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Exhibitor Information


Do you have something you would like to showcase? Let's share the experience! Consider being an exhibitor at either Symposium East or Symposium West this year.

Information on how to register for Symposium East and West are presented below. Note separate registration is required for each symposium.

Symposium East

This year, Symposium East will expand its available exhibit space to accommodate up to 50 vendors. 15 of those 50 spaces will be reserved for Government and/or non-profit exhibits at no cost. The remaining 35 exhibit spaces will be available to for-profit organizations that currently carry products and/or services on the GSA schedule for a fee of $500.00 each. Exhibit space availability will be allocated on a first come, first served basis for all exhibitors -- so early registration is recommended. For additional information regarding exhibit area, contact DAR Public Relations, at (440) 542-1089.

Exhibitor accommodations will include (for both profit and non-profit):

  • 6' skirted table, 2 chairs, wastebasket
  • registration for two representatives
  • table tent - identification sign
  • Electrical & Internet on a limited basis

All requests to exhibit will be reviewed by the Symposium planning committee for appropriateness and relevance to the conference mission. Once your exhibit request has been approved, you will receive e-mail instructions on where to make online payment. Payment may include the cost of exhibit space ($500.00) and either the price of 1 lunch ($9), 2 lunches ($18) or 3 lunches ($27) (per person exhibiting.) All payments must be made online via credit card or debit card.

All potential exhibitors are required to make online application beginning April 17, 2009 through May 29, 2009.

Booth setup will be in the exhibitor area on Tuesday morning June 16th from 7:00 am - 8:30 am. Tear-down will be on June 18th from 3:30 – 5:30 pm. All booths must be manned at all times.

Note: All exhibits should be federal government case study projects, applications of best practices, or represent services or products available on the GSA Schedule that are considered to be of benefit to the environment or the Federal or public environmental communities.

Registered exhibitor personnel may attend workshops on a space-available basis.

All booths must be manned at all times.

Parking within the NIH campus must be pre-approved. All exhibitors should indicate on their registration form whether they will need to park on campus to deliver their exhibit materials because they cannot transport their materials via Metro. The following parking information is required:

  • name of exhibitor(s) and representatives
  • agency/organization you are representing
  • make and model of car and license number
  • days parking

Symposium East exhibitors CLICK HERE to register.

Symposium West

This year, Symposium West will offer up to 8 exhibit spaces for Federal agencies and non-profit organizations, first come, first served.  If you would like to exhibit at FES-West, click here to apply. Once your application to exhibit has been approved, you will receive instructions via e-mail for making payment.

All exhibitor representatives are required to make the $270 registration payment.  Payments are being handled by the Hilton Bellevue Hotel and may include additional exhibit fees for various booth amenities requested.

The last day to make exhibit application and fee payment is May 27, 2009.

For questions/additional information, please contact:

Symposium EAST
DAR Public Relations
(440) 542-1089



Symposium WEST
Peter Kennedy
Commander Navy Region Southwest
(619) 532-2350 (office)
(619) 532-2283 (fax)

Last Updated: April 27, 2009