President's Management Agenda   The President's Management Agenda (PMA)

The President's Management Agenda (PMA) outlines five government-wide goals, and one initiative specific to the Department of Justice, that envision a results-oriented, citizen-centered government and that allow for improving performance and overall effectiveness. The Department of Justice is committed to implementing the strategies of the PMA. Essential to successfully implementing the PMA, and achieving the Attorney General's management goals (see Introduction), is a well-managed organization with highly skilled employees. The Department has made significant progress in supporting the reforms outlined in the PMA, and the following highlights progress made throughout FY 2002 and outlines strategies and milestones for FY 2003 and FY 2004.

Getting To Green: Status of PMA Implementation
In FY 2001, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) established criteria for determining if an agency was making progress in implementing the objectives outlined in the President's Management Agenda. OMB's criteria help guide the Department towards successful attainment of each agenda item. It may take years for the Department to successfully accomplish many of the PMA items due to extensive planning, analysis, and coordination involved in implementation. OMB has been grading agency progress and providing status reports using a red, yellow, green grading system. A score of red implies that the agency has made little progress in moving towards implementation, yellow means the agency has a defined and approved plan for attainment, and green indicates that an agency has successfully fulfilled each the criteria outlined by OMB. OMB's rating of the Department's progress towards getting to green is displayed in the "progress status" column in the chart below.

President's Management Agenda Goal OVERALL STATUS PROGRESS STATUS*
Strategic Management of Human Capital Red Green
Competitive Sourcing Red Green
Improved Financial Management Red Green
Expanded Electronic Government Red Green
Budget and Performance Integration Red Green
President's Management Agenda Initiative OVERALL STATUS PROGRESS STATUS*
Faith-Based and Community Initiative Red Yellow

*As of First Quarter FY 2003

PMA 1. Strategic Management of Human Capital

President Bush's management agenda seeks to flatten the federal hierarchy and make government more citizen-centered by reducing the number of layers within government. Through workforce planning, agencies can redistribute higher-level positions to aid timely decision-making and more effectively interact with citizens. The Department's main initiatives under the umbrella of strategic management of human capital included: restructuring of the INS, EOIR, FBI, and OJP (including grant management reform) to focus resources on priority mission; streamlining, eliminating, and/or consolidating duplicative functions and focusing resources on front-line positions; and strengthening hiring, training, and diversity policies throughout the Department. Significant progress has been made in each of these areas.

Criteria FY 2002 Progress

Agency human capital strategy is aligned with the mission, goals, and organizational objectives:

1) Integrated into Budget and Strategic Plans,
2) Consistent with OPM's human capital scorecard; and

Complies with standards for internal accountability systems to ensure effective merit-based HRM.

The Department published its Human Capital (HC) Strategic Plan in September 2002. The Plan addresses each aspect of these criteria. In addition, OPM has developed new criteria in its Human Capital Assessment Framework (HCAF). The Department's HC Strategic Plan has been assessed against this framework and is generally very sound. Some small modifications will be made to the Plan, based on OPM feedback.
Agency has a citizen-centered organizational structure that is delayered and oriented toward performing the mission assigned to it.

The attacks of September 11, 2001 redefined the mission of the Department of Justice. Defending our nation and defending the citizens of America against terrorist attacks has become the first and overriding priority of the Department. In November 2001, the Attorney General outlined ten management goals to further the Department's ability to address terrorism. The reorganization of INS, FBI and OJP were listed as three of the ten goals.

With the impending absorption of INS into the Department of Homeland Security, the Department will be challenged to ensure that the vital missions of the INS, such as communication systems, information technology systems, human capital systems, and physical location of people and other assets, are not impeded during the transition period.

Additionally, FBI continues to reorganize to more effectively respond to its heightened priority to detect and deter acts of terrorism against U.S. interests, and OJP is reorganizing in an attempt to improve its grant operations, particularly OJP's efforts to create efficiencies and streamline operations.


1) Sustains high performing workforce that is continually improving productivity;
2) Strategically uses existing personnel flexibilities, tools, and technology; and
3) Implements effective succession plans.

The Department's Human Capital accomplishments include:
  • DOJ is seen by applicants to have highly desirable job opportunities;
  • DOJ has well-established, excellent training programs for new law enforcement and legal job entrants;
  • Workforce average age (40) is significantly lower than Federal Government average (47);
  • Projected annual retirement rates are low, and actual retirement rate for 2001 was 1/3 less than projected;
  • DOJ's "recruit and train" model results in a substantially large majority (95-97 percent) of supervisors coming from in-house ranks;
  • DOJ has tested and is implementing an electronic training strategy;
  • Several components have tested and implemented electronic hiring systems; and
  • DOJ has an extensive data bank on job competencies needed for all its occupations.
On the HC Strategic Plan, DOJ has identified specific goals and objectives to improve the use of flexibilities and succession planning.
Agency has no skills gaps/deficiencies in mission critical occupations. In FY 2002, the Department experienced significant problems with retention of Border Patrol Agents and INS inspectors. In addition, there continue to be gaps in foreign language and intelligence analysis expertise. The HC Strategic Plan includes specific steps to reduce skills gaps in the future.
Agency differentiates between high and low performers through appropriate incentive and rewards. The HC Strategic Plan provides for the development of a new Performance Management model within the Department by FY 2004.
Changes in agency workforce skill mix and organizational structure reflect increased emphasis on e-government and competitive sourcing. The HC Strategic Plan includes specific provisions for workforce analysis and planning within the context of improved organizational structures, increased competitive sourcing, and new e-government solutions.

FY 2003/2004 Planned Actions:
Almost every planned action in the DOJ Human Capital Strategic Plan will be completed by the close of FY 2003. In FY 2003, the Department will also face a significant human capital challenge in supporting the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and in absorbing the former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) from the Department of Treasury. Specific actions that will take place include identifying issues pertinent to the transfers to DHS and into DOJ, determining and applying solutions, and monitoring the success of the transition in order to modify the implementation strategy to ensure mission success.

FY 2003*:

*DOJ plans to implement most of the actions outlined in the Human Capital Strategic Plan in FY 2003. The actions noted here are significant ones of interest to OPM and OMB.

FY 2004:

PMA 2. Competitive Sourcing

The President has proposed to increase competition for activities performed by the government as listed on agency FAIR Act inventories. We will use competitive sourcing as a tool for getting departmental commercial-type work done efficiently, considering the full cost of in-house performance.

DOJ will strive to conduct accurate FAIR Act inventories that reflect closer scrutiny of functions performed within the Department to determine those that are commercial in nature. Additionally, as appropriate, the Department will conduct A-76 competitions or direct conversions to achieve economies and enhance productivity.

Criteria FY 2002 Progress

Completed public-private or direct conversion competition on not less than 50 percent of the full-time equivalent employees listed on the approved FAIR Act inventories.

Due to delays in awarding the contract support for the FBI study, the 153 FBI FTE will be included in the FY 2003 total.
Competitions and direct conversions conducted pursuant to approved competition plan. Three competitions/A-76 cost comparison studies are underway and are scheduled for completion by the end of FY 2003. Those three include vehicle mechanics in the FBI, grants management in OJP, and immigration information officers in the INS.
Commercial reimbursable support service arrangements between agencies are competed with the private sector on a recurring basis. The list of Interservice Support Agreements is currently being developed.

FY 2003/2004 Planned Actions:

FY 2003:

FY 2004:

* OMB has not yet approved DOJ's FY 2002 inventory that was submitted on June 30, 2002. Because the Department's competitive requirement for FY 2004 will be impacted by its FY 2002 inventory, DOJ does not have a stated goal for FY 2004 at this time.

PMA 3. Improved Financial Management

Timely and accurate financial reports, combined with key performance information, are critical to improving agency management, program performance, and overall cost effectiveness. It is vital for agencies to have reliable and functionally capable financial and associated performance systems that can provide that critical information. It is equally important that agencies operate with efficient business practices that are compliant with federal financial management and accounting standards. DOJ continues to improve its systems and practices in order to provide management and the public with reliable and timely financial management information.

Criteria FY 2002 Progress

Financial management systems meet Federal financial management system requirements and applicable federal accounting and transaction standards as reported by the agency head.

As part of the Attorney General's plan to improve financial management performance, DOJ is acquiring a new Department-wide core financial system known as the Unified Financial Management System Project. (DOJ will begin implementing the first component in Oct. 2003, with other components following from FY 2005 to FY 2007.) Award to a Joint Financial Management Improvement Program certified software provider is scheduled for May 2003. During FY 2002 DOJ continued use of formal Corrective Action Plans to remedy weaknesses related to federal accounting standards, and the plans are expected to result in a diminished number of audit report findings at a component level this year.
Accurate and timely financial information. DOJ met the OMB due dates for the FY 2001 financial statements and the Accountability Report. To ensure DOJ meets the accelerated due dates for the FY 2002 reports, DOJ updated its financial statements guide and issued a new statement preparation timeline to all components. DOJ is prepared to meet the quarterly reporting requirement for financial statements during FY 2003.
Integrated financial and performance management systems supporting day-to-day operations. This is being addressed through implementation of the Unified Financial Management System described above, and through the development of improved performance measures. For the FY 2002 statements, DOJ issued formal guidance to components to standardize and expand the performance measures reported in the FY 2002 Performance and Accountability Report.
Unqualified and timely audit opinion on the annual financial statements; no material internal control weaknesses reported by independent auditors. DOJ anticipates earning an Unqualified Opinion on its FY 2002 statements. DOJ's Corrective Action Plan efforts are anticipated to result in a diminished number of internal control weaknesses in this year's audit reports at a component level.

FY 2003/2004 Planned Actions:

FY 2003:

FY 2004:

PMA 4. Expanding E-government

The Government Paperwork Elimination Act requires agencies to maximize the use of appropriate electronic means to deliver service to the public, while promoting security and privacy, by October 2003. In order to ensure that more government programs will meet this deadline, agencies should prioritize and manage their eGovernment projects infrastructure in and across agencies to effectively identify existing IT investments that could be redirected or restructured.

Criteria FY 2002 Progress

Strategic Value: all major systems investments have a business case submitted that meets the requirements of OMB Circular A-11 (Exhibit 53, Exhibit 300).

Of the 47 Exhibit 300's (business cases) submitted to OMB, 24 were originally deemed "qualified" by OMB. Those exhibits not originally qualified, were revised and resubmitted to OMB.
IT program performance: on average, all major IT projects operating within 90% of Exhibit 300 cost, schedule, and performance targets. Progress in attaining the goal will be tracked through the ITIM process implemented by DOJ components. These processes were just beginning implementation during FY 2002.
E-government and GPEA implementation: (must show department-wide progress or participation in multi-agency initiative in three areas.)

DOJ is participating in 17 of the 25 Administration's eGovernment initiatives, and plays a major role in: Wireless Project SAFECOM, E-Grants, E-Records, and E-Authentication.

Department of Justice eGovernment Implementation Plan FY2003 - FY2004 -- Final sent to OMB October 2002.

DOJ developed an aggressive plan to improve GPEA compliance including the review of component project and transition plans, evaluation of the funding for GPEA action items, tracking component progress and identifying priority projects that may warrant additional funding.

GPEA progress in FY 2002 follows:

  • OJP added capabilities to its Web-based Grants Management System (GMS) that will electronically administer grants from application to closeout through the internet. The GMS also expedites and streamlines the receipt, review, and processing of the grant applications. OJP is now integrating the GMS with OJP's financial management system to allow for electronic disbursement of grant funds.

  • DEA began automating its Diversion Control Program so that medical professionals, drug manufacturers, and companies that supply chemicals necessary for manufacturing prescription drugs can register with DEA and report transactions of such drugs and chemicals to DEA electronically. Registration and application forms are available on the web site today.

  • EOUSA implemented the Victim Notification System (VNS), which consolidates information from the U.S. Attorneys, FBI, and the Bureau of Prisons about violent criminals whose victims want to know their status within the criminal justice system. The VNS generates victim notifications (both phone and email) and reduces the duplication of data entry associated with victim information, both within agencies and between agencies.

  • FBI continued to improve the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), which electronically stores, searches, and retrieves fingerprint data and related criminal information in a fraction of the time required to process paper based cards.

  • Building on the capabilities of IAFIS, the Department began deployment of the web-based Joint Automated Booking System (JABS). JABS provides rapid access to IAFIS and the FBI's National Crime Information Center. JABS also allows DOJ law enforcement organizations to share and exchange booking information and to establish a federal offender tracking system.

  • FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) was updated to offer E-check, an option that allows Federal Firearms Licensees to obtain 24-hour NICS background check status through the Internet.
Citizen one-stop service delivery integrated through, cross-agency call centers, and offices or service centers.

The Department's e-Government Infrastructure Project, Phase 1, commenced September 2002. This consists of an Internet portal and site redesign effort focusing on improved ability for citizens accessing information from the Department.

In February 2002, the Office of Justice Programs' Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) launched a web site that provides comprehensive criminal datasets for use by state and local law enforcement, government officials, and the general public. The web site includes data from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports and BJS' Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics. Users can construct data tables on reported criminal offenses from the Uniform Crime Reports for all 50 states and local agencies with population coverage of 10,000 or more. Users can also access homicide trends and characteristics for all 50 states and localities with populations of more than 250,000.

The initial phase of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) became operational in July 2002. SEVIS is an Internet-based computer system that enables schools and program sponsors to transmit electronic information and event notifications to INS and the Department of State throughout a foreign student's or exchange visitor's stay in the U.S.

INS integrated its on-line customer services by making available a central 1-800 number to access many types of customer service. Also, the INS website continues to grow and add customer information. The website includes downloadable forms for all of the commonly filed applications and petitions. Great effort is made to ensure that the phone centers and the web site offer consistent advice.

Minimize burden on business by re-using data previously collected or using XML or other open standards to receive information.

A key element of the strategy described in the DOJ eGovernment Implementation Plan, FY 2003 - FY 2004 that was sent to OMB in October, is the emphasis on e-government projects that make available common re-useable eGovernment solutions. These help to streamline business processes, and integrate collaboration systems to improve the Department's ability to collect, analyze, and use information.

To facilitate the processing and use of law enforcement data, the Office of Justice Programs released the Justice XML Data Dictionary Schema, Version 2.1. This dictionary defines law enforcement data that is exchanged throughout the different government levels of the law enforcement community. The development of Version 3.0 is anticipated.

Intergovernmental: Deploying E-grants or geospatial information one-stop. The Department is a supporting partner for the e-Grants initiative and will integrate its grants administration system into the e-Grants portal to accept incoming electronic applications in a standard format.
Obtaining productivity improvements by implementing customer relationship management, supply chain management, enterprise resource management, or knowledge management best practices. INS' intranet portal (PowerPort) offers some improvements in knowledge management. PowerPort offers INS employees a mechanism for staying abreast of the changes in immigration laws, policies, procedures, and the organization.

FY 2003/2004 Planned Actions:

FY 2003:

FY 2004:

PMA 5. Budget and Performance Integration

Beginning with the FY 2004 budget submission, the Administration plans to formally integrate performance review with budget decisions. In doing so, it will be possible to identify the full program costs associated with individual programs. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.

Criteria FY 2002 Progress

Integrated planning/evaluation and budget staff work with program managers to create an integrated plan/budget and monitor and evaluate its implementation.

In 2002, DOJ made significant progress realigning its decision units, aligning budget and program activities with outputs, explaining the influence of outputs on specific outcomes, and proposing changes to component budget accounts as needed to accommodate the new perspective. This effort was completed Departmentwide 10/02.
Streamlined, clear, integrated agency plan/budget sets forth outcome goals, output targets, and resources requested in context of past results. To aid in informing managers of performance progress as they relate to past results, a Performance and Resource Table was developed for inclusion in the budget that aligns resources with results. Another feature of this table is a display of budget enhancements and corresponding performance associated with the specific budget request. At the conclusion of FY 2002, planning was underway to establish quarterly monitoring of performance and provide that information to senior leadership.
Budget accounts, staff, and specifically program/activities are aligned to support achieving program targets. In 2002, DOJ made a significant effort in realigning its decision units, align budget and program activities with outputs, explain the influence of outputs on specific outcomes, and propose changes to component budget accounts as needed to accommodate the new perspective.
Full budgetary cost is charged to mission accounts and activities. Cost of outputs and programs is integrated with performance in budget requests and execution. DOJ budget programs (decision units) were realigned with primary mission areas and the Strategic Plan. This allows full program costs to be aligned with program accomplishments. The planning phase has begun for these items, based on the changes to the decision units and the alignment of budget and program activities, as mentioned above.
Agency has documented program effectiveness. Analyses show how program outputs and policies affect desired outcomes.

Each year, the Department's Performance Report and Plan, is prepared pursuant to the requirements under GPRA, combining the Department of Justice Annual Performance Report for the previous fiscal year, the Final Revised Annual Performance Plan for the current fiscal year, and the Annual Performance Plan for the budget year. Combining our report on past accomplishments with our plans for the upcoming years provides the reader a useful, complete, and integrated picture of our current performance, a preview of our future goals, and a summary of how our budget is expended. Further, this document addresses the goals outlined in the President's Management Agenda, satisfies the requirements for the Attorney General's Annual Report and serves as a companion document to the Department of Justice Accountability Report.

In FY 2001, broad outcome measures were established for drug trafficking and immigration. In FY 2002, a new measure was developed for locally targeted gun crime and USMS transitioned a key performance measure from warrants-based data to fugitives.

Agency systematically applies performance to budget and can demonstrate how program results inform budget decisions.

The internal budget process was structured by Strategic Goal and incorporated performance into the earliest stages of budget development.

A Performance and Resource Table was developed for inclusion in the budget that aligns resources with results. Another feature of this table is a display of budget enhancements and corresponding performance associated with the specific budget request.

FY 2003/2004 Planned Actions:

FY 2003:

FY 2004:

Faith-Based and Community Initiative

President Bush's Management Agenda seeks to reform federal management and improve program performance through the development of a coordinated strategy. In addition to the five strategies outlined above, the Department is also responsible for the Faith-Based and Community Initiative. Under this initiative, the Department of Justice, in addition to the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor will work to identify and eliminate unwarranted regulatory barriers that exist in providing Faith-Based and Community-Based programs with access to federal programs. Justice is working to provide coordinated training and technical assistance to Faith-Based and Community-Based organizations looking to apply for grant funding.

Criteria FY 2002 Progress

Agency has a fully implemented and coordinated plan for communication and outreach to FBOs/CBOs.

Agency has a coordinated technical assistance plan, which includes efforts to streamline the application process for small and novice applicants, and to provide these groups with assistance in applying for federal funds.

Agency has fully implemented efforts to eliminate significant and ongoing barriers to participation identified by Agency audit.

Agencies consistently apply appropriate legal requirements for participation by FBO/CBOs, including grant review and application of law by regional offices.

Agencies have established a pilot program targeted at FBO/CBOs with special attention to issues of substance abuse, homelessness, elders in need, at-risk youth, welfare to work and prisoner re-entry.

Agencies have a fully implemented research agenda assessing the impact of the initiative.

  • Established DOJ Faith-Based Task Force, which has primary responsibility for advancing this Initiative within the Department.

  • Office of Justice Programs has addressed regulatory barriers, but legislation has not been submitted to remove existing statutory barriers.

  • Established a single point of contact for Faith-Based and Community-Based organizations.

  • Held internal workshops of Faith-Based and Community-Based legal issues for grant managers.

  • Established 1-800 hotline for religious discrimination complaints.

FY 2003/2004 Planned Actions:

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