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Mother’s Day

Great jobs for moms this Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a holiday that honors mothers across the world. In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. Mothers are dedicated and loving individuals and Mother’s Day is a time to thank them for all they do. Mother’s Day also reminds us of all the hard work that is involved in being a great mother. Whether your mother is a stay-at-home mom, has a work-at-home job or is a part-time or full-time working mom, take the time to truly appreciate all their hard work this Mother’s Day. Here are some different job options for moms, as well as the top companies for working mothers. This Mother’s Day, do yourself a favor and look for jobs that accommodate the needs of working mothers.

Work at Home Moms Work-at-home jobs are a good solution for mothers who want to stay at home with their kids but need or want to continue working. Mother’s Day would be a perfect time to speak with your current employer at possible work at home opportunities. Some companies specialize in work-at-home jobs, such as …continue reading Mother’s Day

Hiring Resources: Job-Seekers

Perfecting your resume, networking and interviews can make looking for a new job very overwhelming.  One way to lessen this stress is to remind yourself that searching for a job is not only about you.  While you are desperately trying to find a job, employers are trying just as hard to find the right person to fill their jobs.  Approaching your job search through the employer’s point of view will give you a better idea of what it is they want from you.  The smart job-seeker should gain a good understanding of the hiring process by considering the following hiring resources and getting inside the mind of the employer.  …continue reading Hiring Resources: Job-Seekers

Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day and Environmentally Friendly Companies

Environmental concerns were first brought to the forefront of public and political attention with the establishment of Earth Day on April 22, 1970.  Nationwide demonstrations involving over 20 million participants helped to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues and the need for legislative action.  Earth Day is now celebrated worldwide every year on April 22, with millions of people in hundreds of different countries working together to better our environment.

What can you do to help the environment this Earth Day 2008?  Here are some “green companies” that are environmentally conscious.  Further down the page, you will also find some great Earth Day resources for teachers and parents, such as Earth Day activities for kids. …continue reading Earth Day

Hiring Resources: Employers

If you are an employer who is considering hiring some new faces, you will want to consult hiring resources in order to ensure that you get the most out of the hiring process. After all, many people say that it is the employees who have the biggest impact on a company’s success. Employers hiring for jobs should be well-informed about the hiring process, with knowledge on topics such as how to begin approaching the topic of hiring for jobs, how to attract qualified applicants, what to consider in interviews and how to select the right person. Employers should consider the following four things when hiring for jobs: …continue reading Hiring Resources: Employers

I Need Work

Feel like you will never get a job?

Getting desperate?

Do you need work now?

You have been searching for jobs for hours on end, day after day, but still aren’t having any luck. Maybe you can’t find the right jobs to apply to, can’t get to the interview, or can’t get past the first interview. Whatever it is, there is a solution to those thoughts that are constantly running through your head — “I need work.. and I need work NOW!” We understand what it’s like to need work in order to pay the bills, get health insurance and put dinner on the table for your family. Here are some tips to help you find work now:

1. Look in the right places. If you need to find work, online job boards, such as EmploymentSpot and CareerBuilder, are the easiest ways to find and apply to jobs. You can search by location or industry, or use specific keywords to narrow down your job search as much as possible. …continue reading I Need Work

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