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Recent News & Events
Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System
To find out if a Pennsylvania mortgage company or loan originator is licensed to do business by the Department of Banking, check our Financial Institution Search and our list of transitioning licensees. For assistance, please call licensing at 717-787-3717.  Learn more…
Debt Management Services Act
Debt Management/Debt Settlement Update
The Debt Management Services Act is effective Feb. 6, 2009. Providers of debt management services in Pennsylvania must be licensed by the Department of Banking. PA Commonwealth Court has enjoined by the Department from enforcing the debt settlement provisions of the Act.
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mortgageforeclosure New Mortgage Regulation and Laws          
Find information on the Department's recently published regulation for proper conduct of lending and brokering the mortgage business and the mortgage reform bills, including the consumer mortgage disclosure form. Learn more…
Pennsylvania is Here to Help
Here to Help
The Commonwealth has numerous resources to help Pennsylvania families struggling through tough economic times, including job loss, foreclosure and high energy costs.  Learn more…


Have a Question?  Need Help? 
Consumers in Pennsylvania can contact the Department of Banking toll-free at 1-800-PA-BANKS or by submitting a request online.  Our staff can provide accurate information and honest advice on a variety of consumer financial issues.  Learn more… 
Commonwealth Budget
Governor Edward G. Rendell’s proposed 2009-2010 spending plan will help put more Pennsylvanians to work, rebuild the state’s infrastructure, shore up key industries, make businesses more competitive, and, ultimately, position the state to emerge from the challenging times stronger. 
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Right to Know
Pennsylvania has specific procedures for requesting records from state government.  Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 302.A of the Department of Banking Code, the Department is broadly prohibited from disclosing most of the records in its possession.  Therefore, most of the records in the Department’s possession are not available to the public under the RTKL.  Learn more...

Consumer Information
Hansen Financial Services, Inc. d/b/a Hansen Mortgage Services, Inc. d/b/a
Hansen Financial Services, Inc. dba Hansen Mortgage Services, Inc. dba has entered into a final Consent Agreement and Order and will pay a fine for not having sufficient internal controls, conducting mortgage business from unlicensed locations, transacting business in a name not designated on its license and not maintaining the minimum net worth required to hold a loan correspondent license.  Learn more...
Fort McIntosh Mortgage Company , Eugene D. Miley, Jr. and Melissa A. Miley
The above parties have entered into a final Consent Agreement and Order for selling securities without a license, failing to disclose its securities business to the Department and making material misstatements on a license application.  The company will surrender its mortgage license, Eugene Miley is prohibited from working in the mortgage business in Pennsylvania for life and Melissa Miley is prohibited from working in the mortgage business for three years.  Learn more...

PaymentsFirst, Inc. and Assignbyweb and Roger Sheftel
The Department has issued a final Cease & Desist order against the above parties for engaging in the business of money transmission in Pennsylvania without a license.  PaymentsFirst must also reimburse to clients money it received but did not disperse.  Learn more...

Watkins Chevrolet, Inc.
Watkins Chevrolet, Inc. has entered into a final Consent Agreement and Order and will pay a fine for engaging in the business of an installment seller without a license.  Learn more...

Universal Capital Services, Inc. d/b/a U.S. Mortgage Line
Universal Capital Services, Inc. d/b/a U.S. Mortgage Line has entered into a final Consent Agreement and Order and will pay a fine for engaging in false and misleading advertisingLearn more...

Robert P. Valentin and Nationwide Foreclosure Prevention Center, LLC 
Robert P. Valentin and Nationwide Foreclosure Prevention Center, LLC have entered into a final Consent Agreement and Order and will pay a fine for engaging in unlicensed activity.  Learn more...  

Federal Loan Modification Law Center LLC.
The Department issued a final Cease and Desist Order against Federal Loan Modification Law Center LLC for advertising to make new loans or refinance mortgages for Pennsylvania consumers in the mortgage modification process when it was not licensed to do so.  Learn more...
U.S. Settlement Services 

The Department issued a final Cease and Desist Order against U.S. Settlement Services for advertising to refinance mortgages for Pennsylvania consumers in the mortgage modification process when it was not licensed to do so.  Learn more...

Consumer Loan Modification
The Department issued a final Cease and Desist Order against Consumer Loan Modification for advertising to refinance mortgages for Pennsylvania consumers in the mortgage modification process when it was not licensed to do so.  Learn more...

Main Line Capital Inc. and Thomas P. Girone
Main Line Capital and Thomas P. Girone have entered into a final Consent Agreement and Order and have agreed to surrender their Pennsylvania mortgage broker license for providing a material misstatement on a report submitted to the Department, committing to close loans while licensed as a broker, allowing unlicensed loan officers to solicit and negotiate mortgage loans, and inadequate internal controls. 
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Aaron Thompson
The Department of Banking has issued a final order to prohibit Aaron Thompson, former office supervisor at People's Home Mortgage, from working in the mortgage business in Pennsylvania.  Learn more...


Employee Access
Log on to the Department of Banking Employee Intranet.  Learn more...

Secretary of Banking
Governor - Edward G. Rendell

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