Prior to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's passage, Governor Kaine's Chief of Staff, Wayne Turnage convened a working group of senior administration officials. Committee leads and their staffs were responsible for evaluating ARRA requirements for each respective policy area.

Governor's Stimulus Working Group

Committee* Policy Area of Recovery Act Staff Assigned Committee Person
Health and Human Services Medicaid and HHR Benefit Programs Patrick Finnerty and Secretary Marilyn Tavenner Patrick Finnerty and Secretary Marilyn Tavenner
Health IT Secretary Aneesh Chopra Secretary Aneesh Chopra
Education K-12 Education
Various Grants
Patricia Wright Patricia Wright
Higher Education
Financial Aid
Daniel LaVista Dan Timberlake
Transportation Transportation Secretary Pierce Homer Barbara Reese
Commerce and Trade Housing William Shelton Craig Burns
Economic Development William Shelton Craig Burns
Trade Assistance and UI Lyn Hammond Brian Shepard
Job Training Gail Robinson Wayne Turnage
Aid to Rural Localities William Shelton Secretary Richard Brown
Broadband Secretary Aneesh Chopra Secretary Aneesh Chopra
Natural Resources Energy Steve Walz Brian Shepard
Environment/Clean Water Secretary Preston Bryant Secretary Preston Bryant
Public Safety Law Enforcement Barry Green Craig Burns
Homeland Security Secretary Robert Crouch Brian Shepard
Veteran Services Vince Burgess Brian Shepard
------------------- Taxation Janie Bowen Secretary Richard Brown

*View the committee federal guidelines by clicking on the individual committee names above or by going here.

Project Evaluation and Selection

Between the launch of on February 10 and the deadline for submissions on March 6, more than 9,000 project proposals were put forward by citizens, localities, and other groups. Now that the project solicitation phase of Virginia’s program to implement the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has concluded, the Governor’s Stimulus Working Group has sent these project proposals to the Cabinet Secretaries who lead Virginia’s major executive agencies for review and evaluation. Cabinet Secretaries will ensure compliance with applicable federal rules and make recommendations to Governor Kaine regarding which projects merit stimulus-related funding. Detailed information on those projects that are chosen will be made available as the Governor completes his selection decisions.


Accountability and Transparency

The ARRA makes it very clear that every taxpayer dollar spent on our economic recovery will be subject to unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability. Five crucial objectives for ARRA funds include:

  1. Recovery funds are awarded and distributed in a prompt, fair, and reasonable manner.  
  2. The recipients and uses of all recovery funds are transparent to the public, and that the public benefits of these funds are reported clearly, accurately, and in a timely manner.  
  3. Recovery funds are used for authorized purposes and every step is taken to prevent instances of fraud, waste, error, and abuse.  
  4. Projects funded under the recovery legislation avoid unnecessary delays and cost overruns.  
  5. Programs meet specific goals and targets, and contribute to improved performance on broad economic indicators.

The ARRA also includes extensive provisions to ensure that states spend funds in ways that are consistent with its purposes. Requirements include:

  • Certifications by governors or local officials that infrastructure expenditures have been fully reviewed and are an appropriate use of tax dollars.  
  • Public access to contract and grant information, including requests for proposals for competitive grant programs.  
  • Provisions for federal oversight, reviews, and audits coordinated by a Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board.  
  • Access by federal inspectors and the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board to information needed to ensure accountability at the national level.

States receiving funds are required to report the following information to the federal government:

  • How funds are being used.  
  • Descriptions and status reports on stimulus-related projects.  
  • Estimates of jobs saved or created by federal stimulus activities.  
  • Estimates of tax increases averted because of federal stimulus funds.

To set the stage for state agencies and institutions of higher education in Virginia to meet these objectives, the Governor’s Chief of Staff a guidance memorandum (pdf, 41kb) to every agency head. The Office of Management and Budget has also issued detailed guidance.


The signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on February 17, 2009 marked the beginning of a 45-day window for each state to claim the funds allocated to it by the Act. Accordingly, Governor Kaine had 45 days to certify his plan to "request and use" funds from the ARRA and to use the funds to create jobs and promote economic growth. Governor Kaine issued a certification for Virginia on March 3, 2009. Additional certifications will be issued as required under the ARRA.