A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Eastern Sierra Mountains Cactus in Bloom Rock Climbing Alabama Hills River Rafters on Cache Creek
BLM>California>Bishop>Fire Prevention - Take Responsibility!
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Bishop Field Office
Eastern Sierra Fire Prevention Education Team banner - "Take Responsibility"
The Eastern Sierra, Inyo and Mono Counties, have experienced several years of drought or near drought followed by a few years of normal and above normal precipitation. 2007 has brought near drought conditions again with above average temperatures and an early curing of light vegetation like annual grasses.
Based on the hot weather and extreme fire behavior coupled with the large numbers of people who regularly visit the area, the Inyo National Forest and Bureau of Land Management, Bishop Field Office have initiated a local campaign titled:  “Take Responsibility”  The concept is based on the fact that local, state, and federal officials can do only so much and it is up to each individual to assume responsibility for their personal safety, property and individual use of public lands.

The following links provide homeowners and public land users with information on how they can prepare for wildland fire danger.

You can also visit the California Fire Alliance website for more information.

Be Prepared if a Wildfire occurs brochure cover.




Be Prepared if a Wildfire occcurs



Learn about wildfire danger brochure cover.




Learn about wildfire danger

Tips for your wilderness experience brochure cover.




Tips for your wilderness-backcountry experience

Campfire safety brochure cover.




Campfire Safety

Create defensible space around your home brochure cover.




Create Defensible Space around your home

Create defensible space in a brush landscape brochure cover.




Create Defensible space - in a brush landscape

Graphic of brochure cover for defensible space in an aspen landscape




Create a defensible space - in an aspen landscape

Create defensible space in a pine landscape brochure cover.




Create defensible space - in a pine landscape

Create defensible space in a pinon landscape brochure cover.




Create defensible space  - in a pinon landscape