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vaccine-sensitized draining lymph node cells
Cells isolated from lymph nodes from patients, and activated in vitro to generate tumor-specific effector T cells. Lymph nodes in the lymphatics draining tumors often contain T cells that are immunologically sensitized but functionally deficient. Vaccine-sensitized draining lymph node cells are prepared by isolating these lymphocytes in vitro and stimulating them with cytokines to differentiate into mature effector cells. Vaccine-draining lymph node cells may also be produced by pharmacological activation of lymph node-derived lymphocytes with drugs such as ionomycin or with bacterial toxin; these activated lymphocytes may be expanded in culture with cytokines such as interleukin-2 prior to infusion into the patient. Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

Abbreviation:vDLN cells

Previous:ursodiol, Utimox, Uvadex, Uvidem, V930 vaccine
Next:vaccinia virus (vvDD-CDSR), vaccinia-PSA-TRICOM vaccine, vaccinia-tyrosinase vaccine, Vagestrol, valacyclovir

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health