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Semiannual Report to Congress

The IG Act requires each Inspector General in the Federal Government to prepare a Semiannual Report, which summarizes the activities of his or her respective office for the past six months.
The report for October 1 to March 31 is submitted to the Chairman of the Agency no later than April 30, and the report for April 1 to September 30 is submitted by October 31.

The Chairman may comment on the report but may not change it. Within 30 days of receipt, the Chairman transmits the report to Congress, together with management’s report on the status of audit and inspection recommendations and agreed-upon actions, and any remarks by the Chairman.

Reporting Requirements
The reporting requirements for the Semiannual Report are contained in section 5 of the IG Act. The President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency and the Office of Management and Budget have provided additional guidance on the content of the report. Items normally included in the report are the following:

  • Description of significant problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of FCA’s programs and operations
  • Recommendations and agreed-upon actions
  • Significant recommendations or agreed-upon actions from previous semiannual reports that have not been carried out
  • Matters referred to prosecutive authorities and the results of those prosecutions
  • Selected Regulatory Commentary summaries and Agency responses
  • Statistical tables

The report may also include other information concerning relevant topics.

Report Distribution
The Semiannual Report is available to the public and is widely distributed throughout the Government. You can access all Semiannual Reports since September 30, 1989, on the FCA Web site at Seminannual Reports to Congress.

