Table 4.
Recipients of federal payment and state supplementation, by eligibility category and age, January 2003–December 2003
Month Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or older
January 2,159,760 506,855 1,652,905 239,865 1,159,704 760,191
February 2,170,157 507,052 1,663,105 244,519 1,164,592 761,046
March 2,173,624 507,145 1,666,479 244,910 1,166,577 762,137
April 2,183,468 507,914 1,675,554 247,089 1,172,476 763,903
May 2,177,000 507,134 1,669,866 244,340 1,169,285 763,375
June 2,189,308 508,034 1,681,274 248,652 1,175,428 765,228
July 2,186,312 508,111 1,678,201 247,209 1,173,278 765,825
August 2,188,948 508,615 1,680,333 246,959 1,174,528 767,461
September 2,201,523 509,454 1,692,069 250,714 1,181,608 769,201
October 2,179,458 506,386 1,673,072 245,921 1,169,745 763,792
November 2,186,982 507,049 1,679,933 249,651 1,172,195 765,136
December 2,179,217 502,976 1,676,241 249,979 1,167,999 761,239
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Data are for the end of the specified month.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186 for further information.