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Administrative Notes: Newsletter of the FDLP

Vol. 26, no. 07 GP 3.16/3-2:26/07 July 15, 2005

GPO Director Honored With Prestigious Library Award

Gil Baldwin, Director of National Bibliography Planning. U.S. Government Printing Office’s Gil Baldwin is this year’s winner of the prestigious James Bennett Childs Award. The American Library Association’s Government Documents Round Table presented the annual award to Baldwin on Sunday for his lifetime achievements and significant contributions to the library field.

Baldwin serves as Director of National Bibliography Planning at the GPO. “I am honored to receive this award and to be recognized by such a tremendous, dedicated group of my peers in the library community. I look forward to continuing the important work of contributing to the growth and essential development of government documents dissemination,” Baldwin said.

Baldwin, who began his GPO career as a cataloger, is also part of the Office of Innovation and New Technology, which is planning and designing GPO’s Future Digital System, FDsys. FDsys will be a world class information life-cycle management system. Additionally, he is concentrating his efforts on the development of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) Electronic Collection management concept and other permanent public access initiatives.

Baldwin was presented with a plaque at the 2005 ALA Government Documents Round Table Reception Sunday at the Chicago-Kent College of Law in Illinois. Bruce James, Public Printer of the United States, and Judy Russell, Superintendent of Documents were on hand to watch as Baldwin received his award.

This isn’t the first time the prestigious award has been presented to a GPO employee. Virginia F. Saunders, Program Operations and Evaluation Specialist, and former Superintendent of Documents Francis J. Buckley, Jr. have been honored in past years.

The award is named for James Bennett Childs, a longtime documents bibliographer for the Library of Congress.

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Fall Federal Depository Library Conference & Depository Library Council Meeting - PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE

October 16 - 19, 2005
Hyatt Regency Washington Capitol Hill
Washington, DC

Open the Preliminary Schedule (PDF) in a New Window

The Depository Library Council and GPO are excited about the proposed schedule for the fall Depository Library Council (DLC) meeting and Conference. As we began to plan for our discussion of a vision for libraries and the FDLP in the future provision of government information, we came to the conclusion that most of the Fall DLC meeting should be devoted to this important topic. General information about the meeting is available at:

Advance registration is important because it provides us with the information necessary to ensure effective planning and make this meeting productive and enjoyable for you. Pre-registration is available at:

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Nominate the 2005 Federal Depository Library of the Year
(Deadline Extended to August 15, 2005)

What is the Award?

The Federal Depository Library of the Year Award provides special recognition for a library that furthers the goal of the Federal Depository Library Program by ensuring that the American public has free access to its Government's information through:
  • Outstanding service to meet the Federal government information needs in the library's service area
  • Creativity and innovation in developing specific community programs for use of Federal government information or a dramatic increase in their community's usage of Federal government information
  • Leadership in creating public service programs that can be emulated by other Federal Depository Libraries

What are the benefits of winning?

Here's what a past winner had to say:
"Winning the Federal Depository Library of the Year award enabled us to increase awareness of our library in the community and among our colleagues. It also gave us the 'bells and whistles' we needed to raise our profile with our library board. I think any depository library could greatly benefit from winning." - Suzanne Sears, Tulsa City-County Library

The winner will be announced at an award ceremony during the fall 2005 Federal Depository Library Conference and meeting of the Depository Library Council. The conference will be held in Washington, DC on October 16-19, 2005. GPO will provide travel to and lodging during the Conference for the depository coordinator and library director from the winning library.

How Do I Nominate A Library?

You are invited to nominate any Federal Depository Library, regardless of its size or type. To apply, go to: (Past winners, libraries of current Depository Library Council members, and libraries on probation are ineligible for consideration.)

The nomination deadline for the 2005 Federal Depository Library of the Year Award has been extended to August 15, 2005.

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More Volunteers Needed for New Electronic Depository Manual

GPO is seeking more volunteers to consolidate and update various FDLP instructions and manuals into a single online publication that will continue to be updated as necessary. The Electronic Depository Manual will be a living policy document written by and for the FDLP community. Within the manual will be best practices, tips, and hot links to additional information of interest to government documents librarians. Information about this project is available on GPO Access at: and

The publications to be consolidated and updated in the electronic manual include the Instructions to Depository Libraries available at:, and the Federal Depository Library Manual and its supplements available at:

While GPO has many volunteers from depositories at academic libraries, we lack adequate representation from depositories at public, federal, and law libraries. All volunteers are welcome, but GPO is particularly eager to have depository librarians from these under-represented library types help create this new online publication.

The tentative content of each chapter appears on the Volunteer Form. Each chapter will include requirements and performance examples, with an emphasis on the electronic FDLP. GPO anticipates the work will be accomplished in a combination of ways to include e-mail messages and conference calls with writing teams. Volunteers with expertise and knowledge of the content for each chapter and who have the time to complete the work by the timetables established for the effort are good candidates.

If you are from a federal depository library and are interested in participating, you can obtain additional information and the Volunteer registration form at: Volunteers should submit their names as soon as possible.

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GPO Posts New Internal Policy Document On Web Harvesting: ID 73

Effective July 6, 2005, Information Dissemination (ID) staff will be operating under a new internal policy, ID 73: "Harvesting Federal Digital Publications for GPO's Information Dissemination (ID) Programs."  This policy governs both manual and automated harvesting of publications from Federal agency web sites for inclusion in the Federal Depository Library and National Bibliography Programs.

ID 73 is accessible from the FDLP Desktop, Information Dissemination Policies page at:

Click Here to Open ID 73 (PDF) in a New Window

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GPO Releases Digitization Specification for Review and Comment

GPO's Digitization Specification 3.0 is being distributed for review and comment.  This specification, which is available at , will be used to support GPO's plan to convert legacy U.S. government documents into preservation masters that will subsequently be used to creative derivative "access" files that support user requirements.

Version 3.0 is a result of multiple internal reviews and two focused external reviews by federal agencies and universities involved in preservation quality digitization.

The specification reflects proposed standards that were discussed at GPO's Meetings of Experts on Preservation, as well as the Digital Library Federation (DLF) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) recommended standards.

The specification will continue to evolve as technological advancements and digitization requirements occur in the digital imaging industry.

GPO currently has a digitization pilot tasked with validating the specification. Scanning of the legacy documents cannot begin until design validation testing and beta testing have been completed. Additional information on the legacy digitization project is available at .

Comments should be sent to Judy Russell,, AND ALSO to Ted Priebe,, not later than Monday, August 8, 2005.

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Update for ALA, June 2005 Available Online

The most recent GPO Update was released at the American Library Association annual conference in Chicago on June 26, 2005. The complete text is available on the FDLP Desktop on GPO Access at

Topics include:

  • Annual Item Selection Update Cycle Rescheduled
  • Distribution and Other Statistics
  • Follow-Up to Essential Titles Survey
  • Revised Policy Statements
  • Integrated Library System (ILS) Implementation
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Authentication and Version Control
  • Future Digital System
  • Information Dissemination Special Projects and Related Staffing
  • Administrative Notes/Administrative Notes Technical Supplement
  • Electronic Federal Depository Library Manual Under Development
  • Web Discovery and Harvesting
  • National Collection of U.S. Government Publications
  • Holdings Symbols for Regional Depository Libraries
  • Digitization of the Legacy Collection
  • New and on the Horizon
  • Depository Library of the Year Award
  • Public-Private Partnership Opportunity in Publishing Services (Sales Program)

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