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America's Volcanic Past
South Dakota

"Though few people in the United States may actually experience an erupting volcano, the evidence for earlier volcanism is preserved in many rocks of North America. Features seen in volcanic rocks only hours old are also present in ancient volcanic rocks, both at the surface and buried beneath younger deposits." -- Excerpt from: Brantley, 1994
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Volcanic Highlights and Features:
[NOTE: This list is just a sample of various South Dakota features or events and is by no means inclusive. All information presented here was gathered from other online websites and each excerpt is attributed back to the original source. Please use those sources in referencing any information on this webpage, and please visit those websites for more information on the Geology of South Dakota.]

  • South Dakota
  • South Dakota Regions
  • South - Brief Geologic History
  • Badlands National Park
  • Bear Butte State Park
  • Black Hills
  • Cathedral Spires
  • Custer State Park
  • Mount Rushmore National Memorial
  • Wind Cave National Park

South Dakota

In general, the oldest rocks in South Dakota formed more than 2 billion years ago, during the Precambrian. They consist of granites and metamorphic rocks and are found in the core of the Black Hills and in two small areas in eastern South Dakota. In the Black Hills of western South Dakota, great sheets of granite intruded the igneous and metamorphic rocks. The Harney Peak Granite was carved to form Mount Rushmore. Many thousands of pegmatites were also intruded during Precambrian time. In the southern Black Hills, these pegmatites have been mined for their crystals of feldspar, quartz, mica, beryl, and lithium minerals. Some have also been mined for tin and tungsten. In northeastern South Dakota, the Precambrian Milbank Granite is exposed and quarried at the surface. In southeastern South Dakota, the Sioux Quartzite is exposed and quarried at the surface. By the end of the Precambrian (570 million years ago), South Dakota had been deeply eroded and worn to a nearly flat plain interrupted by low knobs of granite and ridges of resistant quartzite. The top of Precambrian rocks in South Dakota slopes generally from east to west across all but the southwestern part of the state.

Excerpts from: South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources Website, 2001
South Dakota Regions

The Interior Plains:5
The Interior Plains is a vast region that spreads across the stable core (craton) of North America. This area had formed when several small continents collided and welded together well over a billion years ago, during the Precambrian. Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks now form the basement of the Interior Plains and make up the stable nucleus of North America. With the exception of the Black Hills of South Dakota, the entire region has low relief, reflecting more than 500 million years of relative tectonic stability.

South Dakota - Brief Geologic History

In general, the oldest rocks in South Dakota formed more than 2 billion years ago, during the Precambrian. They consist of granites and metamorphic rocks and are found in the core of the Black Hills and in two small areas in eastern South Dakota. In the Black Hills of western South Dakota, great sheets of granite intruded the igneous and metamorphic rocks. The Harney Peak Granite was carved to form Mount Rushmore. In northeastern South Dakota, the Precambrian Milbank Granite is exposed and quarried at the surface. In southeastern South Dakota, the Sioux Quartzite is exposed and quarried at the surface. By the end of the Precambrian (570 million years ago), South Dakota had been deeply eroded and worn to a nearly flat plain interrupted by low knobs of granite and ridges of resistant quartzite. The top of Precambrian rocks in South Dakota slopes generally from east to west across all but the southwestern part of the state. (Granite, rhyolite, phonolite, schist, slate, and quartzite)

During the latter part of Precambrian time and into the early Paleozoic, South Dakota's surface was severely eroded forming a relatively flat plain interrupted by low knobs and ridges of resistant rocks. The first sea to advance over south Dakota's Precambrian surface covered the western part of the state. For most of Paleozoic time, water lapped on and off the state repeatedly, as continental seas advanced from and retreated to the oceans. (Limestone, shale, and sandstone).

The beginning of Triassic time in South Dakota is not too different from the end of Paleozoic time, a time of erosion in South Dakota. Late in the Jurassic, shallow continental seas again submerged parts of western South Dakota. During most of Cretaceous time, North America contained a central north-south seaway that accumulated thick deposits of marine sediments. The end of the Cretaceous marks the final retreat of the continental seas from South Dakota. It also marks the birth of the Black Hills in western South Dakota. As the Black Hills area was domed upwards, erosion actively attacked the soft shales and finally the harder and older sediments. Erosion removed more than 6,000 feet of sedimentary rock layers from the central part of the Black Hills. During the later stages of uplift, great volumes of molten rock were forced upwards, forming many of today's valuable mineral deposits (i.e., gold) in the northern Black Hills. (Shale, sandstone, redbeds, limestone, chalk, and clay).

Erosion continued to be the dominant force as Tertiary rock history began. By Early Oligocene time, stream gradients were so reduced that the streams could no longer carry away their erosion products, and deposition started on the plains adjacent to the Black Hills. Gradually, the lower two-thirds of the Black Hills became buried by light-colored clays and sands, derived not only locally, but from mountain areas to the west. Volcanic activity, probably near Yellowstone Park, contributed large volumes of windblown volcanic ash to the sediments. By the end of Oligocene time, it is possible that the Black Hills projected less than 2,000 feet above this apron of sediments. Uplift, or a change in climate, or both, caused a renewal of erosion. The soft unconsolidated sediments were attacked and gradually, the lower part of the Black Hills were exhumed. The Black Hills today probably looks very much like they did 40 million years ago. The sediments, eroded and carved into a very distinctive type of topography, can be viewed in the Badlands in southwestern South Dakota. (Silt, sandstone, and clay).

Beginning about 2 million years ago, continental glaciers moved generally southward across North America, covering eastern South Dakota several times. As each ice sheet advanced, it transported large volumes of rock debris frozen into the lower layers of ice. If the ice sheet was very thick and heavy, the glaciers scoured and smoothed off the terrain. In contrast, where the ice was thin, the glaciers overrode obstacles rather than planing them. As the ice melted, sediment called glacial drift was left behind.


Badlands National Park

Badlands National Park:2
At Badlands National Park, weird shapes are etched into a plateau of soft sediments and volcanic ash, revealing colorful bands of flat-lying strata. The stratification adds immeasurably to the beauty of each scene, binding together all of its diverse parts. Viewed horizontally, individual beds are traceable from pinnacle to pinnacle, mound to mound, ridge to ridge, across the intervening ravines. Viewed from above, the bands curve in and out of the valley like contour lines on a topographic map. A geologic story is written in the rocks of Badlands National Park, every bit as fascinating and colorful as their outward appearance. It is an account of 75 million years of accumulation with intermittent periods of erosion that began when the Rocky Mountains reared up in the West and spread sediments over vast expanses of the plains. The sand, silt, and clay, mixed and interbedded with volcanic ash, stacked up, layer upon flat-lying layer, until the pile was thousands of feet deep. In a final phase of volcanism as the uplift ended, white ash rained from the sky to frost the cake, completing the building stage.

White Ash Layer:2
A 65 million-year-old layer of black rock called the Pierre Shale formed on the bottom of an ancient sea and is the oldest formation in the Badlands. Next come the layers of the Eocene and Oligocene epochs. These hold fossil bones of land mammals. At the close of the Eocene (about 34 million years ago), this land was a broad marshy plain crossed by sluggish streams flowing from highlands to the west. As the Oligocene Epoch drew to a close, volcanoes to the west and southwest ejected huge volumes of ash into the atmosphere. Borne eastward by the winds, the ash fell and became the whitish layer near the top of the Badlands formations.

Rockyford Ash:2
The climate began to dry and cool after the Eocene and the forests gave way to open savanna. New mammals such as oreodonts -sheep- like, her mammals - began to dominate. The Brule and Sharps Formations were deposited by rivers during the Oligocene Epoch from 26 to 32 million years ago. A thick layer with a very high ash content, the Rockyford Ash, is the bottom layer of the Sharps and serve as the boundary between the two formations.

Sharps Formation:8
The Sharps Formation reflects an overall change in geologic and environmental conditions that began 26 to 28 million years ago. The region became even drier, and mammoth ash fall deposits associated with tremendous ignimbrite-style volcanic eruptions in the Great Basin region episodically blanketed the Badland region. The Sharps consists mostly of tuffaceous sandstones, stream channel sand and floodplain mud (paleosols) typical of steppe or even desert-like conditions. Harksen and others (1961) who first described the formation thought its age was Miocene. The Sharps Formation is now recognized to be latest Oligocene but is assigned to the Arikaree Group (a group dominated by Miocene-age rocks elsewhere in the region). The highest peaks in the badlands consist of the eroded remnants of Sharp Formation. More complete exposures of the Sharps Formation can be seen at Agate Fossil Beds National Park in northwestern Nebraska (about 200 miles southwest of Badlands National Park). The Sharps Formation marks the end of floodplain-style deposition preserved in the park region. If younger Tertiary deposits existed in the region they were stripped away by erosion. At the close of the Tertiary Period erosion was the dominating force in the region. Down-cutting streams began to exhume the Oligocene strata. On some of the highest tableland in the park area are gravel deposits consisting of materials carried by fast-moving streams flowing away from the Black Hills. These deposits, called the Medicine Root Gravels, are about 2 million years old and were deposited prior to or near the beginning of the ice ages of the Quaternary period. Much of the Badlands landscape is a reflection of the erosional history of the region over the past two million years. The Rockyford Ash defines the base of the Sharps Formation. The ash bed forms a white, massive resistant, ledge-forming cap rock.

Bear Butte State Park

Bear Butte State Park:6
Mato Paha or "Bear Mountain" is the Lakota name given to the unique formation at Bear Butte State Park. This formation is a lone mountain, not a flat-topped "butte" as its name implies. It is one of several intrusions of igneous rock that formed millions of years ago along the northern edge of the Black Hills.

Bear Butte - National Natural Landmark:9
Five miles north of Fort Meade in Meade County. A cone-shaped mass of igneous rock standing alone, 1,300 feet above the surrounding plains, which illustrates the geological processes of igneous intrusion, folding and faulting, and exposure by differential erosion. Owner: State. DESIGNATION DATE: April 1965

Black Hills

The Black Hills:7
The Black Hills is a huge, elliptically domed area in northwestern South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming, about 125 miles long and 65 miles wide. Rapid City, South Dakota, is on the Missouri Plateau at the east edge of the Black Hills. Uplift caused erosion to remove the overlying cover of marine sedimentary rocks and expose the granite and metamorphic rocks that form the core of the dome. The peaks of the central part of the Black Hills presently are 3,000 to 4,000 feet above the surrounding plains. Harney Peak, with an altitude of 7,242 feet, is the highest point in South Dakota. These central spires and peaks all are carved from granite and other igneous and metamorphic rocks that form the core of the uplift. The heads of four of our great Presidents are sculpted from this granite at Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Joints in the rocks have controlled weathering processes that influenced the final shaping of many of these landforms. Closely spaced joints have produced the spires of the Needles area, and widely spaced joints have produced the rounded forms of granite that are seen near Sylvan Lake.

Black Hills Geologic History:1
During most of Cretaceous time, North America contained a central north-south seaway that accumulated thick deposits of marine sediments. The end of the Cretaceous marks the final retreat of the continental seas from South Dakota. It also marks the birth of the Black Hills in western South Dakota. As the Black Hills area was domed upwards, erosion actively attacked the soft shales and finally the harder and older sediments. Erosion removed more than 6,000 feet of sedimentary rock layers from the central part of the Black Hills. During the later stages of uplift, great volumes of molten rock were forced upwards, forming many of today's valuable mineral deposits (i.e., gold) in the northern Black Hills.

Erosion continued to be the dominant force as Tertiary rock history began. By Early Oligocene time, stream gradients were so reduced that the streams could no longer carry away their erosion products, and deposition started on the plains adjacent to the Black Hills. Gradually, the lower two-thirds of the Black Hills became buried by light-colored clays and sands, derived not only locally, but from mountain areas to the west. Volcanic activity, probably near Yellowstone Park, contributed large volumes of windblown volcanic ash to the sediments. By the end of Oligocene time, it is possible that the Black Hills projected less than 2,000 feet above this apron of sediments. Uplift, or a change in climate, or both, caused a renewal of erosion. The soft unconsolidated sediments were attacked and gradually, the lower part of the Black Hills were exhumed. The Black Hills today probably looks very much like they did 40 million years ago. The sediments, eroded and carved into a very distinctive type of topography, can be viewed in the Badlands in southwestern South Dakota.

Cathedral Spires

Cathedral Spires - National Natural Landmark:9
Custer State Park, 23 miles southwest of Rapid City in Custer County. An excellent, rare example of joint-controlled weathering of granite. Owner: State. DESIGNATION DATE: May 1976

Custer State Park:

Custer State Park:6
Custer State Park in the Black Hills encompasses 73,000 acres of spectacular terrain and an abundance of wildlife. Within the park, you’ll discover a world of adventure! Favorite outdoor activities include hiking 7,242-foot Harney Peak, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, fishing, chuckwagon suppers and jeep rides to see the bison. The park boasts scenic drives such as the Needles Highway (SD 87), which twists and turns its way past towering rock formations and through narrow tunnels. At the end of one tunnel stands the Needles Eye, a granite spire with a slit only 3 to 4 feet wide but reaching 30 to 40 feet in the air.

Cathedral Spires - National Natural Landmark:9
Custer State Park, 23 miles southwest of Rapid City in Custer County. An excellent, rare example of joint-controlled weathering of granite. Owner: State. DESIGNATION DATE: May 1976

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Rushmore National Memorial:3
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located along the northeast edge of what is known as the Harney Peak Granite Batholith in the Black Hills of South Dakota. A batholith is a geologic feature that formed by the cooling of a large igneous body of magma below the earth's surface; if a similar igneous body reaches the earth's surface, it would form a volcanic feature such as a lava flow. The Black Hills magma was emplaced into the older "host" mica schist rocks during Precambrian time, approximately 1.7 billion years ago!

Harney Peak Granite:3
The Harney Peak Granite (of which Mount Rushmore is carved) consists of fine-grained minerals including quartz, feldspar, muscovite and biotite. It is believed that these minerals formed approximately 8 miles below the earth's surface from molten magma. Some cracks developed as a result of the cooling of the magma and were later "patched" with molten magma. The result was the emplacement of pegmatite dikes that filled the fractures and zones of weakness in the granite. Today these pegmatite dikes are expressed as white streaks on the foreheads of Presidents Washington and Lincoln. Elsewhere in the Black Hills, economically significant mineral deposits are found associated with these pegmatite bodies. The Harney Peak granite was likely exposed at the surface prior to Cambrian time, but was covered by sandy sediment when the Cambrian seas invaded the Black Hills some 550 million years ago. Today, these sands are part of the Deadwood Formation sandstones that contain grains derived from the ancient Harney Peak granite and the exposed Precambrian surface. The granite core of the Black Hills continued to be further buried during the rest of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras of geologic time and wasn't exposed to surface processes again until some 50 million years ago when today's Black Hills began to take on their present form.

Wind Cave National Park

Wind Cave National Park Pegmatite:4
Wind Cave formed in the Pahasapa Limestone. This limestone was deposited in a warm shallow sea about 350 million years ago and is composed mostly of fragments of calcium carbonate sea shells. Coinciding with the accumulation of limestone, bodies of gypsum (calcium sulfate) crystallized from the sea water, when arid conditions caused evaporation. The gypsum formed irregular shaped masses within the limestone. The oldest rocks are exposed in the northwest part of the park. These are schists and pegmatites. The schists are metamorphic rocks which formed under heat and intense pressure during an early episode of mountain building, about 2 billion years ago. They have almost parallel bands, or foliation, caused by the growth of mica crystals under pressure. Pegmatites are made of large crystals of glassy-gray quartz, pink feldspar, silvery micas, and shiny black tourmaline. Pegmatite is an igneous rock, similar to granite. It hardened from magma and hot fluids. In places, the pegmatite intruded into the schists. This proves the pegmatite is younger than the schists, but still very old at 1.7 billion years. The emplacement of the pegmatite probably occurred during another mountain building event. Schists and pegmatites are visible along State Route 87.

Excerpts from:
1) South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources Website, 2001
2) U.S. National Park Service Website - Badlands National Park, 2000, 2001
3) U.S. National Park Service Website, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, 2001
4) U.S. National Park Service Website, Wind Cave National Park, 2001
5) USGS/NPS Geology in the Parks Website, 2001
6) South Dakota State Parks Website, 2002
7) Trimble, D.E., 1980, The Geologic Story of the Great Plains: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1493
8) Stoffer, P.W., 2003, Geology of Badlands National Park: A Preliminary Report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-35
9) U.S. National Park Service, National Natural Landmarks Website, 2003

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