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Center for Spatial Analysis Technologies

Stream-Temperature Characteristics in Georgia, WRI 96-4203
By T.R. Dyar and S.J. Alhadeff

temperature report cover (Report cover with shaded-relief map of Georgia, 115 Kb)

The full report is available in pdf format: Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4203 (5.4 MB)
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Stream-Temperature Measurements for 198 periodic and 22 daily-record stations were analyzed using a harmonic curve-fitting procedure. Statistics of data from 78 selected stations were used to compute a statewide stream-temperature harmonic equation, derived using latitude, drainage area, and altitude for natural streams having drainage areas greater than about 40 square miles. Based on the 1955-84 reference period, the equation may be used to compute long-term natural harmonic stream-temperature coefficients to within an average of about 0.4 degrees Celsius.

Basin-by-basin summaries of observed long-term stream-temperature characteristics are included for selected stations and river reaches, particularly along Georgia's mainstem streams. Changes in stream-temperature regimen caused by the effects of development, principally impoundments and thermal power plants, are shown by comparing harmonic curves and coefficients from the estimated natural values to the observed modified-condition values.


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