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Family Caregiver Support Program

Federally funded under the Older Americans Act, this program offers help to caregivers who are:

Services Available

Services are provided FREE to qualifying participants. There is no means test. Individuals must be given the opportunity to contribute to the cost of the services; however, no one can be denied service due to inability or unwillingness to contribute.

Seeking Local Services

For information about the family caregiver support program and services in your area, contact a caregiver coordinator at your Regional Human Service Center.

Aging Services Division Contact Information:

Aging Services Division
1237 West Divide Avenue, Suite 6
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 328-4601
TTY: (701) 328-3480
Fax: (701) 328-4061
ND Aging and Disability Resource-LINK (800) 451-8693 [National]


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