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Office of Pharmacy Affairs, HealthCare Systems Bureau/HRSA

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Other Contact Information

5600 Fishers Lane
Mail Stop 10C-03
Rockville, MD 20857

800-628-6297 (Voice - Toll-free)
301-594-4353 (Voice)
301-594-4982 (FAX)


The Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA), a component of the Health Resources and Services Administration's Healthcare Systems Bureau, has three primary functions: 1) administration of the 340B Drug Pricing Program, through which certain federally funded grantees and other safety net health care providers may purchase prescription medication at significantly reduced prices; 2) development of innovative pharmacy services models and technical assistance; and 3) service as a federal resource about pharmacy. In all of its activities, OPA emphasizes the importance of comprehensive pharmacy services being an integral part of primary health care. Comprehensive pharmacy services include patient access to affordable pharmaceuticals, application of "best practices" and efficient pharmacy management and the application of systems that improve patient outcomes through safe and effective medication use.

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Review Date

Wed Dec 10, 2008