Opelia Opelinia opens doors to GSA customer needs by preserving our heritage

Opelia Opelinia, Assistant Property Manager, Public Buildings Service, San Francisco, CA, said, I really love it. As a matter of fact, this is exactly where I had wanted to be.
  • - Every day that Opelia Opelinia goes to work at GSA, she steps back in history. She has the envious job of managing two historic buildings in San Francisco: the U.S. Custom House and the U.S. Appraisers Building.

    Opelia Opelinia
    Opelia Opelinia relaxes atop the U.S. Appraiser's Building with the stunning San Francisco skyline behind her.
  • - Opelinia began her career with GSA as a receptionist in the Sansome Field Office and worked her way up to where she now serves as the assistant property manager for the two historic buildings.

  • - “I really love it. As a matter of fact, this is exactly where I had wanted to be,” she said.

  • - The history of the Custom House dates to the early years of the 20th century. A design competition for the U.S. Custom House was launched in 1905, and excavation was completed before the earthquake and fire of April 18-21, 1906. San Francisco's business and financial districts were almost completely destroyed by the fire, with the exception of a few buildings, including the Appraisers Building where the Custom records were stored.

  • - Since Opelinia's arrival at GSA, she's noted a few changes in the agency and likes what she sees - especially with GSA taking the lead in constructing “green” buildings.

  • - “They've made a lot of improvements and changes in the organization in how GSA meets the customer's needs - not just to meet the quality needs, but to be environmentally friendly. It kind of opens up the door too - as a good role model to other state and federal government departments, ” she said.
Last Reviewed 11/3/2008