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Budget of the United States Government: Economic Report of the President, 1999 (Statistical Tables)

Download all tables in xls format (1.3 MB, ZIP file), or wk4 format (881 KB, ZIP file).

National Income or Expenditure:

  • B-1. Gross domestic product, 1959-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 42 KB)
  • B-1. Gross domestic product, 1959-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 26 KB) or (xls 44 KB)
  • B-2. Real gross domestic product, 1959-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 42 KB)
  • B-2. Real gross domestic product, 1959-98 (second half of the table)
    (wk4 31 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-3. Quantity and price indexes for gross domestic product, and percent changes, 1959-98 (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 41 KB)
  • B-4. Percent changes in real gross domestic product, 1959-98 (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • B-5. Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product, 1959-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 42 KB)
  • B-5. Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product, 1959-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 42 KB)
  • B-6. Chain-type quantity indexes for gross domestic product, 1959-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-6. Chain-type quantity indexes for gross domestic product, 1959-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-7. Chain-type price indexes for gross domestic product, 1959-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-7. Chain-type price indexes for gross domestic product, 1959-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 27 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-8. Gross domestic product by major type of product, 1959-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-9. Real gross domestic product by major type of product, 1959-98
    (wk4 27 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-10. Gross domestic product by sector, 1959-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-11. Real gross domestic product by sector, 1959-98 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-12. Gross domestic product by industry, 1959-97 (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • B-13. Real gross domestic product by industry, 1977-97 (wk4 16 KB) or (xls 30 KB)
  • B-14. Gross domestic product of nonfinancial corporate business, 1959-98
    (wk4 35 KB) or (xls 54 KB)
  • B-15. Output, costs, and profits of nonfinancial corporate business, 1959-98
    (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 41 KB)
  • B-16. Personal consumption expenditures, 1959-98 (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-17. Real personal consumption expenditures, 1982-98 (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 37 KB)
  • B-18. Private gross fixed investment by type, 1959-98 (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-19. Real private gross fixed investment by type, 1982-98 (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • B-20. Government consumption expenditures and gross investment by type, 1959-98
    (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • B-21. Real government consumption expenditures and gross investment by type, 1982-98 (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-22. Inventories and final sales of domestic business, 1959-98 (wk4 27 KB) or (xls 44 KB)
  • B-23. Real inventories and final sales of domestic business, 1959-98
    (wk4 22 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • B-24. Foreign transactions in the national income and product accounts, 1959-98
    (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 48 KB)
  • B-25. Real exports and imports of goods and services and receipts and payments of factor income, 1982-98 (wk4 18 KB) or (xls 33 KB)
  • B-26. Relation of gross domestic product, gross national product, net national product, and national income, 1959-98 (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-27. Relation of national income and personal income, 1959-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-28. National income by type of income, 1959-98 (first half of the table)
    (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-28. National income by type of income, 1959-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-29. Sources of personal income, 1959-98 (first half of the table)
    (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-29. Sources of personal income, 1959-98 (second half of the table)
    (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-30. Disposition of personal income, 1959-98 (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-31. Total and per capita disposable personal income and personal consumption expenditures in current and real dollars, 1959-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-32. Gross saving and investment, 1959-98 (first half of the table)
    (wk4 34 KB) or (xls 53 KB)
  • B-32. Gross saving and investment, 1959-98 (second half of the table)
    (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-33. Median money income (in 1997 dollars) and poverty status of families and persons, by race, selected years, 1979-97 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 48 KB)

Population, Employment, Wages, and Productivity:

  • B-34. Population by age group, 1929-98 (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-35. Civilian population and labor force, 1929-98 (first half of the table)
    (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 30 KB)
  • B-35. Civilian population and labor force, 1929-98 (second half of the table)
    (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • B-36. Civilian employment and unemployment by sex and age, 1950-98
    (wk4 37 KB) or (xls 56 KB)
  • B-37. Civilian employment by demographic characteristic, 1955-98
    (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-38. Unemployment by demographic characteristic, 1955-98 (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • B-39. Civilian labor force participation rate and employment/population ratio, 1950-98
    (wk4 31 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-40. Civilian labor force participation rate by demographic characteristic, 1955-98
    (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 96 KB)
  • B-41. Civilian employment/population ratio by demographic characteristic, 1955-98
    (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • B-42. Civilian unemployment rate, 1950-98 (wk4 37 KB) or (xls 56 KB)
  • B-43. Civilian unemployment rate by demographic characteristic, 1955-98 (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • B-44. Unemployment by duration and reason, 1950-98 (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 48 KB)
  • B-45. Unemployment insurance programs, selected data, 1967-98 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-46. Employees on nonagricultural payrolls, by major industry, 1950-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 36 KB)
  • B-46. Employees on nonagricultural payrolls, by major industry, 1950-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-47. Hours and earnings in private nonagricultural industries, 1959-98
    (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-48. Employment cost index, private industry, 1980-98 (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • B-49. Productivity and related data, business sector, 1959-98 (wk4 34 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • B-50. Changes in productivity and related data, business sector, 1959-98 (wk4 34 KB) or (xls 53 KB)

Production and Business Activity:

  • B-51. Industrial production indexes, major industry divisions, 1948-98 (wk4 30 KB) or
    (xls 45 KB)
  • B-52. Industrial production indexes, market groupings, 1948-98 (wk4 38 KB) or (xls 58 KB)
  • B-53. Industrial production indexes, selected manufactures, 1948-98 (wk4 37 KB) or
    (xls 56 KB)
  • B-54. Capacity utilization rates, 1948-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 44 KB)
  • B-55. New construction activity, 1959-98 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-56. New housing units started and authorized, 1959-98 (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-57. Manufacturing and trade sales and inventories, 1954-98 (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-58. Manufacturers' shipments and inventories, 1954-98 (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • B-59. Manufacturers' new and unfilled orders, 1954-98 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)


  • B-60. Consumer price indexes for major expenditure classes, 1958-98 (wk4 31 KB) or
    (xls 49 KB)
  • B-61. Consumer price indexes for selected expenditure classes, 1958-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • B-61. Consumer price indexes for selected expenditure classes, 1958-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-62. Consumer price indexes for commodities, services, and special groups, 1958-98 (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-63. Changes in special consumer price indexes, 1960-98 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-64. Changes in consumer price indexes for commodities and services, 1929-98
    (wk4 33 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • B-65. Producer price indexes by stage of processing, 1954-98 (first half of the table)
    (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47KB)
  • B-65. Producer price indexes by stage of processing, 1954-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 34 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • B-66. Producer price indexes by stage of processing, special groups, 1974-98
    (wk4 27 KB) or (xls 44 KB)
  • B-67. Producer price indexes for major commodity groups, 1954-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 43 KB)
  • B-67. Producer price indexes for major commodity groups, 1954-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 41 KB)
  • B-68. Changes in producer price indexes for finished goods, 1960-98 (wk4 37 KB) or
    (xls 55 KB)

Money Stock, Credit, and Finance:

  • B-69. Money stock, liquid assets, and debt measures, 1959-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-70. Components of money stock measures and liquid assets, 1959-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 20 KB) or (xls 36 KB)
  • B-70. Components of money stock measures and liquid assets, 1959-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-71. Aggregate reserves of depository institutions and monetary base, 1959-98 (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 37 KB)
  • B-72. Bank credit at all commercial banks, 1973-98 (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • B-73. Bond yields and interest rates, 1929-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-73. Bond yields and interest rates, 1929-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 28 KB) or
    (xls 47 KB)
  • B-74. Credit market borrowing, 1988-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 44 KB)
  • B-74. Credit market borrowing, 1988-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 27 KB) or (xls 41 KB)
  • B-75. Mortgage debt outstanding by type of property and of financing, 1945-98 (wk4 31 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-76. Mortgage debt outstanding by holder, 1945-98 (wk4 26 KB) or (xls 41 KB)
  • B-77. Consumer credit outstanding, 1955-98 (wk4 22 KB) or (xls 35 KB)

Government Finance:

  • B-78. Federal receipts, outlays, surplus KB) or (deficit, and debt, selected fiscal years, 1929-2000 (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-79. Federal budget receipts, outlays, surplus KB) or (deficit, and debt, as percent of gross domestic product, fiscal years 1934-2000 (wk4 18 KB) or (xls 32 KB)
  • B-80. Federal receipts and outlays, by major category, and surplus KB) or (deficit, fiscal years 1940-2000 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 48 KB)
  • B-81. Federal receipts, outlays, deficit, and debt, fiscal years 1993-2000 (wk4 22 KB) or
    (xls 37 KB)
  • B-82. Federal Government receipts and current expenditures, national income and product accounts (NIPA), 1979-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-83. Federal and State and local government receipts and current expenditures, national income and product accounts (NIPA), 1959-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 44 KB)
  • B-84. Federal and State and local government receipts and current expenditures, national income and product accounts (NIPA), by major type, 1959-98 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 49 KB)
  • B-85. State and local government receipts and current expenditures, national income and product accounts (NIPA), 1959-98 (wk4 31 KB) or (xls 48 KB)
  • B-86. State and local government revenues and expenditures, selected fiscal years, 1927-96 (wk4 30 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-87. Interest-bearing public debt securities by kind of obligation, 1967-98 (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-88. Maturity distribution and average length of marketable interest-bearing public debt securities held by private investors, 1967-98 (wk4 26 KB) or (xls 40 KB)
  • B-89. Estimated ownership of public debt securities by private investors, 1978-98 (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 41 KB)

Corporate Profits and Finance:

  • B-90. Corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments, 1959-98 (wk4 16 KB) or (xls 30 KB)
  • B-91. Corporate profits by industry, 1959-98 (wk4 26 KB) or (xls 43 KB)
  • B-92. Corporate profits of manufacturing industries, 1959-98 (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • B-93. Sales, profits, and stockholders' equity, all manufacturing corporations, 1952-98 (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 43 KB)
  • B-94. Relation of profits after taxes to stockholders' equity and to sales, all manufacturing corporations, 1947-98 (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • B-95. Common stock prices and yields, 1956-98 (wk4 29 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • B-96. Business formation and business failures, 1955-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 45 KB)


  • B-97. Farm income, 1945-98 (wk4 22 KB) or (xls 36 KB)
  • B-98. Farm business balance sheet, 1950-97 (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 38 KB)
  • B-99. Farm output and productivity indexes, 1948-96 (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 32 KB)
  • B-100. Farm input use, selected inputs, 1948-98 (wk4 27 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • B-101. Indexes of prices received and prices paid by farmers, 1975-98 (wk4 24 KB) or
    (xls 42 KB)
  • B-102. U.S. exports and imports of agricultural commodities, 1940-98 (wk4 32 KB) or
    (xls 50 KB)

International Statistics:

  • B-103. U.S. international transactions, 1946-98 (first half of the table) (wk4 28 KB) or
    (xls 46 KB)
  • B-103. U.S. international transactions, 1946-98 (second half of the table) (wk4 27 KB) or
    (xls 45 KB)
  • B-104. U.S. international trade in goods by principal end-use category, 1965-98 (wk4 26 KB) or (xls 42 KB)
  • B-105. U.S. international trade in goods by area, 1989-98 (wk4 16 KB) or (xls 31 KB)
  • B-106. U.S. international trade in goods on balance of payments (BOP) and Census basis, and trade in services on BOP basis, 1974-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-107. International investment position of the United States at year-end, 1989-97 (wk4 17 KB) or (xls 31 KB)
  • B-108. Industrial production and consumer prices, major industrial countries, 1973-98 (wk4 31 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-109. Civilian unemployment rate, and hourly compensation, major industrial countries, 1973-98 (wk4 28 KB) or (xls 43 KB)
  • B-110. Foreign exchange rates, 1977-98 (wk4 0 KB) or (xls 47 KB)
  • B-111. International reserves, selected years, 1952-98 (wk4 18 KB) or (xls 32 KB)
  • B-112. Growth rates in real gross domestic product, 1980-98 (wk4 12 KB) or (xls 25 KB)

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