FedITAM Framework

The FedITAM Framework is an integrated approach to managing the six key process areas of IT asset management.  It offers agencies a framework with guiding questions toward ensuring that information, assets, people, and processes are adequately detected, protected and connected across the federal government.

Integrated Life Cycle Management Diagram

  • Approving IT Architecture Software & Hardware
    • What IT assets are approved to run on the network architecture?
    • What unapproved products are running on the network or are being purchased for deployment, exposing us to risk?
    • Are we addressing the security areas of patch-management and network identity-management?

  • Managing the Buy
    • What IT assets are good candidates for cost-saving SmartBuy, Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and other Strategic Sourcing agreements?
    • What are relevant contract terms and clauses for enterprise-wide compliant use of assets?
    • Do our ordering practices reflect the actual depletion, deployment, saturation, and utility rates of my organization?

  • Managing Contract Compliance
    • What installed assets expose us to piracy liabilities because they lack licensing agreements?
    • Do our installations exceed authorized licensing?
    • Are agencies in compliance with contract terms and are software and hardware vendors in compliance with federal policies?

  • Monitoring Inventory Usage
    • What installed assets are not being actively used; and (how) should they be re-used or retired?
    • What assets are sitting on the shelf in large quantities reflecting potentially unwarranted ongoing expenses?
    • What critical asset inventories are nearly depleted?

  • Fostering Compliance with Policies & Standards
    • What Federal policies and guidelines govern particular categories of IT assets?
    • How are we working toward compliance with the International  Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19770, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC), and other current or emerging global standards?
    • What are current ITAM policy guidelines issued by the Office of Mangement and Budget (OMB), National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), and the Office of Governmentwide Policy (OGP); and is our agency in compliance?

  • Financial & Capital Planning
    • What are opportunities to increase return on investment and improve cash-flow through smarter buys and uses?
    • What are noteworthy variances in unit pricing for similar products and how best can we close gaps and avoid costs?
Last Reviewed 12/12/2008