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Results 1-25 of 102 for your search:
Drug:  lenalidomide
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Trial Status:  Active
Start Over
Phase: Phase IV
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CC-5013-MM-016, NCT00179647

Phase: Phase IV
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UPCI 07-134, NCT00777881

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 70
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: CALGB-100104, ECOG-CALGB-100104, NCT00114101

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2007-000649-36, QUIREDEX, NCT00480363

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: ECOG-E1A05, E1A05, NCT00522392

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 to 65
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: SHEBA-07-4918-IH-CTIL, NCT00551928

Phase: Phase III
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Natural history/Epidemiology, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: ECOG-E1A06, E1A06, NCT00602641

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: SWOG-S0777, S0777, NCT00644228

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CC-5013-MM-020, NCT00689936

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CC-5013-CLL-002, NCT00774345

Phase: Phase III
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: ECOG-E2905, E2905, NCT00843882

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: J0798, RV-PCA-PI-069, NCT00348595

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: CC-5013-CLL-001, NCT00419250

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2005-0461, NCT00294632

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: C05008, NCT00507442

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: SCRI CLL 02, NCT00536341

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: SCRI LYM 58, NCT00633594

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: `8 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2006-0472, NCT00671801

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: DSMM VII, NCT00306813

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 0712003357, NCT00698776

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: GIMEMA-LLC0606, GIMEMA-LLC0606, EUDRACT-2006-006185-42, EU-20865, NCT00727415

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: UMCC 2007.098, NCT00724568

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: CLL-5, EudraCT Nr. 2008-001430-27, ML21718, NCT00738829

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI, Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: MAYO-MC0885, MC0885, MAYO-08-003156, CELGENE-RV-MM-PI-0394, NCT00790842

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: Revlimid as maintenance in MM, NCT00778752
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