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Power Up e-Tools

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Power Up the Buying Process

Visit the e-Tools Training Lab at GSA Expo 2009 and learn how GSA's e-Tools can help you.

The GSA online tools, GSA Advantage!®, e-Buy, and GSA eLibrary (formerly Schedules e-Library), allow customers to research, obtain quotations, and purchase millions of supplies and services available under GSA SchedulesGovernmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and GSA Global Supply. GSA is also expanding access to eOffer/eMod, a web based application that allows vendors to prepare and submit their Schedule offers/Schedule contract modification requests online.

GSA assists customers, contractors, and employees in obtaining the latest information about these online tools, by providing access to a variety of online information, including training and marketing materials, that can be viewed or downloaded from this page.


GSA Advantage!®

GSA Advantage!® is the online shopping and ordering system that provides buyers with access to thousands of contractors and millions of products and services.

GSA Advantage!® Tutorial—See all the features of the GSA Advantage!®  online shopping site by viewing the latest tutorial.

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e-Buy is an online Request for Quotation (RFQ) tool designed to facilitate the request for submission of quotations for a wide range of commercial supplies and services that are offered by GSA Schedule and Technology contractors (i.e., GSA Schedule 70 (Information Technology), GWACs, and Network Services and Telecommunications).

For Buyers:

e-Buy maximizes the buying power of federal agencies (buyers) by leveraging the power of the Internet to increase Schedule and Technology contractor participation to obtain quotations that result in best value purchase decisions.

e-Buy for Buyers—Learn to use the e-Buy Request for Quotation (RFQ) system in just minutes by viewing the latest buyers tutorial.

For Sellers:

e-Buy for Sellers—View the latest e-Buy tutorial and learn how vendors can find new opportunities to expand their government sales.

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GSA eLibrary

GSA eLibrary is the online source for the latest contract award information for GSA and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Schedules, as well as Technology contracts.

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eOffer/eMod improves the proposal/modification process for vendors by introducing an easy-to-use design that guides vendors through each step, automating the submittal process by electronically transferring the completed proposal/modification to the contracting office, and electronically signing the proposal/modification using the latest digital authentication technology to ensure data integrity.

eOffer/eMod Brochure—Learn how to "Power Up the Contracting Process" by downloading the eOffer/eMod overview brochure.

eMod Online Training for Vendors—View the latest online eMod training webcast for vendors.

Digital Certificates Online Training—View the latest digital certificates online training webcast.

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Marketing Materials

Power Up Brochure—Learn how to "Power Up the Buying Process" by downloading the online tools overview brochure.

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