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What’s New

Measuring Poverty in the United States

This fact sheet discusses the U.S. government’s outdated method for measuring poverty and points to some alternative ways to more accurately gauge economic hardship.

Making Parents' Health Care a Priority

All Americans need access to affordable health insurance. In the public debate, children's coverage has received particular attention and support. But parents’ access to health care is also critical for children's and families' wellbeing. This fact sheet examines gaps in parents’ access to health coverage, looks at the existing patchwork of state policies, and calls for a national approach.

When Tax Day is a Maze of Inequities
Moving Toward Fair Tax Policy for Workers and Families

Every year at tax time, millions of Americans find that they are excluded from the best and biggest tax benefits – precisely because they have less than their wealthier counterparts. This publication, the first in the NCCP Position Paper series, explains how tax breaks are weighted toward the wealthy, what is being done, and what is still needed to ensure fair tax policy for workers and families.

Featured Projects

Strategies for Early Learning

Strategies for Early Learning promotes the dissemination of the growing knowledge base about the most effective ways to ensure that young children enter school with the necessary skills to be successful.

Improving the Odds for Adolescents

Improving the Odds for Adolescents is a two-year project to improve health outcomes for adolescents – with a special focus on disadvantaged youth – through the strengthening of state policies, including fiscal strategies.

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