Remarks by Secretary Paige at the Healthier US Fitness Festival
Archived Information

June 16, 2004
  Contact: (202) 401-1576

Thank you. Good afternoon. As parents, teachers, government officials, community leaders, and students, we can no longer afford to be complacent or blind to the facts. Millions of our children are not healthy. The evidence is overwhelming, credible, and clear. The researchers have documented a frightening, nationwide epidemic.

We must have the will to act immediately and comprehensively. That is why the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services have joined forces to improve American fitness. We will be working together to help our children become healthy and learn well.

So I have a message for our schools--"Get with the program!"

It is time to replace some vending machines with healthier options. Get rid of high-fat lunches. Make nutrition information a central part of a child's education. And make sure our children get plenty of exercise. Gym must not be an optional class. In a country as prosperous and knowledgeable as ours, there is no excuse for so many children living with preventable health problems. Good food and fitness are the keys to health improvements.

And I have a message for parents--"Turn off the television sets and shut down the Play Stations!"

Web surfing or instant messaging is not the same thing as reading a book. Our children need more encouragement to walk, run, and play. Homer Simpson is not a surrogate babysitter. The computer is not an electronic park. Get your kids on their feet!

And I have a message for students--"Take the lead!"

We can all learn from each other. Parents can teach children; children can educate parents. You receive health instruction in school. Share that information with your parents and neighbors. Just as the young have often shared computer literacy with the old, information about good diet and a healthier lifestyle can be passed from our youngest citizens to the oldest.

At the moment, our nation is transforming American education through No Child Left Behind. We are making our education system more successful, equitable, fair, and inclusive. We can transform our lives in another way, through good health practices, including having healthy diets. Together, we will help students become healthier as they learn.


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Last Modified: 06/21/2004