Financial Aid
Patient Support
Family Support
Pain Management
Financial Aid

One important aspect of the Hirshberg Foundation’s mission is to be recognized as a patient support and reference source for pancreatic cancer patients and their families. Since 1998 the Foundations has contributed an annual grant to Cancer Care, Inc, which provides financial support for pancreatic cancer patients.

Cancer can have a devastating impact on a person's financial well-being. Costs related to transportation to and from treatment, pain medication, child care, and home care can be overwhelming for patients and loved ones.

The following services are provided through our grant program at Cancer Care.

Limited Financial assistance for Transportation/Treatment costs, Home Care Pain medication, and Childcare.

Who is Eligible?

  • Any person diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with maximum liquid assets of $15,000
  • MedicAid eligible or MedicAid pending

To apply, please call Cancer Care at (800) 813-4673 and ask for the Hirshberg Pancreatic Program.

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