[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 48, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 48CFR22.406-8]

[Page 413-415]
   Subpart 22.4--Labor Standards for Contracts Involving Construction
Sec. 22.406-8  Investigations.

    Conduct labor standards investigations when available information 
indicates such action is warranted. In addition, the Department of Labor 
may conduct an investigation on its own initiative or may request a 
contracting agency to do so.
    (a) Contracting agency responsibilities. Conduct an investigation 
when a compliance check indicates that substantial or willful violations 
may have occurred or violations have not been corrected.
    (1) The investigation must--
    (i) Include all aspects of the contractor's compliance with contract 
labor standards requirements;
    (ii) Not be limited to specific areas raised in a complaint or 
uncovered during compliance checks; and

[[Page 414]]

    (iii) Use personnel familiar with labor laws and their application 
to contracts.
    (2) Do not disclose contractor employees' oral or written statements 
taken during an investigation or the employee's identity to anyone other 
than an authorized Government official without that employee's prior 
signed consent.
    (3) Send a written request to the Administrator, Wage and Hour 
Division, to obtain--
    (i) Investigation and enforcement instructions; or
    (ii) Available pertinent Department of Labor files.
    (4) Obtain permission from the Department of Labor before disclosing 
material obtained from Labor Department files, other than computations 
of back wages and liquidated damages and summaries of back wages due, to 
anyone other than Government contract administrators.
    (b) Investigation report. The contracting officer must review the 
investigation report on receipt and make preliminary findings. The 
contracting officer normally must not base adverse findings solely on 
employee statements that the employee does not wish to have disclosed. 
However, if the investigation establishes a pattern of possible 
violations that are based on employees' statements that are not 
authorized for disclosure, the pattern itself may support a finding of 
    (c) Contractor notification. After completing the review, the 
contracting officer must--
    (1) Provide the contractor any written preliminary findings and 
proposed corrective actions, and notice that the contractor has the 
right to request that the basis for the findings be made available and 
to submit written rebuttal information.
    (2) Upon request, provide the contractor with rationale for the 
findings. However, under no circumstances will the contracting officer 
permit the contractor to examine the investigation report. Also, the 
contracting officer must not disclose the identity of any employee who 
filed a complaint or who was interviewed, without the prior consent of 
the employee.
    (3)(i) The contractor may rebut the findings in writing within 60 
days after it receives a copy of the preliminary findings. The rebuttal 
becomes part of the official investigation record. If the contractor 
submits a rebuttal, evaluate the preliminary findings and notify the 
contractor of the final findings.
    (ii) If the contracting officer does not receive a timely rebuttal, 
the contracting officer must consider the preliminary findings final.
    (4) If appropriate, request the contractor to make restitution for 
underpaid wages and assess liquidated damages. If the request includes 
liquidated damages, the request must state that the contractor has 60 
days to request relief from such assessment.
    (d) Contracting officer's report. After taking the actions 
prescribed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this subsection--
    (1) The contracting officer must prepare and forward a report of any 
violations, including findings and supporting evidence, to the agency 
head. Standard Form 1446, Labor Standards Investigation Summary Sheet, 
is the first page of the report; and
    (2) The agency head must process the report as follows:
    (i) The contracting officer must send a detailed enforcement report 
to the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, within 60 days after 
completion of the investigation, if--
    (A) A contractor or subcontractor underpaid by $1,000 or more;
    (B) The contracting officer believes that the violations are 
aggravated or willful (or there is reason to believe that the contractor 
has disregarded its obligations to employees and subcontractors under 
the Davis-Bacon Act);
    (C) The contractor or subcontractor has not made restitution; or
    (D) Future compliance has not been assured.
    (ii) If the Department of Labor expressly requested the 
investigation and none of the conditions in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this 
subsection exist, submit a summary report to the Administrator, Wage and 
Hour Division. The report must include--
    (A) A summary of any violations;
    (B) The amount of restitution paid;

[[Page 415]]

    (C) The number of workers who received restitution;
    (D) The amount of liquidated damages assessed under the Contract 
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act;
    (E) Corrective measures taken; and
    (F) Any information that may be necessary to review any 
recommendations for an appropriate adjustment in liquidated damages.
    (iii) If none of the conditions in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) or (ii) of 
this subsection are present, close the case and retain the report in the 
appropriate contract file.
    (iv) If substantial evidence is found that violations are willful 
and in violation of a criminal statute, (generally 18 U.S.C. 874 or 
1001), forward the report (supplemented if necessary) to the Attorney 
General of the United States for prosecution if the facts warrant. 
Notify the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, when the report is 
forwarded for the Attorney General's consideration.
    (e) Department of Labor investigations. The Department of Labor will 
furnish the contracting officer an enforcement report detailing 
violations found and any corrective action taken by the contractor, in 
investigations that disclose--
    (1) Underpayments totaling $1,000 or more;
    (2) Aggravated or willful violations (or, when the contracting 
officer believes that the contractor has disregarded its obligations to 
employees and subcontractors under the Davis-Bacon Act); or
    (3) Potential assessment of liquidated damages under the Contract 
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
    (f) Other investigations. The Department of Labor will provide a 
letter summarizing the findings of the investigation to the contracting 
officer for all investigations that are not described in paragraph (e) 
of this subsection.

[65 FR 46065, July 26, 2000]