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Urban Development in Ohio

The mission of the Office of Urban Development (OUD) is to assist communities in creating wealth from personal, business and community successes. OUD works to identify the resources and financing necessary to enhance the economic viability of local communities. The Office strives to improve the economic climate in Ohio's older communities by encouraging new investment, innovative land use, and job retention and/or creation.

The Clean Ohio Revitalization and Clean Ohio Assistance Funds are a portion of the $400 million Clean Ohio Fund approved by Ohio voters in November 2000. Voters gave the state the ability to issue $200 million for brownfield redevelopment activities and $200 million for preservation of green space. The Ohio Department of Development, through its Office of Urban Development, is implementing the brownfield portion of the bond in consultation with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund
The Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund is a key financial component to help a community build economic capacity by providing funding for brownfield redevelopment. Brownfield redevelopment allows a community to reclaim and improve its lands, making property viable for new development.

Clean Ohio Assistance Fund - Click Here for an important notice...
The Clean Ohio Assistance Fund is an annual appropriation dedicated to brownfield redevelopment in Eligible Areas.

Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
The Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) capitalized by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) offers below-market rate loans to assist with the remediation of a brownfield property to return it to a productive economic use in the community.  

Clean Ohio Council
The Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) is responsible for supporting the legislated Clean Ohio Council. The Clean Ohio Council was created to select projects that will receive grants and low-interest loans from the Clean Ohio Fund. The COC consists of the director of development, the director of environmental protection, the lieutenant governor, one member of the majority party of the senate and one member of the minority party of the senate to be appointed by the president of the senate, one member of the majority party of the house of representatives and one member of the minority party of the house of representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and seven members appointed by the Governor. The seven members represent local governments, business and development interests and environmental advocacy organizations. The Director of the Ohio Public Works Commission serves as a nonvoting member.

Clean Ohio Training   
OUD sponsors and supports training opportunities for communities and other entities interested in our programs.

Information for Grantees
Information for CORF and COAF recipients and stakeholders to assist them in the implementation of their grants and to keep them updated on new policies.

New! Project Resource and Advisory Meeting
The Office of Urban Development is now scheduling “Project Resource and Advisory Meetings”. These meetings will take place on location with communities, stakeholders and representatives from both ODOD and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) to discuss potential projects. Interested parties must pre-register 10 days prior to the desired meeting date



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Ohio Department of Development - Ted Strickland, Governor     Lee Fisher, Lieutenant Governor    Director, Ohio Department of Development

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