Department of Justice

FY 2000 Summary Performance Plan

Prepared by the Justice Management Division
March 1999


Appendix D

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

ACA American Correctional Association

ACS Automated Case Support

ADAM Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program

ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution

ATR Antitrust Division

BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics

BOP Bureau of Prisons

CALEA Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates

CATS Consolidated Assets Tracking System

CFO Chief Financial Officer

CIO Chief Information Officer

CITA FBI Computer Infrastructure Threat Assessment Squads

CIV Civil Division

CLAIMS Computer Linked Application Information Management System (INS)

CODIS Combined DNA Information System

COPS Community Oriented Policing Services

CRM Criminal Division

CRS Community Relations Service

CRT Civil Rights Division

DC District of Columbia

DCIA Debt Collection Improvement Act

DEA Drug Enforcement Administration

DMS Debt Management System

DOJ Department of Justice

ENFORCE Enforcement Case Tracking System (INS)

ENRD Environment and Natural Resources Division

EOIR Executive Office for Immigration Review

EOUSA Executive Office for United States Attorneys

EPIC El Paso Intelligence Center

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCI Federal Correctional Institution

FinCen Financial Crimes Intelligence Center

FOIA Freedom of Information Act

GPRA Government Performance and Results Act

HHS Department of Health and Human Services

IAFIS Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System

IBIS Interagency Border Inspection System

IDENT Automated Fingerprint Identification System

IMPACT Information Management Program and Case Tracking

INS Immigration and Naturalization Service

INSPASS INS' Passenger Accelerated Service System

INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organizations

IRP Institutional Removal Program

ISI Information Sharing Initiative

ISRAA Integrated Statistical Reporting and Analysis Application

IT Information Technology

ITIB Information Technology Investment Board

JABS Joint Automated Booking System

JDIS Justice Detainee Information System

JMD Justice Management Division

JPATS Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System

JTC Justice Training Center

JUSTNET Justice Technical Information Network

LCN La Cosa Nostra

MCE Mexican Criminal Enterprise

MET Mobile Enforcement Team

NAC National Advocacy Center

NADDIS Narcotics and Dangerous Drug Information System

NCIC National Crime Information Center

NCIF National Central Intake Facility

NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey

NDIC National Drug Intelligence Center

NFLIS National Forensic Laboratory Information System

NIBRS National Incident Based Reporting System

NICS National Instant Criminal Background Check System

NII National Information Infrastructure

NIJ National Institute of Justice

OCDETF Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces

ODR Office of Dispute Resolution

OIG Office of the Inspector General

OJJDP Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

OJP Office of Justice Programs

OMB Office of Management and Budget

ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy

OPR Office of Professional Responsibility

OVC Office for Victims of Crime

SENTRI Secure Electronic Network for Traveler's Rapid Inspection

SPC Service Processing Center

TAX Tax Division

TIP Technology Infrastructure Project

UCR Uniform Crime Reports

USAs United States Attorneys

USMS United States Marshals Service

USNCB United States National Central Bureau

USPC United States Parole Commission

UST United States Trustees

VAWA Violence Against Women Act

VAWGO Violence Against Women Grants Office

VCRTF Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund

VOI/TIS Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing Incentive Grant Program


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