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Order Copies of Brochures, CDs and Other Resources

Pedestrian Safety Guide for Transit Agencies - February 2008

Pedestrian Safety Guide for Transit Agencies (hardcopy version) — FHWA-SA-07-017
This report is intended to provide transit agency staff with an easy-to-use resource for improving pedestrian safety. The guide includes a variety of approaches to address common pedestrian safety issues that are likely to arise near transit stations, bus stops, and other places where transit (bus or rail) is operated. It provides references to publications, guides and other tools to identify pedestrian safety problems. Descriptions of engineering, education and enforcement programs that have been effectively applied by transit agencies are included as well as background information about pedestrian safety and access to transit.
Target Audience: Transit agency staff, engineers, planners

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A Resident's Guide for Creating Safe and Walkable Communities - February 2008

A Resident's Guide for Creating Safety and Walkable Communities (hardcopy version) — FHWA-SA-07-016
This report provides examples from other communities working to improve pedestrian safety. The Guide includes information, ideas, and resources to help residents learn about the issues that affect walking conditions; find ways to address or prevent these problems; and promote pedestrian safety. The Guide also contains fact sheets, worksheets, and sample materials that can be distributed or adapted to meet the needs of a community. References to other resources and materials are also provided.
Target Audience: General Public

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Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists

Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists
A Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a formal safety examination of a future roadway plan or project or an in-service facility that is conducted by an independent, experienced multidisciplinary RSA team. All RSA's should include a review of pedestrian safety; however, some RSAs may be conducted to improve an identifiied pedestrian safety problem. The Pedestrian Safety Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists provides transportation agencies and teams conducting an RSA with a better understanding of the needs of pedestrians of all abilities.
Target Audience: Engineer, planners, safety pracitioners
Hard copies of this document are unavailable until Spring of 2009, but it can be downloaded here.

BikeSafe Guide

BikeSafe Guide (hardcopy or CD-ROM version) — FHWA-SA-05-006
This report provides information on 50 engineering countermeasures or treatments, along with education and enforcement programs, that may be implemented to improve bicycle safety and mobility. Included in this version are nearly 60 case studies that illustrate these concepts applied in practice in a number of communities throughout the United States. Also included is a CD-ROM with the Bicycle Safety Countermeasure Selection System, an expert system product designed to assist practitioners with the selection of countermeasures to address bicycle safety and mobility problems.
Target Audience: Engineer, planners, safety pracitioners
Hard copies of this document are currently unavailable.  However, you can view the document and use the program at this website:

Order Here Enter Order Quantity (CD-ROM): - Limit 2 per order

PedSafe Guide

PedSafe Guide (hardcopy version) — FHWA-SA-04-003
This report provides information on 47 engineering countermeasures or treatments, along with education and enforcement programs, that may be implemented to improve pedestrian safety and mobility. Included in this version are 71 case studies that illustrate these concepts applied in practice in a number of communities throughout the United States. Also included is a CD Rom with the Pedestrian Safety Countermeasure Selection System, an expert system product designed to assist practitioners with the selection of countermeasures to address pedestrian safety and mobility problems.
Target Audience: Engineer, planners, safety pracitioners

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How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan

How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (hardcopy version) — FHWA-SA-04-00
This report will help state and local officials know where to begin to address pedestrian safety issues. It is also intended to assist agencies in further enhancing their existing pedestrian safety programs and activities, including identifying safety problems, analyzing information, and selecting optimal solutions. The guide also contains information on how to involve stakeholders, potential sources of funding for implementing projects and how to evaluate projects. The guide is primarily a reference for improving pedestrian safety through street redesign and the use of engineering countermeasures, as well as other safety-related treatments and programs that involve the whole community. This guide can be used by engineers, planners, traffic safety and enforcement professionals, public health and injury prevention professionals, and decision-makers who have the responsibility of improving pedestrian safety at the state or local level.
Target Audience: Engineer, planners, safety pracitioners, general public
Hard copies of this document are temporarily unavailable, but it can be downloaded here.

A Walkable Community brochure cover "A Walkable Community" Brochure (hardcopy version) — FHWA-
is a snapshot on designing for a walkable community. Intended audience - safety practitioners, advocates, and other special road users who want to create "walkable and bikeable" communities. The brochure examines many other issues besides sidewalks. A detailed matrix relating crash types and safety countermeasures is presented. Additional information on each of the 60 + countermeasures can be found in the "SAFER JOURNEY" CD, library section. This brochure is intended for safety practitioners, advocates, and other special road users who want to create "walkable/bikable" communities.
Target Audience: Engineer, planners, safety pracitioners
Unavailable, but please feel free to download and print your own copies [PDF - 2.26MB]

Bicycle Safer Journey cover Bicycle Safer Journey
This interactive CD-ROM is a virtual journey designed to increase our awareness of bicycle safety. Its use is intended for the general public, road user, safety advocates, and safety.

You're invited to take a ride with John, a 14 year old, and help him decide how to handle some tricky bicycle safety situations.
Target Audience: Children and the general public
We are sorry, but these CD-ROMs are temporarily unavailable.

Safer Journey CD cover

Safer Journey - is an interactive CD that takes the user through various pedestrian safety scenarios encountered every day across America. It has been developed to improve the level of pedestrian knowledge for all road users (including schools, driver education groups, enforcement, etc.) and safety practitioners. This CD-ROM can also be included in State/local community pedestrian awareness materials kit and/or used at seminars, conferences, etc.
Target Audience: Children and the general public
We are sorry, but these CD-ROMs are temporarily unavailable.

Gold Camera Award - International Film and Video Festival "Safer Journey" CD-ROM won the First Place "Gold Camera Award" at the "International Film and Video Festival" - the world's leading event.

Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Caution

Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Caution — FHWA-SA-06-07
Message: Use the crosswalks and look both ways before crossing. Don't assume cars will stop for you.

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Hispanic Bicyclist Poster

Hispanic Bicyclist Poster — FHWA-SA-06-08
Message: Cyclists should keep to the right and ride with traffic. Don't assume drivers will stop for you.

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Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Crosswalks and Signals

Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Crosswalks and Signals — FHWA-SA-06-09
Message: Don't assume drivers will stop even if you are crossing appropriately. Make eye contact with driver.

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Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Sidewalks

Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Sidewalks — FHWA-SA-06-10
Message: If you must walk on the street (no sidewalks) walk facing traffic.

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Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Intoxicated

Hispanic Pedestrian Poster: Intoxicated — FHWA-SA-06-11
Message: Almost half of all pedestrians killed are intoxicated. Alcohol impairs your ability to walk and ride a bicycle.

Order Here Enter Order Quantity: - Limit 250 per order

Other Resources
Pedestrian Safety Campaign cover Pedestrian Safety Campaign
Do you feel that a Pedestrian Safety Campaign is needed in your community, but you just don't know where to start?
Target Audience: Safety practitioners, advocates, engineers, planners, police
  • University Course
    Brochure | Website
    The course provides current information on pedestrian and bicycle planning and design techniques, as well as practical lessons on how to increase bicycling and walking through land-use practices and engineering design.
    Target Audience: College professors in transportation, engineer, planners, safety pracitioners

  • Pedestrian Forum Newsletter - Current issue and Archives
    Target Audience: Engineer, planners, safety pracitioners, general public

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