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Control Systems

Information Products

CSSP Documents
Documents produced by the Control Systems Security Program.

Published articles related to control systems security.

Other Government Documents
Control Systems security documents published by government agencies.

Other Organization Documents
Control Systems security documents published by industrial or professional organizations.

Vulnerability Notes
Vulnerabilities related to control systems security.

Standards and References
A bibliography of references and standards associated with control system cyber topics.

Fact Sheets, Posters, and Brochures
Fact sheets, posters, and brochures, generally produced by the Control Systems Security Program.

CSSP Documents

Attack Methodology Analysis: SQL Injection Attacks pdf
September 2005 (US-CERT secured portal)

Backdoors and Holes in Network Perimeters: A Case Study for Improving Your Control System Security pdf
August 2005

Catalog of Control Systems Security: Recommendations for Standards Developerspdf
January 14, 2008

Common Control System Vulnerability pdf
November 2005

Creating Cyber Forensics Plans for Control Systems pdf
August 2008

Critical Infrastructure and Control Systems Security Curriculumpdf
March 2008

Cyber Security Procurement Language for Control Systems pdf
August 2008

Cyber Security Response to Physical Security Breachespdf
November 2007

A Comparison of Electrical Sector Cyber Security Standards and Guidelines pdf
October 2004

A Comparison of Oil and Gas Segment Cyber Security Standards pdf
November 2004

Control Systems Cyber Security: Defense in Depth Strategies pdf
May 2006

DHS Bulletin: Securing Control Systems pdf
February 2005

Personnel Security Guidelines pdf
September 2004

Potential Vulnerabilities in Municipal Communications Networks
December 2006

Recommended Practice Case Study: Cross-Site Scripting pdf
February 2007

Recommended Practice for Patch Management of Control Systems pdf
December 2008

Security Implications of OPC, OLE, DCOM, and RPC in Control Systems pdf
January 2006 (US-CERT secured portal)

Securing Control System Modemspdf
January 14, 2008

Securing WLANs Using 802.11i (draft) pdf
February 2007

Securing your SCADA and Industrial Control Systemspdf
June 2007

Securing ZigBee Wireless Networks in Process Control System Environments (draft) pdf
April 2007

An Undirected Attack Against Critical Infrastructure: A Case Study for Improving your Control System Security pdf
September 2005

Using Operational Security (OPSEC) to Support a Cyber Security Culture in Control Systems Environments (draft) pdf
February 2007



10 Control System Security Threats
April 1, 2007
Peter Welander
Control Engineering

Becoming NERC CIP-Compliant
September 2007
Jay Abshier

The Blueprint to Security
March 8, 2007
Idaho National Laboratory

Cyber assessment methods: Here is the plan for enhancing control system security.
November 1, 2005
By May Robin Permann and Kenneth Rohde

Defense in Cyberspace - Beating Cyber Threats That Target Mesh Networks
September 2008
Trent Nelson and Jeff Becker

The DHS Control Systems Security Program pdf
3rd Quarter 2006
John Hammer, Jeffrey Hahn, Trent Nelson, Julio Rodriguez, Jeffrey Tebbe
UTC Journal

Forget the Silos, Build the Bridges
December 2007
Eric Byres, Jim Bauhs, and Brian Mason

Hacktivisim Attacks May Rise, Homeland Security Official Warns
August 22, 2007
Carolyn Duffy Marsan
Network World

Industrial Network Integrity
October, 1, 2006
Ian Verhappen and Eric Byres

Infrastructure Protection in the Ancient World - What the Romans can tell us about their Aqueducts - What we may apply to our modern infrastructurespdf
Michael J. Assante, INL

Insidious threat to control systems
January 01, 2005
By Eric Byres and Justin Lowe

The Invisible Threat
September 2007
Dan Hebert
Industrial Networking

Lessons In Cyber Security
April 2007
Wes Iversen

Look to Standards for Secure Plants
May 1, 2006
By Robert Evans

Oil and Gas Processor Goes Wireless on the LAN, Proper Data Protection is a Mandatory Requirement to Ensure PAN Communications' Security and Safety
April 1, 2007
Mohammed Al-Saeed, Soliman Al-Walaie, and Mojed Al-Subaie

SCADA State of Denial
April 16, 2007
Kelly Jackson Higgins
Dark Reading

Security Incidents and Threats in SCADA and Process Industries
May 2007
Eric Byres, David Leversage, and Nake Kube
Industrial Ethernet Book

Sniffing out rats - Government regulations steering chemical industry's security tactics to safeguard against intruders
August 2007
Ellen Fussell Policastro

Sound Security Strategy, Whether Military, Physical, or Cyber Security, is the Concept of "Defense in Depth"
-- Firewalls Don't Fail Me Now

March 1, 2007
Eric Byres

U.S. makes securing SCADA systems a priority
October 28, 2005
Robert Lemos

Uncovering Cyber Flaws - To ensure the safety and security of the process, company, and staff, find the vulnerabilities and break a negative chain of events
January 2006
Eric Byres and Matthew Franz

What Happens in Plant Stays in Plant
March 1, 2007
May Permann, John Hammer, Ken Rohde, and Kathy Lee

Wolves at the Door(s) of the House of Straw
December 11, 2007
Eric Byres
Control Global

Wolves at the Security House Door(s), Part 2
January, 2008
Eric Byres
Control Global


Other Government Documents

21 Steps to Improve Cyber Security of SCADA Networks
Office of Energy Assurance
Office of Independent Oversight And Performance Assurance
U.S. Department of Energy.

Common Cyber Security Vulnerabilities Observed in Control System Assessments by the INL NSTB Program pdf
Idaho National Laboratory
November 2008

Critical Infrastructure Protection - "Challenges and Efforts to Secure Control Systems" pdf
GAO Report to Congressional Requesters, GAO- 04-354 pdf
March 2004

Cyber Storm Exercise Report pdf
DHS National Cyber Security Division
September 12, 2006

EPA Needs to Determine What Barriers Prevent Water Systems from Securing Known Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Vulnerabilities pdf
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Inspector General
Final Briefing Report - 2005-P-00002
January 6, 2005

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Staff Preliminary Assessment of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's Proposed Mandatory Reliability Standards on Critical Infrastructure Protection pdf
December 11, 2006

Lessons Learned From Cyber Security Assessments of SCADA and Energy Management Systemspdf
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, National SCADA Test Bed
September 2006

National Infrastructure Protection Plan - Partnering to Enhance Protection and Resiliency 2009

National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace February 2003

Process Control Systems in the Chemical Industry:  Safety vs. Security pdf
Idaho National Laboratory
April 2005

SCADA and Control Systems Procurement Project: Cyber Security Procurement Language for Control Systems


Other Organization Documents

Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI), Good practice guidelines
CPNI provides integrated (combining information, personnel and physical) security advice to the businesses and organizations which make up the national (U.K.) infrastructure.

Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) SCADA
Nine Process Control and SCADA Security documents are available for download.

Good Practice Guide on Firewall Deployment for SCADA and Process Control Networks
February 2005

North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Reliability Standards including Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards
Although the nine CIP standards available for download were written for the electricity sector, the ideas presented have much broader application.

North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Security Guidelines for the Electricity Sector
The Library of CIP Documents page on the ESISAC (Electricity Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center) website has seventeen NERC Security Guidelines available for download. The ideas presented have wider application beyond the electricity sector.

OPC Security White Paper #1 Understanding OPC and How it is Deployed, Digital Bond, British Columbia Institute of Technology, and Byres Research. An introduction to what OPC is, what are its basic components and how it is actually deployed in the real world.pdf
July 2007

OPC Security White Paper #2 OPC Exposed, Digital Bond, British Columbia Institute of Technology, and Byres Research. What are the risks and vulnerabilities incurred in deploying OPC in a control environment?pdf
November 2007

OPC Security White Paper #3 Hardening Guidelines for OPC Hosts, Digital Bond, British Columbia Institute of Technology, and Byres Research. How can a server or workstation running OPC be secured in a simple and effective manner?pdf
November 2007

Top 10 Vulnerabilities of Control Systems and Their Associated Mitigations, 2007
North American Electric Reliability Council Control Systems Security Working Group and U.S. Department of Energy National SCADA Test Bed Program
December 7, 2006


Vulnerability Notes

AREVA e-terrahabitat SCADA systems vulnerabilities
February 2009

GE Fanuc Proficy HMI/SCADA iFIX uses insecure authentication techniques
February 2009

GoAhead Webserver Information Disclosure Vulnerability
February 2009

Rockwell Automation ControlLogix 1756-ENBT/A EtherNet/IP Bridge URL Redirection Vulnerability
February 2009

Rockwell Automation ControlLogix 1756-ENBT/A EtherNet/IP Bridge Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability
February 2009

Automated Solutions Modbus TCP Slave ActiveX Control Vulnerability
January 2009

ABB PCU400 vulnerable to buffer overflow
September 2008

Citect CitectSCADA buffer overflow
June 2008

Wonderware SuiteLink null pointer dereference
May 2008

GE Fanuc CIMPLICITY HMI heap buffer overflow
January 2008

GE Fanuc Proficy Information Portal allows arbitrary file upload and execution
January 2008

GE Fanuc Proficy Information Portal transmits authentication credentials in plain text
January 2008

Gesytec Easylon OPC Server fails to properly validate OPC server handles
December 2007

Invensys Wonderware InTouch creates insecure NetDDE share
November 2007

LiveData Server fails to properly handle Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol packets
May 2007

LiveData Protocol Server fails to properly handle requests for WSDL files
May 2007

Takebishi Electric DeviceXPlorer OPC Server fails to properly validate OPC server handles
March 2007

NETxAutomation NETxEIB OPC Server fails to properly validate OPC server handles
March 2007

ICONICS Dialog Wrapper Module ActiveX control vulnerable to buffer overflow
January 2007

SISCO OSI Stack fails to properly handle malformed packets
January 2007

SISCO OSI stack fails to properly validate packets
September 2006

Tamarack MMSd components fail to properly handle malformed packets
July 2006

LiveData ICCP Server heap buffer overflow vulnerability
May 2006


Fact Sheets, Posters, and Brochures

Control System Cyber Security Self-Assessment Tool (CS2SAT) Fact Sheet
April 2009

Control System Security Program Fact Sheet
April 2009

Cyber Security Procurement Language for Control Systems Brochure
April 2009

Control System Security Poster
January 2007
