon as        Energy and Natural 
                       wilderness, and for       Resources, with an 
                       other purposes.           amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  371     S. 722     A bill to direct the      Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. McCain   Secretary of the          Bingaman, Committee on 
          and Kyl      Interior and the          Energy and Natural 
                       Secretary of              Resources, with an 
                       Agriculture to jointly    amendment in the nature 
                       conduct a study of        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       certain land adjacent     173.)
                       to the Walnut Canyon 
                       National Monument in 
                       the State of Arizona.

  372     S. 800     A bill to establish the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Schumer    Niagara Falls National    Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Heritage Area in the      Energy and Natural 
                       State of New York, and    Resources, with an 
                       for other purposes.       amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  373     S. 817     A bill to amend the       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Voinovich    Omnibus Parks and         Bingaman, Committee on 
        and others     Public Lands Management   Energy and Natural 
                       Act of 1996 to provide    Resources, with an 
                       additional                amendment in the nature 
                       authorizations for        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       certain National          175.)
                       Heritage Areas, and for 
                       other purposes.

  374     S. 838     A bill to authorize       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Smith and    funding for eligible      Bingaman, Committee on 
          others       joint ventures between    Energy and Natural 
                       United States and         Resources, with an 
                       Israeli businesses and    amendment in the nature 
                       academic persons, to      of a substitute, and an 
                       establish the             amendment to the title. 
                       International Energy      (Rept. 176.)
                       Advisory Board, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 49]]

  375     S. 955     A bill to establish the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Durbin   Abraham Lincoln           Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Obama     Heritage Area, and for    Energy and Natural 
                       other purposes.           Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  376     S. 1089    A bill to amend the       Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
      Ms. Murkowski    Alaska Natural Gas        Bingaman, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Pipeline Act to allow     Energy and Natural 
          Stevens      the Federal Coordinator   Resources, with an 
                       for Alaska Natural Gas    amendment in the nature 
                       Transportation Projects   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       to hire employees more    178.)
                       efficiently, and for 
                       other purposes.

  377     S. 1148    A bill to establish the   Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mrs. Clinton    Champlain                 Bingaman, Committee on 
        and others     Quadricentennial          Energy and Natural 
                       Commemoration             Resources, with an 
                       Commission and the        amendment in the nature 
                       Hudson-Fulton 400th       of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Commemoration             179.) (See also Order 
                       Commission, and for       No. 385.)
                       other purposes.

  378    H.R. 1100   An act to revise the      Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
                       boundary of the Carl      Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Sandburg Home National    Energy and Natural 
                       Historic Site in the      Resources, without 
                       State of North            amendment. (Rept. 180.)
                       Carolina, and for other 

  379    H.R. 1126   An act to reauthorize the Sept. 17, 2007.--Mr. 
                       Steel and Aluminum        Bingaman, Committee on 
                       Energy Conservation and   Energy and Natural 
                       Technology                Resources, without 
                       Competitiveness Act of    amendment. (Rept. 181.)

  380     S. 2070    A bill to prevent         Sept. 20, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. DeMint and   Government shutdowns.     second time and placed 
          others                                 on the calendar.

  381     S. 1771    A bill to increase the    Sept. 20, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Pryor and    safety of swimming        Inouye, Committee on 
          others       pools and spas by         Commerce, Science, and 
                       requiring the use of      Transportation, with 
                       proper anti-entrapment    amendments. (Rept. 
                       drain covers and pool     182.) (See also Order 
                       and spa drainage          No. 417.)
                       systems, to educate the 
                       public about pool and 
                       spa safety, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 50]]

  382     S. 2084    A bill to promote school  Sept. 21, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Leahy     safety, improved law      Leahy, Committee on the 
                       enforcement, and for      Judiciary, without 
                       other purposes.           amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 183.) 
                                                 (Supplemental views 

  383    H.R. 2881   An act to amend title 49, Sept. 24, 2007.--Placed 
                       United States Code, to    on the calendar. (See 
                       authorize                 also Order No. 329.)
                       appropriations for the 
                       Federal Aviation 
                       Administration for 
                       fiscal years 2008 
                       through 2011, to 
                       improve aviation safety 
                       and capacity, to 
                       provide stable funding 
                       for the national 
                       aviation system, and 
                       for other purposes.

  385    H.R. 1520   An act to establish the   Sept. 25, 2007.--Placed 
                       Champlain                 on the calendar. (See 
                       Quadricentennial          also Order No. 377.)
                       Commission, the Hudson-
                       Fulton 400th 
                       Commission, and for 
                       other purposes.

  386     S. 1671    A bill to reauthorize and Sept. 26, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Kerry and    improve the               Kerry, Committee on 
         Ms. Snowe     entrepreneurial           Small Business and 
                       development programs of   Entrepreneurship, with 
                       the Small Business        an amendment in the 
                       Administration, and for   nature of a substitute. 
                       other purposes.           (Rept. 185.)

  388    H.R. 835    An act to reauthorize the Sept. 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                       programs of the           Dodd, Committee on 
                       Department of Housing     Banking, Housing and 
                       and Urban Development     Urban Affairs, without 
                       for housing assistance    amendment. (No written 
                       for Native Hawaiians.     report.)
                                               July 9, 2007.--Mr. 
                                                 Dorgan, Committee on 
                                                 Indian Affairs, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 126.)

  400    H.R. 2693   An act to direct the      Sept. 28, 2007.--Read the 
                       Occupational Safety and   second time and placed 
                       Health Administration     on the calendar.
                       to issue a standard 
                       regulating worker 
                       exposure to diacetyl.

[[Page 51]]

  401     S. 2128    A bill to make the        Oct. 3, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. Sununu and   moratorium on Internet    second time and placed 
          others       access taxes and          on the calendar.
                       multiple and 
                       discriminatory taxes on 
                       electronic commerce 

  402     S. 1446    A bill to amend the       Oct. 3, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cardin and   National Capital          Lieberman, Committee on 
          others       Transportation Act of     Homeland Security and 
                       1969 to authorize         Governmental Affairs, 
                       additional Federal        without amendment. 
                       contributions for         (Rept. 188.)
                       maintaining and 
                       improving the transit 
                       system of the 
                       Washington Metropolitan 
                       Area Transit Authority, 
                       and for other purposes.

  403    H.R. 2828   An act to provide         Oct. 4, 2007.--Read the 
                       compensation to           second time and placed 
                       relatives of United       on the calendar.
                       States citizens who 
                       were killed as a result 
                       of the bombings of 
                       United States Embassies 
                       in East Africa on 
                       August 7, 1998.

  410     S. 221     A bill to amend title 9   Oct. 4, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
       Mr. Grassley    United States Code, to    Committee on the 
        and others     provide for greater       Judiciary, without 
                       fairness in the           amendment. (Rept. 190.) 
                       arbitration process       (Additional and 
                       relating to livestock     minority views filed.)
                       and poultry contracts.

  411     S. 453     A bill to prohibit        Oct. 4, 2007.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Obama and    deceptive practices in    Committee on the 
          others       Federal elections.        Judiciary, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 191.) (Additional views 

  412     S. 2152    A bill to amend title XXI Oct. 5, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. McConnell    of the Social Security    second time and ordered 
        and others     Act to reauthorize the    placed on the calendar.
                       State Children's Health 
                       Insurance Program 
                       through fiscal year 
                       2012, and for other 

  413    H.R. 2740   An act to require         Oct. 5, 2007.--Read the 
                       accountability for        second time and ordered 
                       contractors and           placed on the calendar.
                       contract personnel 
                       under Federal 
                       contracts, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 52]]

  414     S. 805     A bill to amend the       Oct. 9, 2007.--Mr. Biden, 
      Mr. Durbin and   Foreign Assistance Act    Committee on Foreign 
          others       of 1961 to assist         Relations, with 
                       countries in sub-         amendments. (Rept. 
                       Saharan Africa in the     192.)
                       effort to achieve 
                       recognized goals in the 
                       treatment and 
                       prevention of HIV/AIDS 
                       and other major 
                       diseases and the 
                       reduction of maternal 
                       and child mortality by 
                       improving human health 
                       care capacity and 
                       improving retention of 
                       medical health 
                       professionals in sub-
                       Saharan Africa, and for 
                       other purposes.

  415     S. 968     A bill to amend the       Oct. 9, 2007.--Mr. Biden, 
      Mrs. Boxer and   Foreign Assistance Act    Committee on Foreign 
          others       of 1961 to provide        Relations, with an 
                       increased assistance      amendment in the nature 
                       for the prevention,       of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       treatment, and control    193.) (See also Order 
                       of tuberculosis, and      No. 472.)
                       for other purposes.

  416    H.R. 1678   An act to amend the       Oct. 9, 2007.--Mr. Biden, 
                       Torture Victims Relief    Committee on Foreign 
                       Act of 1998 to            Relations, without 
                       authorize                 amendment. (Rept. 194.)
                       appropriations to 
                       provide assistance for 
                       domestic and foreign 
                       programs and centers 
                       for the treatment of 
                       victims of torture, and 
                       for other purposes.

  417    H.R. 1721   An act to increase the    Oct. 15, 2007.--Placed on 
                       safety of swimming        the calendar. (See also 
                       pools and spas by         Order No. 381.)
                       requiring the use of 
                       proper anti-entrapment 
                       drain covers and pool 
                       and spa drainage 
                       systems, by 
                       establishing a swimming 
                       pool safety grant 
                       program administered by 
                       the Consumer Product 
                       Safety Commission to 
                       encourage States to 
                       improve their pool and 
                       spa safety laws and to 
                       educate the public 
                       about pool and spa 
                       safety, and for other 

[[Page 53]]

  419     S. 2020    A bill to reauthorize the Oct. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Lugar,   Tropical Forest           Biden, Committee on 
        Biden, and     Conservation Act of       Foreign Relations, 
           Hagel       1998 through fiscal       without amendment, and 
                       year 2010, to rename      an amendment to the 
                       the Tropical Forest       title. (Rept. 196.)
                       Conservation Act of 
                       1998 as the ``Tropical 
                       Forest and Coral 
                       Conservation Act of 
                       2007'', and for other 

  422     S. 1662    A bill to amend the Small Oct. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Kerry and    Business Investment Act   Kerry, Committee on 
         Ms. Snowe     of 1958 to reauthorize    Small Business and 
                       the venture capital       Entrepreneurship, with 
                       program, and for other    an amendment in the 
                       purposes.                 nature of a substitute. 
                                                 (Rept. 199.)

  423    H.R. 400    An act to prohibit        Oct. 17, 2007.--Placed on 
                       profiteering and fraud    the calendar. (See also 
                       relating to military      Order No. 148.)
                       action, relief and 
                       reconstruction efforts, 
                       and for other purposes.

  424     S. 2179    A bill to authorize       Oct. 18, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Bingaman    certain programs and      second time and placed 
                       activities in the         on the calendar.
                       Forest Service, the 
                       Department of the 
                       Interior, and the 
                       Department of Energy, 
                       and for other purposes.

  425     S. 2180    A bill to authorize       Oct. 18, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Bingaman    certain programs and      second time and placed 
                       activities in the         on the calendar.
                       Department of the 
                       Interior, the Forest 
                       Service, and the 
                       Department of Energy, 
                       and to amend the 
                       Compact of Free 
                       Association Amendments 
                       Act of 2003, and for 
                       other purposes.

  426     S. 2184    A bill to amend the       Oct. 18, 2007.--Read the 
         Mrs. Dole     Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to permanently    on the calendar.
                       allow penalty-free 
                       withdrawals from 
                       retirement plans for 
                       individuals called to 
                       active duty for at 
                       least 179 days.

  427     S. 2185    A bill to permanently     Oct. 18, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Graham     extend the current        second time and placed 
                       marginal tax rates.       on the calendar.

[[Page 54]]

  428    H.R. 2102   An act to maintain the    Oct. 18, 2007.--Read the 
                       free flow of              second time and placed 
                       information to the        on the calendar. (See 
                       public by providing       also Order No. 434.)
                       conditions for the 
                       federally compelled 
                       disclosure of 
                       information by certain 
                       persons connected with 
                       the news media.

  431     S. 2205    A bill to authorize the   Oct. 19, 2007.--Read the 
         Messrs.       cancellation of removal   second time and placed 
      Durbin, Hagel,   and adjustment of         on the calendar.
         and Lugar     status of certain alien 
                       students who are long-
                       term United States 
                       residents and who 
                       entered the United 
                       States as children, and 
                       for other purposes.

  432     S. 1778    A bill to authorize       Oct. 19, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lautenberg   certain activities of     Inouye, Committee on 
                       the Maritime              Commerce, Science, and 
                       Administration, and for   Transportation, with 
                       other purposes.           amendments. (Rept. 

  434     S. 2035    A bill to maintain the    Oct. 22, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Specter     free flow of              Leahy, Committee on the 
        and others     information to the        Judiciary, with 
                       public by providing       amendments. (No written 
                       conditions for the        report.) (See also 
                       federally compelled       Order No. 428.)
                       disclosure of 
                       information by certain 
                       persons connected with 
                       the news media.

  435    H.R. 1254   An act to amend title 44, Oct. 22, 2007.--Mr. 
                       United States Code, to    Lieberman, Committee on 
                       require information on    Homeland Security and 
                       contributors to           Governmental Affairs, 
                       Presidential library      with amendments. (Rept. 
                       fundraising               202.)

  436    H.R. 2094   An act to provide for     Oct. 23, 2007.--Placed on 
                       certain administrative    the calendar. (See also 
                       and support services      Order No. 227.)
                       for the Dwight D. 
                       Eisenhower Memorial 
                       Commission, and for 
                       other purposes.

  437    H.R. 1337   An act to provide for a   Oct. 23, 2007.--Placed on 
                       feasibility study of      the calendar. (See also 
                       alternatives to augment   Order No. 245.)
                       the water supplies of 
                       the Central Oklahoma 
                       Master Conservancy 
                       District and cities 
                       served by the District.

[[Page 55]]

  438     S. 1845    A bill to provide for     Oct. 23, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       limitations in certain    Leahy, Committee on the 
      Whitehouse and   communications between    Judiciary, with an 
           Leahy       the Department of         amendment in the nature 
                       Justice and the White     of a substitute, and an 
                       House Office relating     amendment to the title. 
                       to civil and criminal     (Rept. 203.) (Minority 
                       investigations, and for   views filed.)
                       other purposes.

  439     S. 2216    A bill to amend the       Oct. 24, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Inhofe     Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to extend the     on the calendar.
                       Indian employment 
                       credit and the 
                       depreciation rules for 
                       property used 
                       predominantly within an 
                       Indian reservation.

  440     S. 2217    A bill to amend the       Oct. 24, 2007.--Read the 
      Messrs. Inhofe   Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
        and Roberts    of 1986 to extend the     on the calendar.
                       taxable income limit on 
                       percentage depletion 
                       for oil and natural gas 
                       produced from marginal 

  441     S. 1492    A bill to improve the     Oct. 24, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   quality of Federal and    Inouye, Committee on 
          others       State data regarding      Commerce, Science, and 
                       the availability and      Transportation, with an 
                       quality of broadband      amendment in the nature 
                       services and to promote   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       the deployment of         204.)
                       affordable broadband 
                       services to all parts 
                       of the Nation.

  442     S. 2223    A bill to amend the       Oct. 24, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     Internal Revenue Code     Baucus, Committee on 
                       of 1986 to provide        Finance, without 
                       additional tax            amendment. (An original 
                       incentives to promote     bill.) (Rept. 205.)
                       habitat conservation 
                       and restoration, and 
                       for other purposes.

  443    H.R. 3564   An act to amend title 5,  Oct. 25, 2007.--Read the 
                       United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       authorize                 on the calendar.
                       appropriations for the 
                       Conference of the 
                       United States through 
                       fiscal year 2011, and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 56]]

  446     S. 2242    A bill to amend the Trade Oct. 25, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     Act of 1974 to            Baucus, Committee on 
                       establish supplemental    Finance, without 
                       agricultural disaster     amendment. (An original 
                       assistance and to amend   bill.) (Rept. 206.)
                       the Internal Revenue 
                       Code of 1986 to provide 
                       tax incentives for 
                       conservation and 
                       alternative energy 
                       sources and to provide 
                       tax relief for farmers, 
                       and for other purposes.

  447     S. 2233    A bill to provide a       Oct. 26, 2007.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   permanent deduction for   second time and placed 
        and others     State and local general   on the calendar.
                       sales taxes.

  448     S. 2234    A bill to amend the       Oct. 26, 2007.--Read the 
      Messrs. Cornyn   Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
        and Roberts    of 1986 to extend the     on the calendar.
                       deduction for qualified 
                       tuition and related 

  449    H.R. 505    An act to express the     Oct. 26, 2007.--Read the 
                       policy of the United      second time and placed 
                       States regarding the      on the calendar.
                       United States 
                       relationship with 
                       Native Hawaiians and to 
                       provide a process for 
                       the recognition by the 
                       United States of the 
                       Native Hawaiian 
                       governing entity.

  451     S. 635     A bill to provide for a   Oct. 26, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Messrs. Baucus   research program for      Boxer, Committee on 
         and Smith     remediation of closed     Environment and Public 
                       methamphetamine           Works, without 
                       production                amendment. (Rept. 207.)
                       laboratories, and for 
                       other purposes.

  454     S. 2247    A bill to amend the       Oct. 29, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Roberts    Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to make           on the calendar.
                       permanent the 
                       classification of 

[[Page 57]]

  455     S. 1498    A bill to amend the Lacey Oct. 29, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mrs. Boxer and   Act Amendments of 1981    Boxer, Committee on 
          others       to prohibit the import,   Environment and Public 
                       export, transportation,   Works, with amendments. 
                       sale, receipt,            (Rept. 210.)
                       acquisition, or 
                       purchase in interstate 
                       or foreign commerce of 
                       any live animal of any 
                       prohibited wildlife 
                       species, and for other 

  456     S. 2264    A bill to amend the       Oct. 31, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Roberts    Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to extend for 2   on the calendar.
                       years the tax-free 
                       distributions from 
                       individual retirement 
                       plans for charitable 

  457    H.R. 2295   An act to amend the       Oct. 31, 2007.--Read the 
                       Public Health Service     second time and placed 
                       Act to provide for the    on the calendar. (See 
                       establishment of an       also Order No. 518.)
                       Amyotrophic Lateral 
                       Sclerosis Registry.

  460     S. 2284    A bill to amend the       Nov. 1, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      National Flood            Committee on Banking, 
                       Insurance Act of 1968,    Housing, and Urban 
                       to restore the            Affairs, without 
                       financial solvency of     amendment. (An original 
                       the flood insurance       bill.) (Rept. 214.)
                       fund, and for other 

  461     S. 2285    A bill to reauthorize the Nov. 1, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      Federal terrorism risk    Committee on Banking, 
                       insurance program, and    Housing, and Urban 
                       for other purposes.       Affairs, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 215.)

  462     S. 2286    A bill to establish a     Nov. 1, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
         Mr. Dodd      nonpartisan commission    Committee on Banking, 
                       on natural catastrophe    Housing, and Urban 
                       risk management and       Affairs, without 
                       insurance, and for        amendment. (An original 
                       other purposes.           bill.) (No written 

  463     S. 1518    A bill to amend the       Nov. 1, 2007.--Mr. Dodd, 
       Mr. Reed and    McKinney-Vento Homeless   Committee on Banking, 
          others       Assistance Act to         Housing, and Urban 
                       reauthorize the Act,      Affairs, with an 
                       and for other purposes.   amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

[[Page 58]]

  464     S. 2293    A bill to amend the       Nov. 2, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Lott and    Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
          others       of 1986 to repeal the     on the calendar.
                       individual alternative 
                       minimum tax, and for 
                       other purposes.

  465     S. 2294    A bill to strengthen      Nov. 2, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Kyl and     immigration enforcement   second time and placed 
          others       and border security,      on the calendar.
                       and for other purposes.

  466     S. 950     A bill to develop and     Nov. 2, 2007.--Mr. 
      Ms. Snowe and    maintain an integrated    Inouye, Committee on 
          others       system of coastal and     Commerce, Science, and 
                       ocean observations for    Transportation, with an 
                       the Nation's coasts,      amendment in the nature 
                       oceans, and Great         of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Lakes, to improve         217.)
                       warnings of tsunami, 
                       hurricanes, El Nino 
                       events, and other 
                       natural hazards, to 
                       enhance homeland 
                       security, to support 
                       maritime operations, to 
                       improve management of 
                       coastal and marine 
                       resources, and for 
                       other purposes.

  467     S. 1582    A bill to reauthorize and Nov. 2, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   amend the Hydrographic    Inouye, Committee on 
          others       Services Improvement      Commerce, Science, and 
                       Act, and for other        Transportation, with 
                       purposes.                 amendments. (Rept. 

  468     S. 1769    A bill to amend the       Nov. 2, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       Communications Act of     Inouye, Committee on 
       Stevens and     1934 to facilitate        Commerce, Science, and 
          Inouye       number portability in     Transportation, without 
                       order to increase         amendment. (Rept. 219.)
                       consumer choice of 
                       voice service provider.

  469  H. Con. Res.  Concurrent resolution     Nov. 2, 2007.--Mr. 
            225        honoring the 50th         Inouye, Committee on 
                       anniversary of the dawn   Commerce, Science, and 
                       of the Space Age, and     Transportation, without 
                       the ensuing 50 years of   amendment, and with a 
                       productive and peaceful   preamble. (No written 
                       space activities.         report.)

[[Page 59]]

  470     S. 2302    A bill to provide for the Nov. 2, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Harkin     continuation of           Harkin, Committee on 
                       agricultural programs     Agriculture, Nutrition, 
                       through fiscal year       and Forestry, without 
                       2012, and for other       amendment. (An original 
                       purposes.                 bill.) (Rept. 220.) 
                                                 (Additional views 

  471     S. 2113    A bill to implement the   Nov. 6, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Baucus   United States-Peru        Baucus, Committee on 
       and Grassley    Trade Promotion           Finance, without 
       (by request)    Agreement.                amendment. (Rept. 249.)

  472    H.R. 1567   An act to amend the       Nov. 6, 2007.--Placed on 
                       Foreign Assistance Act    the calendar. (See also 
                       of 1961 to provide        Order No. 415.)
                       increased assistance 
                       for the prevention, 
                       treatment, and control 
                       of tuberculosis, and 
                       for other purposes.

  474     S. 589     A bill to provide for the Nov. 7, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Messrs. Allard   transfer of certain       Boxer, Committee on 
        and Stevens    Federal property to the   Environment and Public 
                       United States             Works, with an 
                       Paralympics,              amendment in the nature 
                       Incorporated, a           of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       subsidiary of the         223.)
                       United States Olympic 

  475    H.R. 798    A bill to direct the      Nov. 7, 2007.--Mrs. 
                       Administrator of          Boxer, Committee on 
                       General Services to       Environment and Public 
                       install a photovoltaic    Works, without 
                       system for the            amendment. (Rept. 224.)
                       headquarters building 
                       of the Department of 

  476     S. 2318    A bill to amend the       Nov. 8, 2007.--Read the 
      Mr. Ensign and   Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
          others       of 1986 to repeal the     on the calendar.
                       individual alternative 
                       minimum tax and to 
                       permanently extend the 
                       reductions in income 
                       tax rates, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 60]]

  477    H.R. 1119   An act to amend title 36, Nov. 8, 2007.--Placed on 
                       United States Code, to    the calendar.
                       revise the 
                       congressional charter 
                       of the Military Order 
                       of the Purple Heart of 
                       the United States of 
                       America, Incorporated, 
                       to authorize associate 
                       membership in the 
                       corporation for the 
                       spouse and siblings of 
                       a recipient of the 
                       Purple Heart medal.

  478    H.R. 3495   An act to establish a     Nov. 13, 2007.--Read the 
                       National Commission on    second time and placed 
                       Children and Disasters,   on the calendar. (See 
                       and for other purposes.   also Order No. 508.)

  479    H.R. 3685   An act to prohibit        Nov. 13, 2007.--Read the 
                       employment                second time and placed 
                       discrimination on the     on the calendar.
                       basis of sexual 

  482     S. 2345    A bill to amend the       Nov. 13, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     Internal Revenue Code     Baucus, Committee on 
                       of 1986 and to extend     Finance, without 
                       the financing for the     amendment. (An original 
                       Airport and Airway        bill.) (Rept. 228.) 
                       Trust Fund, and for       (Additional views 
                       other purposes.           filed.)

  483     S. 2334    A bill to withhold 10     Nov. 14, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Barrasso    percent of the Federal    second time and placed 
                       funding apportioned for   on the calendar.
                       highway construction 
                       and maintenance from 
                       States that issue 
                       driver's licenses to 
                       individuals without 
                       verifying the legal 
                       status of such 

  484     S. 2340    A bill making emergency   Nov. 14, 2007.--Read the 
         Messrs.       supplemental              second time and placed 
      McConnell and    appropriations for the    on the calendar.
          Stevens      Department of Defense 
                       for the fiscal year 
                       ending September 30, 
                       2008, and for other 

[[Page 61]]

  485     S. 2346    A bill to temporarily     Nov. 14, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. Schumer    increase the portfolio    second time and placed 
                       caps applicable to        on the calendar.
                       Freddie Mac and Fannie 
                       Mae, to provide the 
                       necessary financing to 
                       curb foreclosures by 
                       facilitating the 
                       refinancing of at-risk 
                       subprime borrowers into 
                       safe, affordable loans, 
                       and for other purposes.

  486     S. 2348    A bill to ensure control  Nov. 14, 2007.--Read the 
      Messrs. Cornyn   over the United States    second time and placed 
        and Graham     border and to             on the calendar.
                       strengthen enforcement 
                       of the immigration 

  488     S. 311     A bill to amend the Horse Nov. 14, 2007.--Mr. 
       Ms. Landrieu    Protection Act to         Inouye, Committee on 
        and others     prohibit the shipping,    Commerce, Science, and 
                       transporting, moving,     Transportation, without 
                       delivering, receiving,    amendment. (Rept. 229.)
                       possessing, purchasing, 
                       selling, or donation of 
                       horses and other 
                       equines to be 
                       slaughtered for human 
                       consumption, and for 
                       other purposes.

  489    H.R. 2705   An act to amend the       Nov. 14, 2007.--Placed on 
                       Compact of Free           the calendar. (See also 
                       Association Amendments    Order No. 42.)
                       Act of 2003, and for 
                       other purposes.

  507    H.R. 4156   An act making emergency   Nov. 15, 2007.--Pursuant 
                       supplemental              to the order of Nov. 
                       appropriations for the    14, 2007, read the 
                       Department of Defense     second time and placed 
                       for the fiscal year       on the calendar.
                       ending September 30, 
                       2008, and for other 

  508     S. 1970    A bill to establish a     Nov. 15, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Dodd      National Commission on    Kennedy, Committee on 
                       Children and Disasters,   Health, Education, 
                       a National Resource       Labor, and Pensions, 
                       Center on Children and    with an amendment in 
                       Disasters, and for        the nature of a 
                       other purposes.           substitute, and an 
                                                 amendment to the title. 
                                                 (No written report.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 

[[Page 62]]

  511     S. 2363    A bill making             Nov. 16, 2007.--Read the 
      Mrs. Hutchison   appropriations for        second time and placed 
         and Mr.       military construction,    on the calendar.
         McConnell     the Department of 
                       Veterans Affairs, and 
                       related agencies for 
                       the fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2008, and 
                       for other purposes.

  512     S. 2248    A bill to amend the       Nov. 16, 2007.--Mr. 
           Mr.         Foreign Intelligence      Leahy, Committee on the 
        Rockefeller    Surveillance Act of       Judiciary, with an 
                       1978, to modernize and    amendment in the nature 
                       streamline provisions     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       of that act, and for      259.) (Additional and 
                       other purposes.           minority views filed.)
                                               Oct. 26, 2007.--Mr. 
                                                 Rockefeller, Select 
                                                 Committee on 
                                                 Intelligence, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 bill.) (Rept. 209.) 
                                                 (Additional and 
                                                 minority views filed.)

  514     S. 1661    A bill to communicate     Nov. 27, 2007.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       United States travel      Inouye, Committee on 
         Dorgan,       policies and improve      Commerce, Science, and 
       Stevens, and    marketing and other       Transportation, with 
          Inouye       activities designed to    amendments. (Rept. 
                       increase travel in the    233.)
                       United States from 

  518     S. 1382    A bill to amend the       Dec. 4, 2007.--Mr. 
         Mr. Reid      Public Health Service     Kennedy, Committee on 
                       Act to provide for the    Health, Education, 
                       establishment of an       Labor, and Pensions, 
                       Amyotrophic Lateral       with an amendment in 
                       Sclerosis Registry.       the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (No written 
                                                 report.) (See also 
                                                 Order No. 457.)

  519     S. 704     A bill to amend the       Dec. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
        Mr. Nelson     Communications Act of     Inouye, Committee on 
       (FL) and Ms.    1934 to prohibit          Commerce, Science, and 
           Snowe       manipulation of caller    Transportation, with an 
                       identification            amendment in the nature 
                       information.              of a substitute. (Rept. 

  520     S. 1178    A bill to strengthen data Dec. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Inouye and   protection and            Inouye, Committee on 
          others       safeguards, require       Commerce, Science, and 
                       data breach               Transportation, with 
                       notification, and         amendments. (Rept. 
                       further prevent           235.)
                       identity theft.

[[Page 63]]

  521     S. 1780    A bill to require the     Dec. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
           Mr.         FCC, in enforcing its     Inouye, Committee on 
       Rockefeller     regulations concerning    Commerce, Science, and 
        and others     the broadcast of          Transportation, without 
                       indecent programming,     amendment. (Rept. 236.)
                       to maintain a policy 
                       that a single word or 
                       image may be considered 

  523     S. 2045    A bill to reform the      Dec. 5, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Pryor    Consumer Product Safety   Inouye, Committee on 
        and Inouye     Commission to provide     Commerce, Science, and 
                       greater protection for    Transportation, with an 
                       children's products, to   amendment in the nature 
                       improve the screening     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       of noncompliant           265.)
                       consumer products, to 
                       improve the 
                       effectiveness of 
                       consumer product recall 
                       programs, and for other 

  524     S. 2416    A bill to amend the       Dec. 6, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. DeMint     Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 to repeal the     on the calendar.
                       alternative minimum tax 
                       on individuals and 
                       replace it with an 
                       alternative tax 
                       individuals may choose.

  527     S. 1946    A bill to help Federal    Dec. 10, 2007.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Leahy    prosecutors and           Leahy, Committee on the 
        and Cornyn     investigators combat      Judiciary, with an 
                       public corruption by      amendment in the nature 
                       strengthening and         of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       clarifying the law.       239.)

  529     S. 2440    A bill to amend the       Dec. 11, 2007.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      Foreign Intelligence      second time and placed 
                       Surveillance Act of       on the calendar.
                       1978, to modernize and 
                       streamline the 
                       provisions of that Act, 
                       and for other purposes.

  530     S. 2441    A bill to amend the       Dec. 11, 2007.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      Foreign Intelligence      second time and placed 
                       Surveillance Act of       on the calendar.
                       1978, to modernize and 
                       streamline the 
                       provisions of that Act, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 64]]

  531     S. 2445    A bill to provide for the Dec. 11, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Lieberman   flexibility of certain    Lieberman, Committee on 
                       disaster relief funds,    Homeland Security and 
                       and for improved          Governmental Affairs, 
                       evacuation and            without amendment. (An 
                       sheltering during         original bill.) (Rept. 
                       disasters and             240.)

  533     S. 506     A bill to improve         Dec. 12, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mr. Lautenberg   efficiency in the         Boxer, Committee on 
        and others     Federal Government        Environment and Public 
                       through the use of        Works, with an 
                       high-performance green    amendment in the nature 
                       buildings, and for        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       other purposes.           241.)

  534     S. 1429    A bill to amend the Safe  Dec. 12, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mr. Inhofe and   Drinking Water Act to     Boxer, Committee on 
          others       reauthorize the           Environment and Public 
                       provision of technical    Works, with an 
                       assistance to small       amendment. (Rept. 242.)
                       public water systems.

  535     S. 911     A bill to amend the       Dec. 12, 2007.--Mr. 
       Messrs. Reed    Public Health Service     Kennedy, Committee on 
        and Coleman    Act to advance medical    Health, Education, 
                       research and treatments   Labor, and Pensions, 
                       into pediatric cancers,   with an amendment in 
                       ensure patients and       the nature of a 
                       families have access to   substitute. (No written 
                       the current treatments    report.)
                       and information 
                       regarding pediatric 
                       cancers, establish a 
                       national childhood 
                       cancer database, and 
                       promote public 
                       awareness of pediatric 

  538     S. 1965    A bill to protect         Dec. 12, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Stevens     children from             Inouye, Committee on 
        and others     cybercrimes, including    Commerce, Science, and 
                       crimes by online          Transportation, with 
                       predators, to enhance     amendments. (Rept. 
                       efforts to identify and   245.)
                       eliminate child 
                       pornography, and to 
                       help parents shield 
                       their children from 
                       material that is 
                       inappropriate for 

  540     S. 2004    A bill to amend title 38, Dec. 12, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mrs. Murray     United States Code, to    Akaka, Committee on 
       and Mr. Craig   establish epilepsy        Veterans' Affairs, 
                       centers of excellence     without amendment. 
                       in the Veterans Health    (Rept. 247.)
                       Administration of the 
                       Department of Veterans 
                       Affairs, and for other 

[[Page 65]]

  542     S. 2344    A bill to create a        Dec. 13, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Menendez    competitive grant         Leahy, Committee on the 
                       program to provide for    Judiciary, without 
                       age-appropriate           amendment. (No written 
                       Internet education for    report.)

  544     S. 1829    A bill to reauthorize     Dec. 13, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Leahy and    programs under the        Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       Missing Children's        Judiciary, with an 
                       Assistance Act.           amendment. (No written 

  545     S. 2461    A bill to authorize the   Dec. 13, 2007.--Read the 
        Mr. DeMint     transfer of certain       second time and placed 
                       earmarked funds to        on the calendar.
                       accounts for operations 
                       and activities in Iraq 
                       and Afghanistan.

  546     S. 2483    A bill to authorize       Dec. 14, 2007.--Read the 
       Mr. Bingaman    certain programs and      second time and placed 
                       activities in the         on the calendar.
                       Foreign Service, the 
                       Department of the 
                       Interior, and the 
                       Department of Energy, 
                       and for other purposes.

  548     S. 901     A bill to amend the       Dec. 18, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kennedy     Public Health Service     Kennedy, Committee on 
        and others     Act to provide            Health, Education, 
                       additional                Labor, and Pensions, 
                       authorizations of         with an amendment in 
                       appropriations for the    the nature of a 
                       health centers program    substitute, and an 
                       under section 330 of      amendment to the title. 
                       such Act.                 (No written report.)

  549     S. 1551    A bill to amend the       Dec. 18, 2007.--Mr. 
      Mr. Brown and    Public Health Service     Kennedy, Committee on 
          others       Act with respect to       Health, Education, 
                       making progress toward    Labor, and Pensions, 
                       the goal of eliminating   with an amendment in 
                       tuberculosis, and for     the nature of a 
                       other purposes.           substitute. (No written 

  550     S. 1784    A bill to amend the Small Dec. 19, 2007.--Committee 
      Mr. Kerry and    Business Act to improve   on Small Business and 
          others       programs for veterans,    Entrepreneurship 
                       and for other purposes.   discharged; considered 
                                                 and amended; read the 
                                                 third time; and ordered 
                                                 placed on the calendar.

[[Page 66]]

  551     S. 772     A bill to amend the       Dec. 19, 2007.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kohl and    Federal antitrust laws    Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       to provide expanded       Judiciary, with 
                       coverage and to           amendments. (Rept. 
                       eliminate exemptions      252.)
                       from such laws that are 
                       contrary to the public 
                       interest with respect 
                       to railroads.

  552     S. 595     A bill to amend the       Dec. 19, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mr. Lautenberg   Emergency Planning and    Boxer, Committee on 
        and others     Community Right-to-Know   Environment and Public 
                       Act of 1986 to strike a   Works, without 
                       provision relating to     amendment. (Rept. 253.) 
                       modifications in          (Minority views filed.)
                       reporting frequency.

  553     S. 1523    A bill to amend the Clean Dec. 19, 2007.--Mrs. 
      Mrs. Boxer and   Air Act to reduce         Boxer, Committee on 
         Messrs.       emissions of carbon       Environment and Public 
      Alexander and    dioxide from the          Works, without 
          Warner       Capitol power plant.      amendment. (Rept. 254.)

  554    H.R. 3793   An act to amend title 37, Dec. 19, 2007.--Placed on 
                       United State Code, to     the calendar.
                       require the continued 
                       payment to a member of 
                       the uniformed services 
                       who dies or is retired 
                       or separated under 
                       chapter 61 of title 10, 
                       United States Code, 
                       bonuses and similar 
                       benefits that the 
                       member was entitled to 
                       before the death, 
                       retirement, or 
                       separation of the 
                       member and would be 
                       paid if the member had 
                       not died retired, or 
                       separated, to prohibit 
                       requiring the member to 
                       repay any portion of 
                       the bonuses or similar 
                       benefits previously 
                       paid, and for other 

  555     S. 2532    A bill to amend titles    Jan. 8, 2008.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     XVIII, XIX, and XXI of    Baucus, Committee on 
                       the Social Security Act   Finance, without 
                       to improve health care    amendment. (An original 
                       provided to Indians       bill.) (Rept. 255.)
                       under the Medicare, 
                       Medicaid, and State 
                       Children's Health 
                       Insurance Programs, and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 67]]

  557     S. 1650    A bill to establish a     Jan. 8, 2008.--Mr. 
      Mr. Kerry and    digital and wireless      Inouye, Committee on 
          others       network technology        Commerce, Science, and 
                       program, and for other    Transportation, with 
                       purposes.                 amendments. (Rept. 

  558    H.R. 783    An act to modify the      Jan. 22, 2008.--Placed on 
                       boundary of Mesa Verde    the calendar. (See also 
                       National Park, and for    Order No. 223.)
                       other purposes.

  559     S. 862     A bill to designate the   Jan. 22, 2008.--Mrs. 
      Messrs. Harkin   Federal building          Boxer, Committee on 
       and Grassley    located at 210 Walnut     Environment and Public 
                       Street in Des Moines,     Works, without 
                       Iowa, as the ``Neal       amendment. (No written 
                       Smith Federal             report.)

  560     S. 1189    A bill to designate the   Jan. 22, 2008.--Mrs. 
      Messrs. Pryor    Federal building and      Boxer, Committee on 
        and Lincoln    United States             Environment and Public 
                       Courthouse located at     Works, without 
                       100 East 8th Avenue in    amendment. (No written 
                       Pine Bluff, Arkansas,     report.)
                       as the ``George Howard, 
                       Jr. Federal Building 
                       and United States 

  561    H.R. 735    An act to designate the   Jan. 22, 2008.--Mrs. 
                       Federal building under    Boxer, Committee on 
                       construction at 799       Environment and Public 
                       First Avenue in New       Works, without 
                       York, New York, as the    amendment. (No written 
                       ``Ronald H. Brown         report.)
                       United States Mission 
                       to the United Nations 

  563     S. 1145    A bill to amend title 35, Jan. 24, 2008.--Mr. 
      Mr. Leahy and    United States Code, to    Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       provide for patent        Judiciary, with an 
                       reform.                   amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 259.) (Additional and 
                                                 minority views filed.)

  564     S. 2556    A bill to extend the      Jan. 25, 2008.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      provisions of the         second time and placed 
                       Protect America Act of    on the calendar.
                       2007 for an additional 
                       30 days.

[[Page 68]]

  565     S. 2557    A bill to extend the      Jan. 28, 2008.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      Protect America Act of    second time and placed 
                       2007 until July 1,        on the calendar.

  567     S. 310     A bill to express the     Feb. 5, 2008.--Mr. 
      Mr. Akaka and    policy of the United      Dorgan, Committee on 
          others       States regarding the      Indian Affairs, without 
                       United States             amendment. (Rept. 260.)
                       relationship with 
                       Native Hawaiians and to 
                       provide a process for 
                       the recognition by the 
                       United States of the 
                       Native Hawaiian 
                       governing entity.

  568     S. 1892    A bill to reauthorize the Feb. 5, 2008.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Coast Guard for fiscal    Inouye, Committee on 
        and others     year 2008, and for        Commerce, Science, and 
                       other purposes.           Transportation, with 
                                                 amendments. (Rept. 

  569     S. 2062    A bill to amend the       Feb. 8, 2008.--Committee 
      Mr. Dorgan and   Native American Housing   on Banking, Housing, 
          others       Assistance and Self-      and Urban Affairs 
                       Determination Act of      discharged pursuant to 
                       1996 to reauthorize       the order of May 27, 
                       that act, and for other   1988, and placed on the 
                       purposes.                 calendar.
                                               Dec. 7, 2007.--Mr. 
                                                 Dorgan, Committee on 
                                                 Indian Affairs, with 
                                                 amendments. (Rept. 

  570     S. 2596    A bill to rescind funds   Feb. 11, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. DeMint     appropriated by the       second time and placed 
                       Consolidated              on the calendar.
                       Appropriations Act, 
                       2008, for the City of 
                       Berkeley, California, 
                       and any entities 
                       located in such city, 
                       and to provide that 
                       such funds shall be 
                       transferred to the 
                       Operation and 
                       Maintenance, Marine 
                       Corps account of the 
                       Department of Defense 
                       for the purpose of 

  571     S. 2615    A bill to extend the      Feb. 11, 2008.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      Protect America Act of    second time and placed 
                       2007 for 15 days.         on the calendar.

[[Page 69]]

  572     S. 2616    A bill to authorize       Feb. 11, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Bingaman    certain programs and      second time and placed 
                       activities in the         on the calendar.
                       Forest Service, the 
                       Department of the 
                       Interior, and the 
                       Department of Energy, 
                       and for other purposes.

  573     S. 2619    A bill to protect         Feb. 11, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. Coburn     innocent Americans from   second time and placed 
                       violent crime in          on the calendar.
                       national parks.

  575     S. 2633    A bill to provide for the Feb. 14, 2008.--Read the 
         Messrs.       safe redeployment of      second time and placed 
       Feingold and    United States troops      on the calendar.
           Reid        from Iraq.

  576     S. 2634    A bill to require a       Feb. 14, 2008.--Read the 
         Messrs.       report setting forth      second time and placed 
       Feingold and    the global strategy of    on the calendar.
           Reid        the United States to 
                       combat and defeat al 
                       Qaeda and its 

  577     S. 2636    A bill to provide needed  Feb. 14, 2008.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      housing reform.           second time and placed 
                                                 on the calendar.

  578     S. 2324    A bill to amend the       Feb. 22, 2008.--Mr. 
      Mrs. McCaskill   Inspector General Act     Lieberman, Committee on 
        and others     of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.)   Homeland Security and 
                       to enhance the Offices    Governmental Affairs, 
                       of the Inspectors         with amendments. (Rept. 
                       General, to create a      262.)
                       Council of the 
                       Inspectors General on 
                       Integrity and 
                       Efficiency, and for 
                       other purposes.

  579     S. 2142    A bill to amend title 38, Feb. 25, 2008.--Mr. 
         Mr. Brown     United States Code, to    Akaka, Committee on 
                       require the Secretary     Veterans' Affairs, with 
                       of Veterans Affairs to    amendments. (Rept. 
                       reimburse veterans        263.)
                       receiving emergency 
                       treatment in non-
                       Department of Veterans 
                       Affairs facilities for 
                       such treatment until 
                       such veterans are 
                       transferred to 
                       Department facilities, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 70]]

  581    H.R. 1834   An act to authorize the   Feb. 25, 2008.--Placed on 
                       national ocean            the calendar. (See also 
                       exploration program and   Order No. 90.)
                       the national undersea 
                       research program within 
                       the National Oceanic 
                       and Atmospheric 

  582     S. 2663    A bill to reform the      Feb. 26, 2008.--Read the 
      Mr. Pryor and    Consumer Product Safety   second time and placed 
          others       Commission to provide     on the calendar.
                       greater protection for 
                       children's products, to 
                       improve the screening 
                       of noncompliant 
                       consumer products, to 
                       improve the 
                       effectiveness of 
                       consumer product recall 
                       programs, and for other 

  583     S. 2664    A bill to extend the      Feb. 26, 2008.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      provisions of the         second time and placed 
                       Protect America Act of    on the calendar.

  584     S. 2665    A bill to extend the      Feb. 26, 2008.--Read the 
         Mr. Reid      provisions of the         second time and placed 
                       Protect America Act of    on the calendar.
                       2007 until July 1, 

  586     S. 2160    A bill to amend title 38, Feb. 28, 2008.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Akaka    United States Code, to    Akaka, Committee on 
         and Brown     establish a pain care     Veterans' Affairs, 
                       initiative in health      without amendment. 
                       care facilities of the    (Rept. 267.)
                       Department of Veterans 
                       Affairs, and for other 

  587      S. 12     A bill to promote home    Mar. 3, 2008.--Read the 
      Mr. McConnell    ownership,                second time and placed 
        and others     manufacturing, and        on the calendar.
                       economic growth.

  588     S. 602     A bill to develop the     Mar. 3, 2008.--Mr. 
         Mr. Pryor     next generation of        Inouye, Committee on 
                       parental control          Commerce, Science, and 
                       technology.               Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

[[Page 71]]

  589     S. 1578    A bill to amend the       Mar. 3, 2008.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Inouye   Nonindigenous Aquatic     Inouye, Committee on 
        and Stevens    Nuisance Prevention and   Commerce, Science, and 
                       Control Act of 1990 to    Transportation, with an 
                       establish vessel          amendment in the nature 
                       ballast water             of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       management                269.)
                       requirements, and for 
                       other purposes.

  590     S. 1889    A bill to amend title 49, Mar. 3, 2008.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lautenberg   United States Code, to    Inouye, Committee on 
        and others     improve railroad safety   Commerce, Science, and 
                       by reducing accidents     Transportation, with an 
                       and to prevent railroad   amendment in the nature 
                       fatalities, injuries,     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       and hazardous materials   270.)
                       releases, and for other 

  591     S. 1675    A bill to implement the   Mar. 4, 2008.--Mr. 
       Ms. Cantwell    recommendations of the    Inouye, Committee on 
      and Mr. McCain   Federal Communications    Commerce, Science, and 
                       Commission report to      Transportation, with an 
                       the Congress regarding    amendment. (Rept. 271.)
                       low-power FM service.

  592    H.R. 1469   An act to establish the   Mar. 4, 2008.--Committee 
                       Senator Paul Simon        on Foreign Relations, 
                       Study Abroad Foundation   with amendments, and an 
                       under the authorities     amendment to the title. 
                       of the Mutual             (Rept. 272.)
                       Educational and 
                       Cultural Exchange Act 
                       of 1961.

  593    H.R. 2798   An act to reauthorize the Mar. 4, 2008.--Mr. Biden, 
                       programs of the           Committee on Foreign 
                       Overseas Private          Relations, with an 
                       Investment Corporation,   amendment in the nature 
                       and for other purposes.   of a substitute. (Rept. 

  594     S. 2709    A bill to increase the    Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Sessions    criminal penalties for    second time and placed 
                       illegally reentering      on the calendar.
                       the United States and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 72]]

  595     S. 2710    A bill to authorize the   Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Sessions    Department of Homeland    second time and placed 
                       Security to use an        on the calendar.
                       employer's failure to 
                       timely resolve 
                       discrepancies with the 
                       Social Security 
                       Administration after 
                       receiving a ``no 
                       match'' notice as 
                       evidence that the 
                       employer violated 
                       section 274A of the 
                       Immigration and 
                       Nationality Act.

  596     S. 2711    A bill to improve the     Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Sessions    enforcement of laws       second time and placed 
                       prohibiting the           on the calendar.
                       employment of 
                       unauthorized aliens and 
                       for other purposes.

  597     S. 2712    A bill to require the     Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. DeMint     Secretary of Homeland     second time and placed 
                       Security to complete at   on the calendar.
                       least 700 miles of 
                       reinforced fencing 
                       along the Southwest 
                       border by December 31, 
                       2010, and for other 

  598     S. 2713    A bill to prohibit        Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. Vitter     appropriated funds from   second time and placed 
                       being used in             on the calendar.
                       contravention of 
                       section 642(a) of the 
                       Illegal Immigration 
                       Reform and Immigrant 
                       Responsibility Act of 

  599     S. 2714    A bill to close the       Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. Vitter     loophole that allowed     second time and placed 
                       the 9/11 hijackers to     on the calendar.
                       obtain credit cards 
                       from United States 
                       banks that financed 
                       their terrorists 
                       activities, to ensure 
                       that illegal immigrants 
                       cannot obtain credit 
                       cards to evade United 
                       States immigration 
                       laws, and for other 

  600     S. 2715    A bill to amend title 4,  Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. Inhofe     United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       declare English as the    on the calendar.
                       national language of 
                       the Government of the 
                       United States, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 73]]

  601     S. 2716    A bill to authorize the   Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Domenici    National Guard to         second time and placed 
                       provide support for the   on the calendar.
                       border control 
                       activities of the 
                       United States Customs 
                       and Border Protection 
                       of the Department of 
                       Homeland Security, and 
                       for other purposes.

  602     S. 2717    A bill to provide for     Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
         Messrs.       enhanced Federal          second time and placed 
      Chambliss and    enforcement of, and       on the calendar.
          Isakson      State and local 
                       assistance in the 
                       enforcement of, the 
                       immigration laws of the 
                       United States, and for 
                       other purposes.

  603     S. 2718    A bill to withhold 10     Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Barrasso    percent of the Federal    second time and placed 
                       funding apportioned for   on the calendar.
                       highway construction 
                       and maintenance from 
                       States that issue 
                       driver's licenses to 
                       individuals without 
                       verifying the legal 
                       status of such 

  604     S. 2719    A bill to provide that    Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
         Mrs. Dole     Executive Order 13166     second time and placed 
                       shall have no force or    on the calendar.
                       effect, and to prohibit 
                       the use of funds for 
                       certain purposes.

  605     S. 2720    A bill to withhold        Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
        Mr. Specter    Federal financial         second time and placed 
                       assistance from each      on the calendar.
                       country that denies or 
                       unreasonably delays the 
                       acceptance of nationals 
                       of such country who 
                       have been ordered 
                       removed from the United 
                       States and to prohibit 
                       the issuance of visas 
                       to nationals of such 

[[Page 74]]

  606     S. 2721    A bill to amend the       Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
       Mr. Alexander   Immigration and           second time and placed 
                       Nationality Act to        on the calendar.
                       prescribe the binding 
                       oath or affirmation of 
                       renunciation and 
                       allegiance required to 
                       be naturalized as a 
                       citizen of the United 
                       States, to encourage 
                       and support the efforts 
                       of prospective citizens 
                       of the United States to 
                       become citizens, and 
                       for other purposes.

  607     S. 2722    A bill to prohibit aliens Mar. 6, 2008.--Read the 
         Mrs. Dole     who are repeat drunk      second time and placed 
                       drivers from obtaining    on the calendar.
                       legal status or 
                       immigration benefits.

  608    H.R. 1195   An act to amend the Safe, Mar. 7, 2008.--Mrs. 
                       Accountable, Flexible,    Boxer, Committee on 
                       Efficient                 Environment and Public 
                       Transportation Equity     Works, with an 
                       Act: A Legacy for Users   amendment in the nature 
                       to make technical         of a substitute. (No 
                       corrections, and for      written report.)
                       other purposes.

  609    H.R. 1084   An act to amend the       Mar. 7, 2008.--Read the 
                       Foreign Assistance Act    second time and placed 
                       of 1961, the State        on the calendar.
                       Department Basic 
                       Authorities Act of 
                       1956, and the Foreign 
                       Service Act of 1980 to 
                       build operational 
                       readiness in civilian 
                       agencies, and for other 

  610    H.R. 1424   A bill to amend section   Mar. 7, 2008.--Read the 
                       712 of the Employee       second time and placed 
                       Retirement Income         on the calendar.
                       Security Act of 1974, 
                       section 2705 of the 
                       Public Health Service 
                       Act, section 9812 of 
                       the Internal Revenue 
                       Code of 1986 to require 
                       equity in the provision 
                       of mental health and 
                       disorder benefits under 
                       group health plans, to 
                       prohibit discrimination 
                       on the basis of genetic 
                       information with 
                       respect to health 
                       insurance and 
                       employment, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 75]]

  611    H.R. 5159   An act to establish the   Mar. 7, 2008.--Read the 
                       Office of the Capitol     second time and placed 
                       Visitor Center within     on the calendar.
                       the Office of the 
                       Architect of the 
                       Capitol, headed by the 
                       Chief Executive Officer 
                       for Visitor Services, 
                       to provide for the 
                       effective management 
                       and administration of 
                       the Capitol Visitor 
                       Center, and for other 

  612  S. Con. Res.  Concurrent resolution     Mar. 7, 2008.--Mr. 
            70         setting forth the         Conrad, Committee on 
        Mr. Conrad     congressional budget      the Budget, without 
                       for the United States     amendment. (An original 
                       Government for fiscal     concurrent resolution.) 
                       year 2009 and including   (No written report.)
                       the appropriate 
                       budgetary levels for 
                       fiscal years 2008 and 
                       2010 through 2013.

[[Page 76]]


[[Page 77]]


[[Page 78]]


[[Page 79]]


From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 80-81]



When following the objection to a unanimous consent to proceeding to, and, or passage of, a measure or matter on their behalf, a Senator has notified the appropriate leader, or their designee, in writing and  submits such objection for inclusion in the Congressional Record and the Senate Calendar of Business, it shall be placed in the section of the  Calendar entitled ``Notice of Intent to Object to Proceeding''. (Sec. 512, P.L. 110ΓΏ0981)


    Number               Title            Date  and  Senator 

[[Page 80]]

     S. 223       A bill to require Senate    Oct. 2, 2007.--Mrs. 
                    candidates to file          Feinstein.
                    statements, and reports 
                    in electronic form.


     When objection is heard to immediate consideration of a resolution 
or motion when submitted, it shall be placed here, to be laid before the 
Senate on the next legislative day for consideration, unless by unanimous 
consent the Senate shall otherwise direct. (Rule XIV, Paragraph 6.)


     Number                 Short Title       Date Submitted and Author 


     When objection is heard to the second reading of a bill or joint 
resolution, that measure is then laid before the Senate during morning 
business of the next legislative day for the second reading. (Rule XIV, 
Paragraph 2.)


     Number                 Short Title                 Date and Author 

[[Page 81]]

     S. 2734      A bill to aid families and  Mr. Bond.--Mar. 7, 2008.
                    neighborhoods facing 
                    home foreclosure and 
                    address the subprime 
                    mortgage crisis.

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 82]

                          SUBJECTS ON THE TABLE

    Such subjects are business, usually bills and resolutions, placed 
here by unanimous consent. Once business has been given this status, it 
is in order to move to proceed to its consideration, even though it 
cannot be reached by a ``call of the calendar''.


     Measure                  Title                     Date           

                       MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION

    After an action taken by the Senate, any Senator voting with the 
prevailing side or who has not voted may, on the same day or on either 
of the next two days of actual session thereafter, either enter a motion 
for reconsideration or move a reconsideration.  This section contains 
such motions not yet acted on as so provided by rule XIII, Paragraph 1.


       Date                               Subject                       

[[Page 82]]


Feb. 5, 2007.

Motion entered by Mr. Reid to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consider S. 470 was not agreed 
to (Roll Call Vote No. 44).

Apr. 18, 2007.

Motion entered by Mr. Reid to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consider S. 3 was not agreed to 
(Roll Call Vote No. 132).

June 7, 2007.

Motion entered by Mr. Reid to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
invoke cloture on S. 1348 was not agreed to (Roll Call Vote No. 204).

Nov. 16, 2007.

Motion entered by Mr. Dodd to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consider H.R. 4156 was not 
agreed to (Roll Call Vote No. 411).

Feb. 28, 2008.

Motion entered by Mr. Reid to reconsider the vote by which the motion to 
invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consider H.R. 3221 was not 
agreed to (Roll Call Vote No. 35).

From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 83-86]

                           BILLS IN CONFERENCE                          

  Jefferson's Manual, Section XLVI:
  ``And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, 
etc., the conferees of the House asking it are to leave the papers with 
the conferees of the other * * *.'' The House agreeing to the conference 
usually acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


  Number                            Conferees              Date Report  
 and Date    Brief Title                                    Agreed to   
Conferees                 ______________________________ _______________
Appointed                      Senate         House       Senate  House 


[[Page 83]]

H.R. 2638 Department of   Senators                                    
July 26,    Homeland        Byrd,
   2007     Security        Inouye,
            Appropriations  Leahy,
             Act, 2008      Mikulski,
                            Nelson (NE),
                            Craig, and
                          (Senate asks.)

H.R. 2642 Military        Senators                                    
Sept. 6,    Construction    Johnson,
   2007     and Veterans    Inouye,
            Affairs         Landrieu,
            Appropriations  Byrd,
             Act, 2008      Murray,
                            Nelson (NE),
                            Bennett, and
                          (Senate asks.)

[[Page 84]]

H.R. 3074 Transportation, Senators        Representatives         Nov. 
Sept. 12,   HUD, Related    Murray,         Olver,                 14, 
   2007     Agencies        Byrd,           Pastor,               2007.
 Nov. 8,    Appropriations  Mikulski,       Rodriguez,
   2007      Act, 2008      Kohl,           Kaptur,
                            Durbin,         Price of
                            Dorgan,           North 
                            Leahy,          Carolina,
                            Harkin,         Cramer,
                            Feinstein,      Roybal-Allard,
                            Johnson,        Berry,
                            Lautenberg,     Obey,
                            Inouye,         Knollenberg,
                            Bond,           Wolf,
                            Shelby,         Aderholt,
                            Specter,        Walsh of
                            Bennett,          New York,
                            Hutchison,      Goode, and
                            Brownback,      Lewis of
                            Stevens,          California.
                            Domenici,     (House acts 
                            Alexander,      first.)
                            Allard, and
                          (Senate asks.)

H.R. 2419 Farm,           Senators                                    
 Feb. 4,    Nutrition,      Harkin,
   2008     and Bioenergy   Leahy,
            Act, 2007       Conrad,
                            Roberts, and
                          (Senate asks.)

[[Page 85]]


[[Page 86]]


From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 87-88]


[[Page 87]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
            H.J. Res. 20             Further Continuing, 2007...........................................................    1-31-07       1-31-07      2-1-07     2-14-07        * * *       * * *         * * *     2-15-07      110-5
               S. 965                Emergency Supplemental, 2007.......................................................      * * *         * * *     3-22-07       (\1\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 1591               Emergency Supplemental, 2007.......................................................    3-23-07       3-23-07     3-23-07     3-29-07      4-19-07     4-26-07       4-25-07       (\2\)   .........
             H.R. 2206               Emergency Supplemental, 2007.......................................................    5-10-07       5-14-07     5-14-07     5-17-07        (\3\)       * * *         * * *     5-25-07     110-28
             H.R. 2638               Homeland Security, 2008............................................................    6-15-07       6-18-07     6-18-07     7-26-07       (\15\)   ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 2642               Military Construction, VA, 2008....................................................    6-15-07       6-18-07     6-18-07      9-6-07       (\16\)   ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1644                Homeland Security, 2008............................................................      * * *         * * *     6-18-07       (\4\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1645                Military Construction, VA, 2008....................................................      * * *         * * *     6-18-07       (\5\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 2764               State, Foreign Operations, 2008(\14\)..............................................    6-22-07       6-22-07     7-10-07      9-6-07       (\29\)      (\30\)        (\31\)    12-26-07    110-161
             H.R. 2771               Legislative, 2008..................................................................    6-22-07       6-22-07     6-28-07      (\17\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1686                Legislative, 2008..................................................................      * * *         * * *     6-25-07      (\18\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1696                Interior, 2008.....................................................................      * * *         * * *     6-26-07      (\19\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1710                Labor, HHS, Education, 2008........................................................      * * *         * * *     6-27-07       (\8\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 2643               Interior, 2008.....................................................................    6-27-07       6-28-07     6-28-07      (\20\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 2829               Financial Services, General Government, 2008.......................................    6-28-07       6-29-07     7-13-07      (\21\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1745                Commerce, Justice, Science, 2008...................................................      * * *         * * *     6-29-07       (\7\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1751                Energy and Water, 2008.............................................................      * * *         * * *      7-9-07      (\22\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 1789                Transportation, HUD, 2008..........................................................      * * *         * * *     7-16-07       (\6\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 2641               Energy and Water, 2008.............................................................    7-17-07       7-18-07      (\23\)   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 3043               Labor, HHS, Education, 2008........................................................    7-19-07       7-23-07     7-23-07    10-23-07     10-31-07       (\9\)        (\10\)      (\12\)     (\24\)
              S. 1859                Agriculture, 2008..................................................................      * * *         * * *     7-24-07      (\25\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 3074               Transportation, HUD, 2008..........................................................    7-24-07       7-25-07     7-25-07     9-12-07      11-8-07   ..........     11-14-07   ..........  .........
             H.R. 3093               Commerce, Justice, Science, 2008...................................................    7-26-07       7-30-07     7-30-07    10-16-07      11-8-07   ..........       (\13\)      (\26\)   .........
             H.R. 3161               Agriculture, 2008..................................................................     8-2-07        8-3-07      8-3-07      (\27\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 3222               Defense, 2008(\11\)................................................................     8-5-07        9-4-07     9-14-07     10-3-07      11-5-07     11-8-07       11-8-07    11-13-07    110-116
            H.J. Res. 52             Continuing, 2008...................................................................    9-26-07       9-26-07       * * *     9-27-07        * * *       * * *         * * *     9-29-07     110-92
             H.R. 4156               Emergency Supplemental, Defense, 2008..............................................   11-14-07      11-15-07    11-15-07      (\28\)   ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
            H.J. Res. 69             Further Continuing, 2008...........................................................   12-13-07      12-13-07       * * *    12-13-07        * * *       * * *         * * *    12-14-07    110-137
            H.J. Res. 72             Further Continuing, 2008...........................................................   12-19-07      12-19-07       * * *    12-19-07        * * *       * * *         * * *    12-21-07    110-149
\1\See H.R. 1591.    \2\May 1, 2007, vetoed.    \3\May 24, 2007, Senate concurred in House amendment to Senate amendment to H.R. 2206.    \4\See H.R. 2638.    \5\See H.R. 2642.    \6\See H.R. 3074.    \7\See H.R. 3093.    \8\See
  H.R. 3043.    \9\Nov. 7, 2007, Conference report defeated on point of order.    \10\Nov. 8, 2007, House concurred in Senate amendment to H.R. 3043.    \11\Conference report contained Further Continuing, 2008.    \12\Nov. 13, 2007,
  Vetoed.    \13\Dec. 12, 2007, House conferees discharged.    \14\Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008.    \15\See H.R. 2764.    \16\See H.R. 2764.    \17\See H.R. 2764.    \18\See H.R. 2764.    \19\See H.R. 2764.    \20\See H.R.
  2764.    \21\See H.R. 2764.    \22\See H.R. 2764.    \23\See H.R. 2764.    \24\See H.R. 2764.    \25\See H.R. 2764.    \26\See H.R. 2764.    \27\See H.R. 2764.    \28\See H.R. 2764.    \29\Dec. 17, 2007, House agreed to amendment
  of Senate, with amendments.    \30\Dec. 18, 2007, Senate concurred in House amendment No. 1 to Senate amendment.    \31\Dec. 19, 2007, House agreed to amendment of Senate to House amendment No. 2 to Senate amendment.


[[Page 88]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
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                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
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