National Cancer Institute
Office of Cancer Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
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Updated: 04/13/09


NCI's Cancer CAM Research Portfolio
OCCAM coordinates NCI's CAM research activities and assists in the growth of CAM research within the NCI by increasing the capacity of the various relevant programs to support that research and keep it integrated with other research in related areas (e.g. nutrition, natural products, and behavioral sciences).

OCCAM's Research Development and Support Program (RDSP)
The RDSP was created to develop funding opportunities and provide technical assistance to applicants.

Applying for Cancer CAM Grants
This section of the OCCAM website is designed to assist CAM grant applicants throughout the application process.

Funding Opportunities
Funding opportunities available for research in complementary and alternative medicine.

Information for Grantees
This section offers information for NIH grant recipients.

Additional Research Resources
A directory of research tools and services for cancer researchers.