Table 4.
Recipients of federal payment and state supplementation, by eligibility category and age, January 2000–December 2000
Month Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or older
January -- -- -- -- -- --
February -- -- -- -- -- --
March -- -- -- -- -- --
April -- -- -- -- -- --
May 2,194,801 519,782 1,675,019 239,198 1,193,414 762,189
June 2,188,433 519,402 1,669,031 236,737 1,189,545 762,151
July 2,194,241 520,283 1,673,958 238,681 1,191,597 763,963
August 2,202,087 521,585 1,680,502 238,504 1,197,246 766,337
September 2,192,914 519,993 1,672,921 236,643 1,191,629 764,642
October 2,206,419 522,060 1,684,359 239,120 1,199,433 767,866
November 2,197,357 521,035 1,676,322 236,433 1,194,000 766,924
December 2,198,858 519,638 1,679,220 237,064 1,195,468 766,326
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are for the end of the specified month.
-- = not available.
CONTACT: Art Kahn (410) 965-0186 for further information.